176 - 200 of 434
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176 Environmental, health, safety, and socioeconomic impacts associated with oil recovery from tar-sand deposits in the United States1981-09-12tar sand; tar sand resources; oil recovery; petroleum extractionThe tar-sand resources of the United States have the potential to yield as much as 36 billion barrels (bbls) of oil. The tar-sand petroleum-extraction technologies now being considered for commercialization in the United States include both surface (above-ground) systems and in situ (underground) pr...
177 Research investigations in oil shale, tar sand, coal research, advanced exploratory process technology, and advanced fuels research: Volume 1--base program1994-05oil shale; tar sand; coal research; dvanced exploratory process technology; advanced fuels research; COMPCOALThis report summarizes the major research investigations conducted by the Western Research Institute under Cooperative Agreement DE-FC21-86MC11076 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) over the period October 1986 through September 1993. In 1989 a Jointly Sponsored Research Program (JSRP) was inc...
178 UUSAC salary, wage and benefits 1993-19941994Salary; University of Utah employeesUniversity of Utah salary and wages information for campus employees for 1993-1994.
179 Procedure for using the matrix inversion routinethe spint modity programs allow the used to modity a spint matrix. It also, copies information at the beginning and end of a life which allows it to process impact files, etc.
180 015_University Faculty and Administration
181 Colleges, Schools and Divisions
182 National Strategic Unconventional Resource Model- A decision support system2005National Strategic Unconventional Resource model; unconventional resources; DOE; process economics; oil; heavy oil; oil sands; oil shaleSupporting documentation for a model produced by DOE to assess the requirements, process economics, and potential benefits of producing oil from heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale under a variety of resource and market conditions.
183 1956-57 General Catalog1956University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah, Volume 47, June, 1956, No. 5. Catalogue of the University of Utah. Announcement for 1956-57.
184 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - April 2013-June 20132013domestic oil sands; domestic oil shale; ICSE; unconventional fuels development; life-cycle analysisThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
185 Folder Insert (UUSAC: Cathey Eckart Chair)University of Utah staff; University of Utah organization; Staff policiesPolicies and procedures for University of Utah staff. Includes examples of the FYI newletter, campus maps, organizational charts, etc.
186 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - July 1, 2011 to September 30, 20112011-09domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; OFCThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
187 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - July 1, 2012 to September 30, 20122012-10-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; ICSE; Oxy-CoalThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
188 Honors Program, University Studies Degree, Enrichment Programs
189 Influence of biodegradation on the chemical composition of heavy oil and bitumen1987biodegredation; chemical composition of heavy oil and bitumen; heavy oil; bitumen; biodegredation of petroleumBiodegradation of petroleum is a selective metabolism of special organic compounds by an ensemble of microorganisms. It apparently starts under aerobic conditions, which are provided in areas invaded by surfacederived, oxygen-rich formation waters. Bacteria introduced into an oil pool with meteoric ...
190 Transmittal of geochemical results Tar Sand Triangle, Circle Cliffs, and San Rafael Swell outcrop samples1987-10-13geochemical evaluation; Tar Sand Triangle; outcrop samples; heavy oilGeochemical evaluation of, heavy oil from twelve selected outcrop samples collected by UGMS geologists is complete. Four samples each from the Tar Sand Triangle, Circle Cliffs, and San Rafael Swell were included in this study. Extracts from the White Rim Sandstone host rock (Permian) and Moenkopi Fo...
191 Nitric oxide destruction during coal and char oxidation under pulverized-coal combustion conditions2004nitric oxide destruction; coal and char oxidation; pulverized-coal combustion; particle distribution; conversion efficiencyA modified drop-tube reactor that allows particle distribution over the reactor cross-sectional area, and oxidation of chars produced in situ, was used to study the conversion efficiency of char nitrogen to nitric oxide (aNO). The results confirm previous findings by other investigators that aNO dec...
192 Third Annual Oil Shale, Tar Sand and Mild Gasification Contractors Review Meeting: Agenda, project synopses, lists of participants1988-07oil shale; tar sand; mild gasification contractors; review meeting
193 CO2 capture from fossil energy power plants2008-05-23CO2 capture; Fossil energy power plants; Clean Coal Technologies; CCT; CO2 Capture and Storage; CCS; Coal power plants; PC plants; Post combustion CO2 removal; Chilled ammonia; Retrofit of CCS to existing coal plants; Climate Legislation; Global climate concernsClean Coal Technologies (CCT) and CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) - Presentation Outline: 1-Overview--Options for Response to Global Climate concerns. 2-CCS crucial to meet Goals of proposed Climate Legislation. 3-CCS Options for Coal Power Plants. 4-PC Post Combustion CO2 Removal-Status, Chilled Ammo...
194 Fischer Assay Data, Utah Geological Survey Well Number U0222008This dataset contains the results of Fischer assay analyses obtained and published by the Utah Geological Survey for well U022.
195 Remote measurement of Flare gas flow rate using a video imaging spectral radiometer2019Flares are commonly used at industrial facilities (e.g., oil and gas extraction and production sites, gas processing plants, oil refineries, and petrochemical manufacturing plants) to safely dispose of process gases (i.e. waste gases). Waste gases may be produced due to process upset or because they...
196 Stratigraphy and origin of the Moenkopi Formation (Triassic) of southeastern Utah1973-01Moenkopi Formation; stratigraphy; regional stratigraphy of southeastern UtahIn southeastern Utah, the Triassic Moenkopi Formation is composed mainly of red and yellowish-gray siltstone, sandstone, mudstone, and limestone. Continuity of individual units is one of the characteristics of this formation and provides a basic for regional correlation. For the purpose of this stud...
197 AH_Costs & Financial Assistance
198 Isothermal pyrolysis and char combustion of oil shales1988-02-03isothermal pyrolysis; char combustion; oil shale; hydrocarbon product formation; flash-pyrolysis oilYields and rates of hydrocarbons evolved during pyrolysis of oil shales have been measured with improved accuracy. Green River and New Albany oil shales were heated in a fluidized sand bed, and volatile pyrolysis products were transferred to a combustion tube and burned. Resulting H20 and C02 were d...
199 Required Documentation 4.3: Faculty Salaries and CompensationThe University of Utah 2006 Self-Study Required Documentation: Standards 1-4. Standard 4: Faculty. Section 3: Faculty Salaries and Compensation
200 Scientific drilling: Directional drilling in coal2011-03-21scientific drilling; directional drilling in coal; drilling; UCG training course; UCGUCG Training Course, March 21-22, 2011, Deloitte, London
176 - 200 of 434