151 - 175 of 2,334
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151 A heavy-oil case study on a single well in Venezuela, MFM-7s, using cores and logs1987heavy-oil case study; Venezuela well; MFM-7s; well cores; well logs; heavy-oil reservoirsPlanning for optimum production from heavy-oil reservoirs requires a deep understanding of their geological and petrophysical characteristics, synthesized from intermittent core and continuous log data. In this paper the study developed for the MFM-7S well, operated by S. A. Meneven in the Faja Petr...
152 A market assessment of heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources2011-03-10unconventional fuels; market assessment; developing domestic heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources; preliminary infrastructure needsA presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011.
153 A model of hydrocarbon generation from type 1 kerogen: Application to the Uinta Basin, Utah1986-12-18Pyrolysis; Green River shale; Petroleum; Utah; Uinta Basin; Kerogen; Oil; Eocene; Type I kerogen; Hydrocarbon generation; Oil generation; Gas generation; KineticsThe Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah provides an ideal setting to study the evolution of kerogen to petroleum. Oil shale rocks of the Eocene-age Green River Formation outcrop extensively at the southern edge of the synclinal basin. The same rocks are also found at depths of 3650 m in the deepest par...
154 A new electronic gain device for high-temperature applications1976-07This report deals with a new integrated thermionic device capable of withstanding ambient temperatures in excess of 500°C, which eliminates the problems associated with earlier versions. The history of the ITC (Integrated Thermionic Circuit) is traced along with Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LA...
155 A new model for virtual radiometers2012-07-08virtual radiometers; radiative fluxes; reverse monte-carlo ray tracing algorithm; modeling radiometersThere exists a general need to compare radiative fluxes from experimental radiometers with fluxes computed in Thermal/Fluid simulations. Unfortunately, typical numerical simulation suites lack the ability to predict fluxes to objects with small view angles thus preventing validation of simulation re...
156 A projections model for small area economies1966-06
157 A proposal to evaluate oil-impregnated sandstone in the Uinta Basin, northeast Utah; made to the Energy Research and Development Administration by Utah Geological and Mineral Survey1976-06-15Petroleum; Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil; Bitumen; Ore waste radiation; Oil-impregnated sandstone; DepositsMost of the known petroleum resources in the form of oil-impregnated in the United States occur in Utah. It is estimated that over ten billion barrels of petroleum occur in such deposits in the Uinta Basin alone (Ritzma, 1973; Campbell, 1975). Four deposits among the twenty identified in the Uinta ...
158 A proposed oil extraction and strip-mining project1974-08-23The Utah Division of Oil & Gas Conservation, 1588 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, has received an application from the Sohio Petroleum Company to conduct mining operations for the removal and processing of the commercially minable deposits of bituminous sands on the following described land...
159 A reconnaissance evaluation of heavy hydrocarbons in the Tar Sand Triangle1985-08Utah; Tar Sand Triangle; Permian White Rim Sandstone; Moenkopi Formation; Cedar Mesa Sandstone; Chinle Formation; Oil; Oil-impregnated sandstone deposit; In-situ; Heavy hydrocarbons; Triassic; Jurassic Navajo SandstoneThe Tar Sand Triangle encompasses about 200 square miles in southeastern Utah. The area consists of rough, mountainous terrain, with a climate that varies from semiarid to arid. Sedimentary rocks exposed in the area range from Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone to the Triassic(?)-Jurassic Navajo Sandstone...
160 A report to Idaho National Engineering Laboratory1987Three Texas lignites (Jewett, Big Brown, and Bastrap), weathered and fresh tar sand, weathered and fresh Gilsonite and weathered oil shale have been studied using Py-MS (pyrolysis mass spectrometry) and further analyzed using the SIGMA program.
161 A solvent extraction process for tar sand1987Sunnyside, Utah; Tar sand; Solvent extraction; Bitumen; East central Utah; Ore; Hydrocyclones; Pentane-deasphaltening; Rotary kiln steam strippers; OilA process has been investigated for solvent extraction of bitumen from Sunnyside, Utah, tar sands. The Sunnyside deposit, in east central Utah, has 1 to 2 billion barrels of geological reserves with a richness of 6 to 10 wt% bitumen. In this process, the ore is crushed and the bitumen is dissolved f...
162 A sulfur isotopic study of Uinta Basin hydrocarbons1973Sulfur isotope analyses of tar from oilimpregnated sandstones, crude oils and solid hydrocarbons from the Uinta Basin (Tertiary), Utah, show wide variations, but all are heavier than the troilite sulfur isotopic standard. The data range from +2.7 to 30.3 permil and sulfur contents are low, usually l...
