201 - 225 of 540
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201 Critical issues in Utah's future: volume II1977-02
202 Tar sand research and development at the University of Utah1987tar sand research; tar sand development; hydrocarbon recovery; extensive tar sand deposits; in situ thermal production; bitumen; surface mining; hydrocarbon liquidThe recovery of hydrocarbon values from the extensive tar sand deposits of North America has generally been approached by one of two methods: in situ thermal production of the bitumen or of a bitumen-derived liquid or surface mining of the deposit followed by processing of the mined ore. In either a...
203 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory oil shale (May 1989)1989-05isothermal pyrolisis kinetics; dust; oil shale; oil generation; micropyrolysisI. Isothermal Pyrolysis Kinetics. II. Dust.
204 Shale oil value enhancement research - Quarterly report: October 1- December 31, 19961996shale oil; value enhancement; flow THDA reactor system; KPX product slateConcurrent activities are ongoing in all key area, namely, (a) construction and startup of a flow THDA reactor system, (b) development of KPX product slate, and (c) conducting industrial liaison for assembly of the KPX consortium. Excellent progress is being made in all cases. Our market analysis an...
205 Vol 31 No 9
206 Appendices 7.20: Annual Financial Report FY 2003-2005University of Utah 2006 Report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Appendices for Standard 7: Finance. 7.20: Annual Financial Report FY 2003-2005
207 Barriers to industrial development in Utah's portion of the four corners region1970-06-01Utah's portion of the Four Corners area is composed of the 21 counties which are south and/or east of Salt Lake County. The Utah Four Corners area covers 65,000 square miles which is approximately 80 percent of the state. The are a has a population of 274,500 dispersed throughout the region in a ver...
208 Canyonlands completion: negotiating the borders2009-08-20Canyonlands National ParkThink tank on Wallace Stegner and Western lands, Honors College, University of Utah, 2008-2009
209 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2012 to December 20122013-01ICSE; Oil shale; oil sands; CO2 management; Uinta Basin; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal processing; White River oil shale; Green River Formation; American Shale Oil; AMSO; X-ray flourescence; Pyrolysis; Demineralized kerogenThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
210 Report on the development and implementation of the Utah process land use and tax base model1974-09The preparation of this report was financially aided through a Federal Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, under the Comprehensive Planning Assistance Pregram authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended.
211 Utah coal-market potential and economic impact1968-09Coal is one of Utah's most interesting natural resources. This mineral has had a major impact on Utah, its industry, and its people. As clearly shown by this study, the future of coal i s dependent upon finding new uses in power generation, gasification and liquefaction. Of these three possible sour...
212 AM_Liberal Education Program
213 Libraries and Museums, Research and Service Agencies
214 University Faculty and Administration, Index
215 A new electronic gain device for high-temperature applications1976-07This report deals with a new integrated thermionic device capable of withstanding ambient temperatures in excess of 500°C, which eliminates the problems associated with earlier versions. The history of the ITC (Integrated Thermionic Circuit) is traced along with Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LA...
216 Method of separating bitumen from tar sand with cold solvent1976-11-23Bitumen; Tar sand; Separation; Solvent extraction; Cold solventA method for separating bitumen from tar sand by solvent extraction with efficient separation of water from the recovered bitumen is disclosed. Tar sand may often be recovered by surface mining techniques. The tar sand is comprised of bitumen, water and sand including clays. The tar sand is contacte...
217 Part 9
218 Shale oil value enhancement research - Quarterly report: December 1, 1994 - February 28, 19951995shale oil; value enhancementThe quarter's efforts were aimed towards completing phase-l. We expect to complete phase-l in the next quarter. The final in phase-l will produce the new economic estimates to use as guidelines for phase-l I activities. Progress on phase-ll has been initiated with the focus being on completing fabri...
219 Student Activities
220 Solar Parking Project2011Solar Energy; Parking; University of UtahFeasibility study to install photo voltaic structures at the University of Utah.
221 Chapter 8 Part 2
222 Research and Service Agencies Libraries and Museums
223 Core-based integrated sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical analysis of the oil shale bearing Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah2011-04Utah; Green River Formation; Lake Uinta; Mahogany zone; Lake evolution; Oil shale development; Uinta BasinAn integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green River Formation has found that Lake Uinta evolved in three phases 1) a freshwater rising lake phase below the Mahogany zone, 2) an anoxic deep lake phase above the base of the Mahogany zone and 3) a hypersali...
224 Inventory of Sunnyside Tar Sands data: Located at the Utah Geological Survey2004-05-18Sunnyside Tar Sands data; Utah geological survey
225 Oil-impregnated sandstone mapping project Nine Mile Canyon area Carbon and Duchesne Counties, Utah: A field examination for the Utah Geological Survey1971-10-04Tributaries; Nine Mile canyon; Argyle canyon; Uinta Basin; Deltaic facies; Green River Formation; Parachute CreekA reconnaissance survey of tributaries to Nine Mile and Argyle canyons in the southern Uinta Basin showed widespread but erratic distribution of oil-impregnated sandstones. The occurrences are mainly in the Deltaic facies of the Green River formation. The bituminous material is believed to have been...
201 - 225 of 540