301 - 400 of 2,479
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301 Campus Magazine vol.4, no.11968University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Play Days in fall fashions also: special music section
302 Campus Magazine vol.5, no.11964University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Summer sports and fashions also: senator speaks out disc jockeys the draff
303 Campus Magazine vol.5, no.1-21969University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Summer is icumin in!
304 Campus Magazine vol.6, no.11969University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Hill Climbing car salesman tells how to buy a car fall fashions for men
305 Campus Magazine vol.6, no.111969University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Come on out the winter's fine!
306 Campus Magazine vol.6, no.81969University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Fall fashions river run Lynn Leahman the association Sun Valley honeymoon
307 Canyonlands completion: negotiating the borders2009-08-20Canyonlands National ParkThink tank on Wallace Stegner and Western lands, Honors College, University of Utah, 2008-2009
308 Capitol Reef-Miners Mountain oil-impregnated rock occurrences1967The Capitol Reef bituminous sandstone area occurs mainly on the northern and northeastern portions of the area known as Miners Mountain. This is a dome structure of the Teasdale anticline, the axis of which parallels the Teasdale fault system.
309 Capturing the effect of near-and far-field dynamics on the combustion efficiency of multi-point ground flares2022Multi-point ground flares are frequently used in scenarios where flare gas flow rates can be high and pollution (noise, light, smoke) needs to be minimized. We have applied Arches, a large eddy simulation (LES) tool that we have developed for capturing the dynamics of flares (turbulent mixing, local...
310 Carbon capture and sequestration: A regulatory gap assessment - Topical report2012-04carbon capture and sequestration; gap assessment; CCS; climate changeThough a potentially significant climate change mitigation strategy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) remains mired in demonstration and development rather than proceeding to full-scale commercialization. Prior studies have suggested numerous reasons for this stagnation. This Report seeks to e...
311 Carbon dioxide sequestration: Effect of the presence of sulfur dioxide on the mineralogical reactions and on the injectivity of CO2+SO2 mixtures2010-01Carbon dioxide sequestration; CO2; Sequestration stream; Gas injection; CO2+SO2 mixture; Brine; Arkose; Calcite; Anhydrite; Calcium carbonate; CaCO3; Ankerite; Absolute permeabilities; Free-gas; Dissolved gas distribution; Saline formation; Contaminant gases; sulfur dioxide; SO2; Hydrogen sulfide; H...This report presents experimental and modeling data on certain aspects of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration. As different processes are developed and implemented to facilitate the capture of CO2, other contaminant gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia) may be present in the sequestrat...
312 Catalytic and thermal effects in the upgrading of bitumen-derived heavy oils (Abstract only)1985Heavy oils derived from PR Spring bitumen were hydrotreated in the fixed bed reactor as a function of process variables. The presulfided commercial NiMo/y-alumina (HDN) catalyst, Mo supported on y-alumina (HDM) catalyst and sodium-impregnated HDN catalyst support were used in this study to investiga...
313 Catalytic upgrading of a Uinta Basin bitumen over a commercial HDM catalyst1994catalytic upgrading; Uinta Basin bitumen; commercial HDM catalystUinta Basin bitumen was hydrotreated over a sulfidcd commercial Ni-Mo on alumina hydrodemetallation catalyst. The catalyst was on-stream continuously for over 1.000 hours. The extent of heteroatoni removal, residuum conversion and molecular weight reduction were investigated as a function of process...
314 Catalytic upgrading of Asphalt Ridge bitumen over hydrodenitrogenation catalysts (Abstract only)1997The bitumen extracted from Asphalt Ridge oil sands was hydrotreated over three sulfided NiMo/y-Alumina hydrodenitrogenation catalysts in a fixed bed reactor to study the extent of upgrading as a function of process variables and catalyst. The process variables investigated were temperature (619-685 ...
315 Census 2010 - a first look at Utah results2011Census; 2010; Utah; Demographics; Population; Age; Sex; Race; EthnicityEarly results from the long-awaited 2010 Census are revealing the outlines of the more detailed portrait that will not be available for at least a couple more years. This essay reviews the top-level population change and geographic distribution results primarily from the redistricting data set.1 We ...
