76 - 100 of 540
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76 Officers
77 Determination of oil shale potential Green River Formation, Uinta Basin northeast Utah1967-11-03
78 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory oil shale project (Apr 1986)1986-04ammonia evolution; triple quadruple mass spectrometer; biomaker identification; oil shale; ammonia emissionsI. Ammonia Evolution. II. Development of the Use of a Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometer as an On-Line Ammonia Monitor. III. Biomarker Identification by TQMS Improved by Artificial-Intelligence Tuning, IV. Products from Contact of Oil Shale with Reactive Gases.
79 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - April 2014-June 20142014domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; ICSE; developing oil resources; CO2 management; utilization of oil shale and oil sands; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shaleThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
80 Section 11
81 Availability of tar sands on public land: An overview2006-09-21Tar sands; public lands; Utah; Leasing on federal lands; Hydrocarbonaceous material; Oil shale; Tar sand developmentPresentation summary: 1-Provide an overview of Utah Tar Sand Resources 2-Provide historical summary Tar Sand Leasing on Federal Lands; -Early leasing efforts-1960, -Combined Hydrocarbon Leasing-1981, -Energy Policy Act of 2005 3-Outline current leasing process
82 Economic evaluation of oil shale and tar sands resources located in the state of Utah: Phase 11981-02-15Managing public lands for maximum social benefit is becoming an increasingly complex task. The growing need for domestically produced mineral raw materials and energy, and the conflicting interests over the use of public lands, have added new dimensions to the management issues. This report covers t...
83 Utah energy developments: A summary of existing and proposed activity 1981-19901981-06energy developments; Utah energy developments; Utah Energy Information SystemThis report on Energy Developments in Utah is designed to provide local, state, federal and private sector decision makers with current information on existing and planned energy developments in the State. Rather than focussing on the demand or supply for energy resources in the State, this report f...
84 International Flame Research Foundation Pamphlet - October 19801980-10
85 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory oil shale project (May 1985)1985-05oil shale; inorganic nitrogen; retort modelingI. Determination of Inorganic Nitrogen in Shale II. Retort Modeling III. Reduced Volume Sampling System Installed on Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometer IV. Visitors V. Publications
86 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience-Topical Report2013-09Topical Report; Oil & Natural Gas Technology; October 1, 2009-September 30, 2014; Canadian Oil Sands; Policy; Subtask 6.2For those who support U.S. oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands industry is often identified as a model the U.S. might emulate, yielding financial and energy security benefits. For opponents of domestic oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands experience illustrates the risks that oppo...
87 Regulatory promotion of emergent CCS technology - Topical report2014-01CCS technology; climate change; mitigation strategies; carbon capture and sequestrationDespite the growing inevitability of climate change and the attendant need for mitigation strategies, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) has yet to gain much traction in the United States. Recent regulatory proposals by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), limited in scope to new-buil...
88 Light-oils transformation to heavy oils and asphalts-assessment of the amounts of hydrocarbons removed and the hydrological-geological control of the process1987light-oils; heavy oils; asphalts; assessment; hydrocarbons; petroleum resources; oil alterationHeavy oils frequently represent a residue left after removal of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons by various alteration processes. They are characterized by a high content of asphaltenes and polar compounds and by higher sulfur content than the light oils from which they were derived. In the Dead ...
89 Geologic summary report of the 1981 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah1982-02-19Geologic summary; exploration project; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; delta complex.The 1981 Sunnyside exploration program consisted of: (1) diamond drilling of sixteen drill holes and logging of the core, and (2) initial geologic mapping in the northern area to better define the limits of the tar sands associated with the Sunnyside delta complex. In order to comprehend the geometr...
90 HP Oxy-Combustion of Syngas from Underground Coal GasificationHP oxy-combustion; syngas; underground coal gasification; UCG; clean energy systems; CES process6th Annual International Conference & Workshop on Underground Coal Gasification, 23rd - 24th March 2011
91 Subtask 6.1: Engineering process models for economic impact analysis2011-03-10engineering process models; economic impact analysis; domestic heavy oil; developing domestic heavy oil/sands/shale resourcesA presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011. In the project objectives, the purpose of assessment is to "Examine limiting factors to the development of domestic heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources. Identify poli...
92 Multi-county regions in Utah1970-03The publication of this report was made possible through the financial assistance of the Four Corners Regional Commission with coordination by the State Planning Coordinator's Office, State of Utah. The statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other data in this report are solely thos...
93 Lithofacies and related hydrocarbon accumulations in Tertiary strata of the western and central Uinta Basin, Utah1975lithofacies; hydrocarbon accumulations; Tertiary strata; Uinta Basin; stratigraphyStrata of Tertiary age in the Uinta Basin were deposited in an internally drained depression. They can be divided into (1) a central core of organic-rich open lacustrine claystone and mud-supported carbonate surrounded by (2) marginal lacustrine sandstone, claystone and mud- and grain-supported carb...
94 North American oil sands--history of development, prospects for the future2008-01-17oil sands; development of oil sands; North American oil sands; future prospects for North American oil sandsWhen it comes to future reliable oil supplies, Canada's oil sands will likely account for a greater share of U.S. oil imports. Oil sands account for about 46% of Canada's total oil production and oil sands production is increasing as conventional oil production declines. Since 2004, when a substanti...
95 UUSAC AdPAC 1993-19941994MinutesAgendas and minutes for meetings of the Administrative Policies Advisory Committee
96 Development of Utah tar sands--a status report1977The hydrocarbon resource locked in Utah's tar sands has been estimated to be in excess of 25 billion barrels. Tar sands, known variously as oil sands, bituminous sandstone, or oil-impregnated sandstone, cannot be recovered by conventional primary or secondary petroleum recovery techniques because of...
97 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2013-March 20132013clean energy; domestic fuels; oil shale resources; oil sands resources; CO2 management; liquid fuel procuction; in-situ thermal processing; oil shale processingThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
98 Green River oil shale potential in Utah1963-01Green River oil shale; oil shale potential; oil shale; Green River formation; oil reserves; oil shale extractionThe Green River formation of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming contains the greatest potential reserves of oil in the world. The problem has been that of finding an economical method of extraction. The first economic study of the oil shale in Utah started in 1913 (Woodruff and Day, 1914). Since that time ...
99 Part 9999
100 Progress and plans on AMSO's RD&D lease tract2010-04-28AMSO is one of three RD&D leaseholders in Colorado's Piceance Basin: 1) The 160-acre BLM lease was established in January 2007 under EGL Resources and transferred shortly thereafter to EGL Oil Shale 2) IDT acquired EGL Oil Shale in 2008 and renamed it AMSO 3) In March 2009, Total acquired a 50% inte...
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