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1 Directory of State of Utah statistics 19711971-09The Directory of State of Utah Statistics has been developed in response to the need for a fairly comprehensive guide to statistical information published by the State. The Directory is intended to fulfill two objectives. The first and major objective is to make available to policy makers, planners ...
2 Guidelines for library space partnerships2014Guidelines for library space partnerships
3 Part 7
4 Appendices 1.9: Integrated Information technology strategic planUniversity of Utah 2006 Report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Appendices for Standard 1: Institutional Mission and Goals, Planning and Effectiveness. 1.9: Integrated Information Technology Strategic Plan
5 Utah energy: Perspective on unconventional fuels development2010-04-28Utah energy; oil shale basins; unconventional fuels.Utah energy goals: 1) Affordable energy 2) Sustainable economy 3) Strengthen energy security and independence 4) Reduce emissions
6 AAU, associations, and members file amicus brief to support lawsuits against administration's H1-B visa restrictions2020-10-30The brief supports the complaint filed by Purdue University, the University of Michigan, and Indiana University and 14 other plaintiffs against the Labor Department's rule that would make it more difficult for high-skilled foreign workers with college degrees to acquire H-1B visas.
7 Part 4
8 Integrated information technology strategic plan2005-10-10Technology, Documentation; Technology, Information servicesThe Integrated Information Technology Strategic Plan is the result of ongoing agreement and consensus of representative faculty, students, and professional information technology staff to serve client needs within the scope and mission of the University of Utah. The University's Information Technolo...
9 Utah economic and demographic profiles1988-08Data users in the public and private sectors frequently are in need of economic and demographic information about the State of Utah. More often than not, however, the needed data is found in numerous government reports, located at several different places, for variousy ears. This report, Utah Econom...
10 Required Documentation 1.2a(i): Goal Achievement - Integrated Information TechnologyThe University of Utah 2006 Self-Study Required Documentation: Standards 1-4. Standard 1: Institutional Mission and goals, Planning and Effectiveness. Part 2: Analysis and Appraisal of Outcomes. Section A(i):Goal Achievement - Integrated Information Technology
11 Required Documentation 2.1(ii)a: Annual goals and assessment of success in their accomplishmentThe University of Utah 2006 Self-Study Required Documentation: Standards 1-4. Standard 2: Educational Program and Its Effectiveness. Part 1: General Requirements and Undergraduate Program. Section 2: Inventory of documents A: Annual goals and assessment of success in their accomplishment
12 Policy options for Utah2008-05-23energy strategy; Utah energy strategy; energy efficiency; conservation.UTAH ENERGY STRATEGY: 1-Diversify Energy Portfolio of Renewables and Non-Renewables 2-Improve Energy Efficiency and Conservation 3-Improve Environmental Quality and Reduce Greenhouse Gases 4-Develop Transmission and Transportation 5-Strengthen Energy Security 6-Promote Economic Development 7-Maintai...
13 Environmental technologies applicable to shale development: Integrating simulation and experiment2008-11-13oil shale technologies; oil shale; environmental technologies; shale developmentPresentation given at the Utah Oil Shale Resources and Technology Update, November 13, 2008, The Leonardo, Salt Lake City, Utah.
14 Section 2
15 UPED index to parameters and exogenous variables data sources and calibration procedures
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17 Millennium synfuels project: Retort process characterization2008-03-12synefuels; retort process; retort process characterization; energy security; retorting technology; oil shale processing; hybrid energy system; HES-Energy security issue has led to interest in coal-to-liquids technologies, -One approach use retorting technology commonly associated with oil shale processing, -Hybrid Energy System (HES) technology developed by: Millennium Synfuels, LLC - joint venture of Ambre Energy Pty, Ltd (Australia) and Oil...
18 Ending the energy stalemate: A bipartisan strategy to meet America's energy challenges2004-12Energy; Greenhouse gas emissions; Energy supplies; Energy security; Global climate change; National energy policy; Future U.S. energy policy; Bipartisan; Oil security; Vehicle fuel economy standards; Energy efficiency; Sustainable energy; Hybrid vehicles; Natural gas; Refrigerator; Alaska natural ga...This report recommends a revenue-neutral package of measures designed to ensure affordable and reliable supplies of energy for the twenty-first century while responding to growing concern about energy security and the risks of global climate change driven by energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. ...
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22 Appendices 7.17: New Administrator's Workshop: Budget and Financial StewardshipUniversity of Utah 2006 Report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Appendices for Standard 7: Finance. 7.17: New Administrator's Workshop: Budget and Financial Stewardship
23 Unconventional fuel development in the western United States: Integrated assessment of water resources, carbon, and energy impacts and management strategies2009unconventional fuels; water resources; carbon; energy impacts; fossil fuels; oil shale; CO2 imprint; CO2 capture and sequestration.The Western United States contains rich fossil resources including abundant supplies of oil shale that could be used to develop substantial quantities of transportation fuel, enhancing energy security in the United States. Development of these resources poses significant questions regarding water re...
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25 Utah State 1 - Plate 42014oil yeild; Green River Formation; well log; core log
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