126 - 150 of 540
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126 Zero emission coal technologies for a secure energy future2008-05-23zero emission coal technologies; coalU.S. has a 250 year supply of coal at current demand levels!
127 Shale oil value enhancement research - Quarterly report: April 1 - June 30, 19951995shale oil; value enhancementA review of the marketing, compositional analysis, and process data has pointed to a simplification of the process scheme envisaged for the phase-II continuous process work. This translates into a higher probability of success, both for the R&D and the likelihood of securing an industrial partner fo...
128 Chapter 6
129 Shale oil value enhancement research - Quarterly report: March 1 - May 31, 19941994shale oil; value enhancement; identification of molecular types in shale oil; molecular compositionActivities during this quarter focused on integrating the various tasks and elements. During Phase-I, substantial effort was placed on designing and automating the identification of molecular types present in shale oil. The ability to know the molecular composition and to track a given "target" spec...
130 UUSAC UHESA 1997-19981998Bylaws; PoliciesMemos, bylaws, and policies of the Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA)
131 Part 8
132 Water, Energy, and Carbon Management Issues and Assessment Models for Oil Shale Development in the Piceance Basin of the Western Energy Corridor2010-08-04fossil resources; oil shale; water management; energy management; carbon management; oil shale development; Piceance Basin; Western Energy CorridorThe Western United States contains rich fossil resources including abundant supplies of oil shale that could be used to develop substantial quantities of transportation fuel, enhancing energy security in the United States. Development of these resources poses significant questions regarding water re...
133 Geologic summary report of the 1982 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah1983-06-30geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; tar sands; bituminous sandstone depositsThe Sunnyside tar sands are located within the southwest portion of the Uinta Basin and localized within a small delta complex that formed in Lake Uinta during early Tertiary time. The essence of the Sunnyside tar sands deposit is a sequence of laterally continuous sheet sands or stacked bituminous ...
134 High efficiency electrical generation2008-05-23efficiency of electrical generation; electrical generation; fossil fuel energy resources; mitigatint GHG emissions; CO2 capture and sequestrationOutline: 1-Electricity outlook and fossil fuel energy resources. 2-Technology options for mitigating GHG emissions. 3-CO2 cpature and sequestration. 4-Costs. 5-Concluding remarks.
135 Oil sands development in Canada: Lessons for Utah2009-02-27Canadian oil sands; oil sand development in Utah; oil sandsAnalysis of the Canadian oil sands experience and its relevance to oil sands development in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Simon Dyer, Oil Sands Program Director for the Pembina Institute.
136 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience2011-03-10policy analysis; Canadian oil sands experience; oil sands; federal oil sands resources; oil sands development; unconventional fuelsThe presentation goes over analyzing the relevance of the Canadian experience to U. S. oil sands development. This report focuses on federal oil sands resources, specifically potential development in the STSA's. No Current development on federal lands, despite leasing authorization under the Combine...
137 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory oil shale project (Feb 1985)1985-02retort modeling; Retort Oil Collection System; pyrolysis gas; oxidized oil shale; oil shaleI. Retort Modeling. II.Toulene to be Used in Retort Oil Collection System. III. Sulfur Species in Pyrolysis Gas by Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometry. IV. Rate of Reaction of Oxidized Oil Shale with Hydrogen Sulfide. V. Visitors.
138 Slow radio-frequency processing of large oil shale volumes to produce petroleum-like shale oil2003-08-20slow radio-frequency processing; large oil shale volumes; petroleum-like shale oil; oil shaleA process is proposed to convert oil shale by radio frequency heating over a period of months to years to create a product similar to natural petroleum. Electrodes would be placed in drill holes, either vertical or horizontal, and a radio frequency chosen so that the penetration depth of the radio w...
139 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects (1982)1982-02U.S. tar sand; oil recovery; energy demand; conventional petroleum decrease; less conventional energy sources; tar sand resourceAs the demand for energy in the United States increases and the reserves of conventional petroleum decrease, the interest in development of less conventional energy sources is increasing dramatically. This interest, plus the recent decontrol of crude oil prices, has resulted in widespread activities...
140 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects--19851985-07-31U. S. tar sand; oil recovery projects; tar sand resource; in situ processesSince crude oil prices declined in the early 1980's, U.S. tar sand activities have declined to a level approximating that of the early 1970's. Twenty of the 43 reported projects are in California reservoirs containing bitumen with relatively low viscosities. Only four current or planned projects are...
141 University of Utah Professors Emeriti Club: A brief history, 1965-19992000-06University of Utah, alumni; University of Utah, societies, etc.; Universities and colleges, alumni and alumnaeCompiled history of the Professors Emeriti Club at the University of Utah from 1965-1999
142 An assessment of oil shale and tar sand development in the state of Utah: Phase 11980-05Oil shale; Tar sand; Utah; Synthetic fuels; Tar sand development; Tar sand depositsThis assessment is the result of an interest and commitment by the State of Utah to both promote development of its vast energy resources and to manage the impacts associated with such development. As the development of Utah oil shale and tar sands became more imminent a specific proposal to study t...
143 Carbon capture and sequestration: A regulatory gap assessment - Topical report2012-04carbon capture and sequestration; gap assessment; CCS; climate changeThough a potentially significant climate change mitigation strategy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) remains mired in demonstration and development rather than proceeding to full-scale commercialization. Prior studies have suggested numerous reasons for this stagnation. This Report seeks to e...
144 Qget quality growth efficiency tools1998-06In the last six years Utah has experienced an unprecedented economic boom. Economic growth has attracted large numbers of residents from other states to Utah. High in-migration, combined with a consistently growing resident population, has applied pressure on Utah's existing transportation, water, ...
145 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - Jul. 2013-Sept. 20132013domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; utilization of oil shale and oil sands with CO2 management; liquid fuel productionThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
146 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2013 to September 20132013Quarterly progress report; July 2013 to September 2013; DE-FE0001243; CO2 management; oxyfiring; CO2 capture; Unconventional fuels; Uinta Basin; Utah; Oil shale; Oil sands; Greenhouse gas control; NER; NEER; GHG; In situ; Ex situDisclaimer: "This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for th...
147 Chapter 19
148 Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress ReportQuarterly report, CASE quarterly reportClean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report for Project Period: April 2015 to June 2015
149 Clean and Secure Energy From Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report, April 2016 to June 2015- Final ReportClean and Secure Energy From Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report, April 2016 to June 2015-Final Report
150 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects1982tar sands; U.S. tar sand oil recovery; oil recovery; U.S. energy demands; crude oil reserves; U.S. tar sands resourceThe increasing U.S. energy demands, decreasing conventional crude oil reserves, and decontrol of crude oil prices have resulted in significant numbers of projects in U.S. tar sands. Data are reported for 62 projects involving both in situ and mining and plant extraction technologies. The data includ...
126 - 150 of 540