316 Central Utah planning region manpower survey: a rural area report June, 19671967-06
317 CFD development for fired heater applications2022Industry values the ability to ‘virtually' verify and optimize burner performance through CFD simulation and to evaluate the suitability of burner and furnace designs. Inaccurate results may lead us to falsely reject good burner designs or accept a poor design. Field problems can be far more expen...
318 CFD modeling for entrained flow gasifiers2002-10-28CFD modeling; Entrained flow gasifiers; Reaction kinetics; Coal gasification; Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle power plants; IGCC; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Coal; Gasifier; GLACIERIn this paper we have described a CFD based modeling tool for entrained flow coal gasifiers. The model contains sub-models to properly model the reaction kinetics of coal gasification at high pressure, high solids loading and slagging walls. Comparisons between values predicted by our CFD model and ...
319 The changing composition of the State budget1976-04An issue of vital concern to all taxpayers and administrators of government is the distribution of state revenues from the various accounts to the departments of state government. A detailed account of the growth and changing patterns of state expenditures from 1969 to 1975 is presented in this issu...
320 Characterization and beneficiation of bitumen-free domestic tar sands1982-09The Federal Bureau of Mines conducted a study to determine if residues from fractional distillation represent a potential source of mineral values. Aliterature review and discussions with tar sand specialists failed to disclose the mineralogical nature of residues remaining after bitumen extraction....
321 Characterization of DOE reference oil shale: Tipton Member, Green River Formation oil shale from Wyoming1988-08Measurements have been made of the chemical and physical properties of a Tipton Member Green River Formation oil shale from Wyoming. This shale has been designated as a western reference shale by the Department of Energy. Material balance Fischer assays, carbon aromaticities, thermal properties, and...
322 Characterization of macromolecular structure elements from a Green River oil shale2013-10-14Macromolecular Structure; Green River; Oil Shale; 33rd Oil Shale Symposium; Golden, Colorado; Kerogen; Shale; Green River oil shale; BitumenThis work is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DENT0005015. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect thoseof the United States Government or any agency thereof.
323 Characterization of nickel and vanadium compounds in tar sand bitumen by petroporphyrin quantitation and size exclusion chromatography coupled with element specific detection1988-02Previously, we have examined the Ni and V in heavy crude oils, residua, and processed products by several metal speciation techniques to ascertain molecular structure and processing behavior. Two classes 01 metal compounds were found -- metallopetroporphyrins and metallo-nonporphyrins - each having ...
324 Characterization of particulate emissions: Size fractionation and chemical speciation2003-12Particulate emissions; Size fractionation; Chemical speciation; DoD emission sources; Aircraft ground support vehicles; Rocket motors; Aircraft; Sandblasting operations; Aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer; ATOFMS; Photoelectric aerosol sensor; PAS; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PAH; Photoa...This study developed and validated innovative techniques for characterizing the amount and composition of PM10, PM2.5, and smaller particles for four major classes of DoD emission sources: aircraft ground support vehicles, rocket motors, aircraft, and sandblasting operations. The techniques include ...
325 Characterization of Pyrolysis Products from a Utah Green River Oil Shale by 13C NMR, GC/MS, and FTIR2013-10-14Pyrolysis; Utah; Green River; Oil Shale; GC/MS; FTIR; 33rd Oil Shale Symposium; Kerogen; Oil shale kerogen; 13C; NMR; TGA
326 Characterization of Uinta Basin oil sand bitumens1992-11-15Uinta Basin; Oil sand bitumens; Southwest Whiterocks; Northwest Whiterocks; Asphalt Ledge; Sunnyside; Solvent extraction; Elution chromatography; Saturate and monoaromatic fractions; Polycyclic naphthenes; Naphthenoaromatics; Steranes; HopanesResults of the analyses of the saturate and monoaromatic fractions of four Uinta Basin bitumens (southwest Whiterocks, northwest Whiterocks, Asphalt ledge and Sunnyside) are presented in this paper. After separating the bitumen samples into several fractions using solvent extraction and elution chro...
