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1 1997-98 General Catalog1997University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)University of Utah Bulletin 97/98 General Catalog
2 Catalytic upgrading of Asphalt Ridge bitumen over hydrodenitrogenation catalysts (Abstract only)1997The bitumen extracted from Asphalt Ridge oil sands was hydrotreated over three sulfided NiMo/y-Alumina hydrodenitrogenation catalysts in a fixed bed reactor to study the extent of upgrading as a function of process variables and catalyst. The process variables investigated were temperature (619-685 ...
3 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) 1996-19971997Year end report; University of Utah staff; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
4 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19971997University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
5 Baseline scenario 19971997-09
6 Qget quality growth efficiency tools1997-12In the last six years Utah has experienced an unprecedented economic boom. Economic growth has attracted large numbers of residents from other states to Utah. High in-migration, combined with a consistently growing resident population, has applied pressure on Utah's existing transportation, water, ...
7 QGET: quality growth efficiency tools databook1997-07In the last six years Utah has experienced an unprecedented economic boom. Economic growth has attracted large numbers of residents from other states to Utah. High in-migration, combined with a consistently growing resident population, has applied pressure on Utah's existing transportation, educat...
8 Quality growth efficiency tools: progress report1997-04The Quality Growth Efficiency Tools project team has been meeting since July 1996 to develop a process and set of tools to improve the quality of growth related information to plan for Utah's future. The Project's stated purpose is to improve the technical and analytical models used to forecast gr...
9 Development of an eastern shale oil residue as an asphalt additive: Subtask 2.51997-08-11eastern shale oil residue; asphalt additive; western shale oil-derived asphalt additive; oxidative age hardening; shale oil chemistryAn evaluation of eastern shale oil as an asphalt additive to reduce oxidative age hardening and moisture susceptibility is being conducted. An eastern shale oil residue having a viscosity of 1.30 Pa.s at 60° C (140°F) was blended with three different petroleum-derived asphalts that are known to be...
10 The extraction of bitumen from western oil sands: Volume 11997-11-26oil sand research and development; bitumen surface tension; Utah bitumensThe Oil Sand Research and Development Group at the University of Utah revised and updated the environmental assessment of the impact of projected program-related activities for the 1994-1996 contract period in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act.
11 The extraction of bitumen from western oil sands: Volume 21997-11-26bitumen extraction; western oil sands; oil sands; synthetic fuels; natural bitumen; thermally-coupled fluidized-bed tar sands extraction processIn these days of plentiful fuel supplies, synthetic fuels are not in demand; but with the current rate of consumption of oil the importance of synthetic fuels will only increase. The United States currently imports 50% of its transportation fuel and such a dependence could be potentially dangerous, ...
12 UUSAC olympic oversight committee 1997-19981997-06-26CommitteesAgenda and organizational chart for the Olympic Oversight Committee
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