163 A technical, economic, and legal assessment of North American heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources: In response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p)2007-09Oil sands; Oil shale; Heavy oil; Energy Policy Act; 2005; Climate Change; Petroleum; Oil Cost; United States; North American heavy oil; Utah Heavy Oil Program; UHOP; World economic development; Energy; Canadian oil sands; Unconventional resources ;Technical; Economic; Legal assessmentAgainst the backdrop of world population growth, rapid economic expansion in the world's most populous countries, challenging political climates in many oil-producing nations, and the specter of climate change, worldwide energy consumption is projected to increase from the 2004 level of just over 40...
164 A unified approach to the various formulations of the one-dimensional-turbulence model2010-01One-Dimensional Turbulence model; ODT; Stand-alone ODT models; Predicting turbulence statistics; Nonreacting flows; Reacting flows; Governing equations; Turbulent flow field; Linear Eddy Model; Eddy eventsThe One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model has been successfully applied as a stand-alone model for predicting turbulence statistics in both nonreacting and reacting flows. There are several formulations of the model in the literature, and most of the variable-density formulations do not clearly dis...
165 Abridged life tables for males and females: Utah and its planning districts, 19801985-10
166 Accelerating deployment of retrofitable CO2 capture technologies through predictivity: (Simulation, verification, validation / uncertainty quantification) - 2010 Annual report (for year 1 of 3) to DOE NNSA from The University of Utah2011CO2; CO2 capture technologies; predictivity; fossil-fuel utilizationThere is an ever increasing national awareness that an effective, sustainable energy future must include fossil-fuel utilization that deploys cost-efficient technologies (both new and retrofit) that significantly improve energy efficiencies and reduce CO2 emissions over existing electric power and t...
167 Advanced 3D multiphase flow simulation in porous media reconstructed from x-ray micro tomography using the He-Chen-Zhang Lattice Boltzmann model2010-09advanced 3D multiphase flow simulation; porous media; x-ray micro tomography; He-Chen-Zhang Lattice Boltzmann model; multiphase flow; processing mineral resources; LBMMultiphase flow is a subject of significant interest in the processing of mineral resources and to the processing industries in general. Multiphase flow is of significance in the transport of reactants during the percolation of leaching solution in heaps, in the melting of metals, in phase transform...
168 Age and sex population projection for Utah counties: 1975-2010 (High medium Projection)2010
169 Age and sex population projections for Utah conunties: 1975-2010. (Low Medium Projection)2010
170 Age and sex population projections for Utah conunties: 1975-2010. (Low Projection)2010
171 Age and sex population projections for Utah counties: 1975-20101978-06
172 Air quality in the Uintah Basin2013-05-07ICSE; Unconventional fuels; Air quality; Air pollution; Uintah Basin; Ozone; Pollutant concentrations; Inversions; VOC; UtahPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013.
173 Ambient froth flotation process for the recovery of bitumen from tar sand1984-01-10Patent; Bitumen; Tar sand; Admixing raw tar sand; Tar sand slurry; Milling; Froth flotations; Ambient temperatures; Concentrated bitumen tar sand product; Oil; Recycle and recoveryA method for upgrading the bitumen content of tar sands, wherein a raw tar sand slurry admixture of tar sands, water, collectors, and dispersing/wetting agents is milled; conditioned and then separated by a series of froth flotations at ambient temperatures from about 2.degree. C. to about 25.degree...
174 America's oil shale: A roadmap for federal decision making2004-12Oil shale resources; Oil supply; U.S. economy; Domestic oil shale; Oil production; Multi-agency Federal oil shale plan; Energy; Interior; Defense; Treasury; America; Import dependence; Natural gas by-products; Oil price; Oil supply and demandThe President and the Department of Energy have determined that increasing liquid fuels supply from domestic sources is an important national objective. America's rich and concentrated oil shale resources, containing as much as 2 trillion barrels of potential oil supply could make a major contributi...
175 America's strategic unconventional fuels: Oil shale, tar sands, coal derived liquids, heavy oil, CO2 enhanced recovery and storage2007-09Colorado; Wyoming; Oil shale development; In-situ; Environmental impacts; Water supply issues; Economics; Socio-ecomonic impacts; Infrastructure; Market challenges; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; RD&D; BLM; Leasing program; Federal lands; Oil Shale Program Plan; Energy Policy ActThe Task Force members from Colorado and Wyoming have expressed legitimate concerns about the timing and sequence of Federal efforts to promulgate commercial leasing regulations for oil shale development and initiate leasing activity. They are concerned that the current state of development of surfa...
151 - 175 of 2,334