327 Chemical kinetics and oil shale process design1993-07Oil shale processes are reviewed with the goal of showing how chemical kinetics influences the design and operation of different processes for different types of oil shale. Reaction kinetics are presented for organic pyrolysis, carbon combustion, carbonate decomposition, and sulfur and nitrogen reac...
328 Chemical looping combustion hierarchy2009-11-04Chemical looping combustion; CLC; hierarchical chart; CLC integration; ISCE; Research area; SubtasksHierarchical chart for the chemical looping combustion (CLC) research area hierarchical chart showing connectivity between subtasks. This chart helps illustrate CLC integration and focus and also serves as a management tool for the various subtasks. Subtasks in brown and orange are currently funded ...
329 Chemical looping combustion kinetics2009-12-01chemical looping; combustion kinetics; CO2 capture; coal-fired power plants; CLCOne of the most promising methods of capturing CO2 emitted by coal-fired power plants for subsequent sequestration is chemical looping combustion (CLC). A powdered metal oxide such as NiO transfers oxygen directly to a fuel in a fuel reactor at high temperatures with no air present. Heat, water, and...
330 Chemical looping combustion reactions and systems: Task 5 topical report2011-08Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Fuel combustion; CO2 capture; Electric power; Sequestration; FBR; CLOU; Thermogravimetric analysis; CO2; Carbon dioxideChemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is one promising fuel-combustion technology, which can facilitate economic CO2 capture in coal-fired power plants. It employs the oxidation/reduction characteristics of a metal, or oxygen carrier, and its oxide, the oxidizing gas (typically air) and the fuel source ...
331 Chemical looping combustion reactions and systems: task 5 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program2014-03ICSE; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling; CLOU; Fuel-combustion technology; Economic CO2 capture; Oxygen Carriers; Simulation of dense-phase flows; Electric power; Solid fuel combustionChemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is one promising fuel-combustion technology, which can facilitate economic CO2 capture in coal-fired power plants. It employs the oxidation/reduction characteristics of a metal, or oxygen carrier, and its oxide, the oxidizing gas (typically air) and the fuel source ...
332 Chemical reaction model for oil and gas generation from type I and type II kerogen1993-06A global model for the generation of oil and gas from petroleum source rocks is presented. The model consists of 13 chemical species and 10 reactions, including an alternate pathway mechanism for kerogen pyrolysis. Reaction rate parameters and stoichiometry coefficients determined from a variety of ...
333 Chemistry and mineralogy of natural bitumens and heavy oils and their reservoir rocks from the United States, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela1989-12-21Twenty-one samples from natural bitumen and heavy oil deposits in seven States of the United States and six samples from outside the United States form the basis of this initial study. This Circular gives the mineral content of the reservoir rock, the trace-element distribution in the reservoir rock...
334 Chemistry and resources of heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits1989chemistry of heavy oil; chemistry of natural bitumen deposits; heavy oil resources; natural bitumen deposits; heavy oil; unconventional oil deposits; natural bitumenSupplies of conventional crude oil are diminishing; therefore, it is important to understand the reservoir characteristics of unconventional oil deposits. Reservoirs of unconventional deposits contain oils heavier than 20° gravity API and natural bitumens (tar sands and oil sands) are more viscous ...
335 The Chinese wax mine: A unique oil-impregnated rock deposit1975Chinese wax mine; oil-impregnated rock deposit; oil; mineral wax; viscous oilThe Chinese Wax mine in Daniels Canyon, Wasatch County, Utah, is a small deposit of black, viscous, waxy oil emplaced in fractured, brecciated Oquirrh Formation (Pennsylvanian-Permian) on the Strawberry Valley (or Charleston) thrust sheet where the thrust has overriden the west margin of the Uinta B...
336 Classification of natural bitumen: A physical and chemical approach1987natural bitumen; Classification of bitumen; physical properties of natural bitumen; chemical properties of natural bitumen; crude oil; natural bitumen; tar sands oil; bitumenBy correlation of various selected physical and chemical properties of heavy crude oils and natural bitumens, an attempt is made to solve classification problems. The criteria used here are, in descending order: viscosity, gravity, H/C atomic ratio, O/C atomic ratio, optical reflectivity; volatiles,...
