101 - 125 of 127
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101 Bitumen and very heavy crude upgrading technology: A review of long term R&D opportunities2004-03-31bitumen; very heavy crude; upgrading technology; R&D opportunities; upgrade bitumen; oil sands bitumenThe Focus of this Review: This review has focused on the identification of emerging and developing technologies that can, when fully developed, either be applied directly to upgrade bitumen and very heavy crudes, or are integral to new approaches to upgrading. Although very heavy crudes do not have ...
102 Body (UUSAC: Cathey Eckart Chair)University of Utah staffMinutes, membership, organizational charts and other committee business.
103 Canyonlands completion: negotiating the borders2009-08-20Canyonlands National ParkThink tank on Wallace Stegner and Western lands, Honors College, University of Utah, 2008-2009
104 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2011 to September 20112011-09ICSE; University of Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil and gas production; Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining; NOx emissions; American Shale Oil; AMSO; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Efficient CO2 captureThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program cosponsored the 2011 Energy Forum, which was held in ...
105 Courses
106 Getting from here to there: Devising an optimal regulatory model for CO2 transport in a new carbon capture and sequestration industry2010regulatory model for CO2 transport; new carbon capture and sequestration; CCS; regulatory modelIf CCS is to become a broad-scale commercial industry in time to meet the need for climate change mitigation, the United States must adopt a regulatory model that will allow for efficient construction of critical infrastructure. A well-crafted regulatory framework gives private would-be CCS operator...
107 Measures of agreement between computation and experiment: Validation metrics2005-08measures of agreement; computation and experiment; validation metrics; computational modeling; engineering design; performance estimation; safety assessmentWith the increasing role of computational modeling in engineering design, performance estimation, and safety assessment, improved methods are needed for comparing computational results and experimental measurements. Traditional methods of graphically comparing computational and experimental results,...
108 Petroleum technology advances through applied research by independent oil producers2000-01petroleum technology; independant oil producers; National Oil Research Program"Petroleum Technology Advances Through Applied Research by Independent Oil Producers" is a program of the National Oil Research Program, U.S. Department of Energy. Between 1995 and 1998, the program competitively selected and costs shared twenty-two projects with small producers. The purpose was to ...
109 Recreation in Utah a profile of the demand for outdoor recreation by out-of-state travelers to Utah1967-12A recurring problem when planning for economic and industrial development is the lack of sufficient basic data on which sound planning decisions can be based. One of the industry areas in which this lack of basic data has been conspicuous is the area of the out-of-state visitors' demand for Utah's o...
110 Uncertainty analysis of steady state incident heat flux measurements in hydrocarbon fuel fires2005-12steady state incident heat flux; hydrocarbon fuel fires; hydrocarbon fuel; heat flux; Schmidt-Boelter heat flux gage; calorimeter and inverse heat conduction method; thin plate and energy balance method.The objective of this report is to develop uncertainty estimates for three heat flux measurement techniques used for the measurement of incident heat flux in a combined radiative and convective environment. This is related to the measurement of heat flux to objects placed inside hydrocarbon fuel (di...
111 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) 1996-19971997Year end report; University of Utah staff; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
112 1890-91 General Catalog1890University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1890-91
113 1896-97 General Catalog1896University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Utah including the Utah State Normal School, Salt Lake City. Announcements for 1896-97. With Catalogue of Students for 1895-96.
114 1898-99 General Catalog1898University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Utah including the Utah State Normal School, Salt Lake City, 1898-99. With Catalogue of Students for 1897-98.
115 1899-1900 General Catalog1899University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Utah including the Utah State Normal School, Salt Lake City. Announcements for 1899-1900. With Catalogue of students for 1898-99
116 1902-03 General Catalog1902University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)University of Utah including the State School of Mines and the State Normal School, Annual 1902-1903.
117 Appendices 1.18(ii): The Student Commission, pt. 2University of Utah 2006 Report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Appendices for Standard 1: Institutional Mission and Goals, Planning and Effectiveness. 1.18: The Student Commission, pt. 2
118 Economic impacts of U.S. liquid fuel mitigation options2006-07-08Oil; Oil shortages; United States dependence on oil imports; Energy Security; Vehicle fuel efficiency (VFE); Coal liquefaction; Coal-to-liquids (CTL); Oil shale; Enhanced oil recovery (EOR); Oil peaking; Liquid fuelsThe world is consuming more oil than it is finding, and at some point within the next decade or two, world production of conventional oil will likely peak. Peaking will lead to shortages and greatly increased prices and price volatility. In addition to peaking and its consequences, there are widespr...
119 Model codes and analysis tools for quality growthThe following ordinance is designed as an OVERLAY zone for sensitive areas. It depends on a map, adopted as a zoning overlay map, that identifies the approximate areas where the sensitive lands will be located. The areas are described in this workbook. For the methods and sources of data that may be...
120 1889-90 General Catalog; University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)1889University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1889-90
121 1900-01 General Catalog1900University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Utah, including the Utah State Normal School, Salt Lake City. 1900-1901. With Catalogue of Students for1899-1900.
122 1901-02 General Catalog1901University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Utah including the State School of Mines and the State Normal School, Salt Lake City. 1901-1902. With Catalogue of Students for 1900-1901.
123 Chapter 24
124 AM_Administration and Faculty, Index
125 2018-2019 General Catalog2018University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
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