176 - 200 of 540
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176 Demographic trends and high development "The Utah MX Baby Bomb"1981-04
177 Chapter 15
178 Investor, Economic, Licensing, Regulatory and Reserve Valuation Issues2011-03-21underground coal gasification; UCG; valuation issues; financial modelling; UCG sitesUCG Training Course, March 21-22, 2011, Deloitte, London
179 Mining Eng
180 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) 1997-1998 binder 2Year end report; University of Utah staff; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
181 Standard 7: FinanceA report by the University of Utah for the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities prepared in 2006, Standard 7: Finance.
182 Tar sand: Technology status report1990-01tar sand; technology status report; gas-free bitumen; tar sand bitumenTar Sand is defined as any consolidated or unconsolidated rock, exclusive of coal, gilsonite, or oil shale, that contains a hydrocarbonaceous material with a gas-free bitumen viscosity greater than 10,000 centipoise (cP) at reservoir temperatures. Figure 1 graphically relates tar sand to heavy and l...
183 Economic potential of state-owned lands in the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area Carbon County, Utah1985The Sunnyside oil-impregnated (tar sand) deposit is located in the southwestern portion of the Uinta Basin, approximately 25 miles east of Price, Utah (fig. 1). The tar sands are located in the Wasatch Formation and in the Douglas Creek Member of the Green River Formation, with up to 32 individual b...
184 The extraction of bitumen from western oil sands1994-03bitumen extraction; western oil sands; oil sands; final report; oil sand recovery technologies; environmental impacts; health and safety proceduresThe information required for compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) has been documented in this section. This final report has been prepared to reflect the research and development activities performed under the cooperative agreement 89MC26268 between the University of Utah...
185 The extraction of bitumen from western oil sandsOil Sand Research and Development program; oil sand; bitumen; PR Spring oil sand deposit; bitumen extractionThe information required for compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) has been documented in this section. This final report has been prepared to reflect the research and development activities performed under the cooperative agreement 89MC26268 between the University of Utah...
186 Morgantown Energy Technology Center publications list, FY 881989-02Morgantown Energy Technology Center; METCThe Publications List includes the scientific and technical reports and papers authored by the Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC) staff as well as those written by METC contractors during Fiscal Year 1988. The reports and papers are arranged by METC areas of expertise: Arctic and Offshore, C...
187 Secure fuels from domestic resources: The continuing evolution of America's oil shale and tar sands industries2007-06secure fuels; domestic fuel; energy security; foreign imports; oil; oil conservation; fuel conservation; domestic fuel; bio-fuels.Energy security is essential to preserve America's economic strength and national security. Reducing our dependence on foreign imports of oil and refined products is essential to achieving the energy security objective. Import reductions can be achieved in two fundamental ways--reducing our demand f...
188 Tar-sand resources of the Uinta Basin, Utah: A catalog of deposits1996-05tar sand; oil-impregnated sandstone; tar sand resources; solid hydrocarbon deposits; bitumous sandstoneTar-sand, or oil-impregnated sandstone, deposits and occurrences of the Uinta Basin, Utah are summarized and presented. Twenty five tar-sand deposits/occurrences are reviewed with respect to geology, locations of bitumen saturated outcrops, land ownership, physiography, bitumen-analyses, development...
189 Brief history and recent developments in tar sand deposits of Uinta Basin1985Commercial production of oil from bituminous sandstones, more commonly referred to as "Tar sands", is considered by many to be a viable project. These so-called "heavy oil" deposits represent a very considerable reserve of oil for the future. The Uinta basin is Mother Nature's storehouse of exotic b...
190 Shale oil value enhancement research - Quarterly report: October 1 - December 31, 19931993Shale oil; value enhancement; molecular types of shale oilThe first year of this effort was focussed on the following broad objectives: -Analyze the molecular types present in shale oil (as a function of molecular weight distribution ); - Determine the behavior of these molecular types in liquid-liquid extraction; -Develop the analytical tools needed to sy...
191 Vol 30 No 6
192 Part 999
193 State and regional control of geological carbon sequestration2010-12-31geological carbon sequestration; geologic sequestration; carbon captureThe United States has economically recoverable coal reserves of about 261 billion tons, which is in excess of a 250-year supply based on 2009 consumption rates. However, in the near future the use of coal may be legally restricted because of concerns over the effects of its combustion on atmospheric...
194 State and Regional Control of Geological Carbon Sequestration Topical Report - Reporting Period July 1, 2008 to September 30 20102011-03control of geological carbon sequestration; IOGCC; Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission; CO2 emissionsThe United States has economically recoverable coal reserves of about 261 billion tons, which is in excess of a 250‐year supply based on 2009 consumption rates. However, in the near future the use of coal may be legally restricted because of concerns over the effects of its combustion on atmospher...
195 Vol 31 No 12
196 Analyses of oil extracted from oil-impregnated sandstone deposits in Utah1972-01This study, in progress from 1967 to 1970, is part of a systematic effort to find, map and sample Utah's oil-impregnated rock deposits. Samples were collected by ten individuals in field parties who examined oil-impregnated rock occurrences throughout the state. Samples 68-3A and 68-4A are from aban...
197 AL_Liberal Education Program
198 Attachment 2 - Statement of program objectives: Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources2009-09-24ICSE; University of Utah; Energy; Oil shale; Oil sands; CO2 capture; Liquid fuel; In-situ thermal processing; NOx emissions; CO2 emissions; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Efficient CO2 capture; Large Eddy Simulation; LESThe University of Utah (the Recipient), via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (the Institute), shall pursue research to improve industry's ability to utilize the vast energy stored in domestic oil shale and oil sands resources in a manner that shall minimize environmental impact and effect...
199 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2010 to June 20102010-07-31ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; Oxy-fuel; CO2 capture; OXYFLAM; Uinta Basin; Utah; Parachute Creek Member; X-ray microtomography; Freen River oil; Kerogen; Thermal gravimetric analyzer experimentsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program continued its efforts to enhance the dialogue between...
200 Part 9999999
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