337 Classification, petrographic expression, and reflectance of native bitumen1998-11-19Native bitumen is naturally occurring, solid organic material that originates, with few exceptions, from material expelled by sedimentary organic matter during catagenesis. Note that, in this text, the word bitumen is used to mean "native bitumen" rather than the common meaning of organic matter ext...
338 Clay-induced oil loss and alkene isomerization during oil shale retortingSunnyside (Utah) tar sand was subjected to programmed temperature pyrolysis and the volatile products were detected by tandem on-line mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in real time analyses- A heating rate of 4°C/min from room temperature to 900°C was employed. Evolution of hydrogen, light hydrocarbons, n...
339 Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - Final report, Utah Clean Coal Program2015-02coal; Utah Clean Coal Program; domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; CO2 combustion; stationary power generation; V/UQ; oxy-coal combustion; high-pressure, entrained-flow coal gasification; chemical looping combustion; underground coal thermal treatment; mercury control; environmental issues; legal ...The University of Utah, through their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), performed research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research was organized around t...
340 Clean and secure energy from coal - Phase 3 statement of project objectives2011-07-01ICSE; University of Utah; CO2 capture; Oxy-coal combustion; Domestic coal resources; Stationary power generation; Clean coal utilization; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; High-pressure entrained-flow coal gasification; IGCC; SNG; NGCC; CNGThe University of Utah (the Recipient), via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), shall pursue research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is orga...
341 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Quarterly progress report: January 1, 2009 to March 31, 20092009-04-30CASE; ICSE; Energy development; Electric power generation; Liquid transportaion fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; Reducing carbon footprint; CO2 capture; Sequestration; Chemical looping; ODT; LES...The University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
342 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Quarterly progress report: July 1, 2009 to September 30, 20092009-10-30ICSE; Electric power generation; Liquid transportation fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; the Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; the Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; CO2 capture; Sequestration; Oxy-coal combustion; Coal analysis; Ash partitioningThe University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
343 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Quarterly progress report: October 1, 2008 to December 31, 20082008-01-31CASE; Energy development; Electric power generation; Liquid transportation fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; CO2 capture; sequestration; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Ash-partitioning; PIV; P...The University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. It's work is divid...
344 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Revised quarterly progress report: April 1, 2009 to June 30, 20092009-08-13CASE; Energy development; Electric power generation; Liquid transportation fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; CO2 capture; sequestration; Gasification; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Ash-partit...The University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
345 Clean and secure energy from coal: Project management plan: Revision A2009-12-01ICSE; PMP; DE-NT0005015; NETL; Strategic Center for Coal; SCC; Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil; SCNGO; Domestic coal resources; Energy; CO2 capture; Combustion; Stationary power generation; Clean coal utilization; Oxy-coal combustion; High-pressure, Entrained-flow Gasification; IGCC; Chemic...Revision history: Revision A, November 25, 2009. The PMP is being revised to reflect Modification #001 of award DE-NT0005015. The original PMP reflected the original award executed on September 10, 2008, for a project entitled Clean and Secure Energy from Coal, Oil Shale, and Oil Sands. The original...
346 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil sands and oil shale resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2014-March 20142014domestic oil shale; domestic oil sands; ICSE; CO2 management; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shale; oil productionThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
347 Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress ReportQuarterly report, CASE quarterly reportClean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report for Project Period: April 2015 to June 2015
348 Clean and Secure Energy From Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report, April 2016 to June 2015- Final ReportClean and Secure Energy From Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report, April 2016 to June 2015-Final Report
349 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - April 2013-June 20132013domestic oil sands; domestic oil shale; ICSE; unconventional fuels development; life-cycle analysisThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
350 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - April 2014-June 20142014domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; ICSE; developing oil resources; CO2 management; utilization of oil shale and oil sands; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shaleThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
351 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2013-March 20132013clean energy; domestic fuels; oil shale resources; oil sands resources; CO2 management; liquid fuel procuction; in-situ thermal processing; oil shale processingThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
352 Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2015 to March 20152015quarterly report; domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; unconventional fuels; oil shale; oil sandsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
353 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - Jul. 2013-Sept. 20132013domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; utilization of oil shale and oil sands with CO2 management; liquid fuel productionThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
354 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - July 2014-September 20142014domestic oil shale; domestic oil sands; ICSE; utilization of oil shale and oil sands resources with CO2 management; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shale; shale oil and pyrolysis productsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
355 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - October 2013-December 20132013domestic fuel resources; ICSE; CO2 management; unconventional fuels; Flameless Oxy-gas Process Heaters; Efficient CO2 Capture; Production Modules for CLEARuffThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
356 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - October 2014-December 20142014domestic oil shale; domestic oil sands; ICSE; CO2 management; clean energy; oil and gas production; liquid fuel production; thermal processing of oil shale/sandsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
357 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2010 to June 20102010-07-31ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; Oxy-fuel; CO2 capture; OXYFLAM; Uinta Basin; Utah; Parachute Creek Member; X-ray microtomography; Freen River oil; Kerogen; Thermal gravimetric analyzer experimentsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program continued its efforts to enhance the dialogue between...
358 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2011 to June 20112011-07-01ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; University of Utah; Uinta Basin; Vernal, Utah; CLEARuff model; Oxy-gas burner; Bitumen; Kerogen; X-ray fluorescence analysis; Thermogravimetric analysis; CHNS analysis; Lattice Boltzmann model; American Shale Oil; AMSOThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program sponsored the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels...
359 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2012 to June 20122012-07ICSE; University of Utah; AMSO; American Shale Oil; Strategic Alliance Reserve; SAR; Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining; DOGM; Large eddy simulation; LES; International Flame Research Foundation; IFRF; Flamelet; Pyrolysis; Kerogen; Thermogravimetric analysis; TGA; CO2 enhanced oil recovery; EOR; ...The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, ICSE presented the 2012 University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference and met with r...
360 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2013 to June 20132013Quarterly Progress Report; April 2013 to June 2013; DE-FE0001243; Oil Shale; Oil Sands; CO2 management; Uinta Basin; Greenhouse gas; GHG emissions; oxyfiring; Utah; WTP; Ex situ; In situThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
361 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 1, 2010 to March 31, 20102010-05-13ICSE; University of Utah; CO2 capture; Mahogany zone; Green River Formation; Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil sands; Crude oil refining; International Flame Research Foundation; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal treatment; Oil shale; PyrolysisThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program continued its focus on enhancing industrial, national...
362 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 2011 to March 20112011-04-01ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; University of Utah; Utah; Oxy-gas; Kerogen; X-ray fluorescence analysis; Thermogravimetric analyzer; TGA; Lattice Boltzmann simulation; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; CO2 capture; American Shale Oil; AMSO; Greenhouse gas emissions; GHGThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program held a Project Review meeting on the University of Ut...
363 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 2012 to March 20122012-04ICSE; University of Utah; Green River Basin; CO2 capture; Oil sands; Crude oil refining; International Flame Research Foundation; IFRF; Oil shale; Pyrolysis; Thermogravimetric analysis; TGA; TEA-C burner; Uinta Basin; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Efficient CO2 capture; Liquid Fuel Production ...The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In outreach efforts, ICSE participated in a session on oil sands at the Utah Governor's Annual Energy Deve...
364 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 2013 to March 20132013ICSE; Domestic oil shale; Oil sands; CO2 management; AMSO; Uinta Basin; KerogenThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
365 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2010 to September 20102010-10ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; University of Utah; Marriott Library; Macroscale CO2 analysis; CO2 capture; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal processingThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program was involved in multiple technology transfer and outr...
366 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2011 to September 20112011-09ICSE; University of Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil and gas production; Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining; NOx emissions; American Shale Oil; AMSO; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Efficient CO2 captureThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program cosponsored the 2011 Energy Forum, which was held in ...
367 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2012 to September 20122012-10ICSE; Kerogen liquefaction; Oil shale thermal treatment; Trondheim, Norway; Statoil; Uinta Basin; Greenhouse gases; Well drilling; White River oil shale samples; Demineralized kerogen pyrolysis; Oil shale; Char; American Shale Oil; AMSO; Genie Energy; TOTALThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In its outreach efforts this quarter, ICSE finalized materials for a short course on kerogen liquefaction ...
368 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2013 to September 20132013Quarterly progress report; July 2013 to September 2013; DE-FE0001243; CO2 management; oxyfiring; CO2 capture; Unconventional fuels; Uinta Basin; Utah; Oil shale; Oil sands; Greenhouse gas control; NER; NEER; GHG; In situ; Ex situDisclaimer: "This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for th...
369 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2009 to December 20092010-02-03ICSE; Clean and Secure Energy program; CASE; Itasca Group; Red Leaf Resources; Enshale's; Vernal, Utah; oxy-fuel; CO2 capture; Oil shale; Oil sands; Crude oil; CO2 emissions; International Flame Research Foundation; Pyrolysis; Lattice Boltzmann; Kerogen; Oil recovery simulation; TGA; Dry shale; Pyro...The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. The program was officially launched on October 1, 2009. The project management plan was submitted for revi...
370 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2010 to December 20102011-01ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; University of Utah; Marriott Library; Macroscale CO2 analysis; CO2 capture; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal processingThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program circulated External Advisory Board recommendations an...
371 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2011 to December 20112012-01ICSE; University of Utah; AMSO; American Shale Oil; Strategic Alliance Reserve; SAR; Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining; DOGM; Large eddy simulation; LES; International Flame Research Foundation; IFRF; Flamelet; Pyrolysis; Kerogen; Thermogravimetric analysis; TGA; CO2 enhanced oil recovery; EORThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. The Clean and Secure Energy program hosted an External Advisory Board on November 1-2, 2011 and the kickof...
372 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2012 to December 20122013-01ICSE; Oil shale; oil sands; CO2 management; Uinta Basin; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal processing; White River oil shale; Green River Formation; American Shale Oil; AMSO; X-ray flourescence; Pyrolysis; Demineralized kerogenThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
373 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2013 to December 20132014ICSE; Quarterly report; Clean and secure energy; Oil shale; Oil sands; Uinta Basin; CO2 management; AMSO; Greenhouse gas control; Shale formation; In situ; Ex situ; TEA-CEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of t...
374 Clean and secure energy from Utah's oil shale and oil sands resources: Environmental, legal and policy framework2010-04-28ICSE; Land use; Water availability; Produced water; Utah; Colorado; Colorado RiverThis poster addresses major challenges to land use, water availability, and produced water.
375 Clean coal program research activities: Final report: Reporting period 07/01/2006-05/31/20092010-05Environment; Emissions; NOx; SOx; Mercury emission; CO2 emissions; Utah Clean Coal Program; Carbon capture and sequestration; CCS; Green field plants; Simulation; Mergury control; Oxycoal combustion; Gasification; Sequestration; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Materials investigations; NETL; Coal ...Although remarkable progress has been made in developing technologies for the clean and efficient utilization of coal, the biggest challenge in the utilization of coal is still the protection of the environment. Specifically, electric utilities face increasingly stringent restriction on the emission...
376 Clearing the Path2018-01Student success; University of UtahA strategic student success agenda.
377 Clearn combustion, a path to net zeroUse of fossil fuels as the major source of energy is one of the main sources of GHG emissions that contribute to global warming. However, for at least a foreseeable future, the world will still continue to rely on fossil fuels to sustain the economy and the quality of life. IEA is evaluating the pat...
378 Clearsign core process burners and boiler burners - burner scaling and field results2022During previous AFRC Industrial Combustion Symposia, ClearSign Technologies Corporation introduced its ClearSign Core technology currently used in our Ultra Low NOx burner products. These ClearSign Core products have now been developed for different types of equipment applications to meet stringent ...
379 ClearSign eye™: pilot sensorClearsign Technologies Corp. has developed and tested a novel, capacitive based flame sensor for use on existing burners in a variety of industrial combustion applications including process burners, boiler burners and flares. ClearSign has developed two probe designs. The first probe design is compa...
380 Climate change 2007: The physical science basis--summary for policymakers2007-02Climate change; Greenhouse gases; Aerosols; Solar radiation; Radiative forcing; Third Assessment Report; TAR; Solar activity; Carbon dioxide; CO2; Methane; CH4; Nitrous oxide; N2O; Fossil Fuel; Land use; Agriculture; Land surface properties; Warming; Melting of snow and ice; Rising seal level; Globa...The Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report describes progress in understanding of the human and natural drivers of climate change1, observed climate change, climate processes and attribution, and estimates of projected future climate change. It builds upon past IPCC assess...
381 Climate change regulation via the back door2011-05-17
382 Climate change--current understanding and implications2008-05-23Global warming; Climate change; Coal; CO2; Carbon dioxide; Temperature; Radiative Forcing; Emissions; Greenhouse gases; Arctic warming; Sea level rise; Fossil fuel; RenewableFour Primary Questions: 1-Is global warming (climate change) occurring? 2-What is the cause? 3-What will be the consequences? 4-What can/should we do?
383 Closed loop flare control using a video imaging spectral radiometerVideo Imaging Spectral Radiometry (VISR) has emerged as the only practical method to directly and continuously monitor flare performance. The VISR method provides real time measurements of flare combustion efficiency (%) and a smoke index (0-10) at a 1-sec temporal resolution. In addition to these t...
384 Co-simulation for design and optimization of advanced energy systems with carbon capture2009-10NETL; APECS; IGCC; U.S. Energy challenges; Design and optimization of advanced energy systems; CFD; Reduced Order Models; ROMs; Carbon capture; Virtual power plant; Carbon management; Fossil Energy Industry; Ultra-supercritical; USC; Oxy-combustion; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Integrated gasif...Outline of Presentation: 1-Introduction: -U.S. Energy Challenges -Design and Optimization of Advanced Energy Systems; Simulation Tools and Challenges 2-Advanced Process Engineering Co-Simulation (APECS): -Basic Features; Process/CFD Workflow/Integration, Engineering Knowledge Manager(Trademark), Red...
385 CO2 capture from fossil energy power plants2008-05-23CO2 capture; Fossil energy power plants; Clean Coal Technologies; CCT; CO2 Capture and Storage; CCS; Coal power plants; PC plants; Post combustion CO2 removal; Chilled ammonia; Retrofit of CCS to existing coal plants; Climate Legislation; Global climate concernsClean Coal Technologies (CCT) and CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) - Presentation Outline: 1-Overview--Options for Response to Global Climate concerns. 2-CCS crucial to meet Goals of proposed Climate Legislation. 3-CCS Options for Coal Power Plants. 4-PC Post Combustion CO2 Removal-Status, Chilled Ammo...
386 Coal devolatilization at very slow heating rates2007coal devolatilization ; slow heating rates; volatiles; coal; devolatilization temperatures; volatile yeilds; atmospheric gasesThe yield of volatiles of liquid and gaseous species is a function of operational conditions, including effects of reactor atmosphere gases, coal ranks, heating rates, ultimate devolatilization temperatures, pressure, soak time at ultimate temperatures, and catalysts. One important factor of coal de...
387 Coal in a changing climate and challenges for CCS deployment2008-05-23NRDC; Climate change; Coal; CCS deployment; CCS; Carbon Capture and Storage; Business-as-usual; BAU; world CO2 emissions; coal plant emissions; Appalachia; Wyoming; Montana; North Dakota; Colorado; New Mexico; IPCC; Powerplants; Arctic iceOutline: 1-Climate and coal 2-"Clean" coal? 3-Carbon Capture & Storage: can we (just) do it? 4-To-do list 5-A changing world
388 Coanda effect enhanced air assisted flare for low flow operation: cold flow CFD analysisThis paper aims at increasing the flow velocity in the flare stack by decreasing the flow diameter to solve the issue of low flow operation in the flares. A new air assisted flare design of 1m height and 15cm diameter has been tested using CFD simulation in this work. The design includes injecting a...
389 Coking contaminated oil shale or tar sand oil on retorted solid fines1985-03-26Patent; Heavy oil; Oil shale; Tar sand oil; Coking; Pyrolysis oil vapors; Retorted solid fines; Pyrolysis oil; Inert stripping gas; Coking contaminatedHeavy oil fraction of pyrolysis oil vapors containing concentrated contaminants is coked on retorted fine solids contained in a coking zone separate from a retorting vessel characterized by the presence of an inert stripping gas of a rate sufficient to lower the dew point of the pyrolysis oil.
390 Coking poor coking coals and hydrocracked tar sand bitumen binder1980-11-18A process is described for producing metallurgical coke from poor coking coals in which there is combined with the poor coking coals a small amount of an additive consisting of a bitumen residue obtained from hydrocracking of bitumen from tar sands. The residue used is that from vacuum distillation ...
391 Colleges, Schools & DivisionsThe colleges, schools, and divisions within the University of Utah.
392 Colorful Gilson did more than promote gilsonite1996-03The following article from The Times-Independent in Moab pays tribute to the man for whom Gilsonite is named. Utah's American Gilsonite Company traces its roots to Sam Gilson.
393 Combination solvent-noncondensible gas injection method for recovering petroleum from viscous petroleum-containing formations including tar sand deposits1978-08-29Patent; Petroleum; Tar sand deposits; Petroleum recovery; Viscous petroleum-containing formations; Gas injection; Unreactive; Combination solvent-noncondensible gas injection method; BitumenPetroleum may be recovered from viscous petroleum-containing formations including tar sand deposits by injecting into the formation a solvent which is liquid at formation conditions and simultaneously therewith injecting a substance which will remain totally gaseous at the pressure and temperature c...
394 Combined surface and in situ tar sand bitumen production1985-02-19Patent; Combined surface and in situ tar sand bitumen product; In-situ combustion; Tar sand; Unminable tar sand formation; Hydrogen sulfide; H2S; Minable tar; Forward in-situ combustion; Reverse in-situ combustionIn-situ combustion of tar sand formations is improved by introducing into an unminable tar sand formation prior to initiation of in-situ combustion hydrogen sulfide produced from upgrading tar sands from a minable tar sand formation in an area proximate the area of the unminable formation. The strea...
395 Combustion emissions and thermal performance impacts when replacing hydrocarbon fuels with hydrogen in industrial furnacesMany industrial processes rely on heating that is currently achieved through combustion of fossil fuels. The industrial sector generates approximately 23 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the US. As infrastructure associated with production and distribution of hydrogen continues to expand, ...
396 Combustion of municipal solid wastes with oil shale in a circulating fluidized bed1996-06-30The authors of this report have invented an integrated process for the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW). In this process, after recycling steps to save usable materials such as aluminum, other metals, and glass have been completed, the resulting refusederived fuel (RDF) is co-combusted with ...
397 The coming boom in Utah's school age and college age populations: state and county scenarios2002-09Population analysts have for some time anticipated a significant increase in the school age population (5 through 17 years of age) of Utah beginning around 2004 and extending for at least a decade. At this point the question is not whether the boom will materialize, but rather, the exact timing, mag...
398 Commercial oil shale leasing under the energy policy act: An analysis of when, where, and how2008-03-12Oil shale; Oil sands; PEIS; EPA; BLM; FLPMA; RD&D; Research, Demonstration, & Development; Tar sands; Utah; Colorado; WyomingDiscussion of the alternatives for oil shale development outlined in the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Bureau of Land Management.
399 Common conditions for heavy oils1987Heavy oils; Colloidal admixtures; Hydrocarbons; Asphaltenes; Trace metals; Organic residues; Alberta basin; Eastern Venezuela basin; Athabasca; Orinoco; Heavy-oil depositys; Common conditions for heavy oilsField evidence suggests that conditions for the collection and retention of various hydrocarbons exert control over the composition of resident hydrocarbon mixtures. Heavy-oil deposits demonstrate that control very clearly. Heavy oils are essentially colloidal admixtures of hydrocarbons, usually acc...
400 Communication and selection notes2012Staff applications, ScholarshipsNotes on Staff Council, Staff Scholarships, and Staff Council call for applications.
301 - 400 of 2,479