76 - 100 of 385
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76 AQ_Facts in Brief
77 Colorful Gilson did more than promote gilsonite1996-03The following article from The Times-Independent in Moab pays tribute to the man for whom Gilsonite is named. Utah's American Gilsonite Company traces its roots to Sam Gilson.
78 Facts in Brief
79 Facts in Brief
80 Facts in Brief
81 Facts in Brief
82 P. R. spring oil-impregnated sandstone deposit Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah1970-02oil-impregnated sandstone beds; oil impregnation; oil shale; lenticular sandstones; siltstonesOil-impregnated sandstone beds underlie at least 214 square miles in the southeastern Uinta Basin and may extend northward beneath cover. One to as many as five principal saturated zones, 3 to 75 feet thick, occur in a 250-foot interval that dips gently northward. The northernmost outcrops are overl...
83 Vol 29 No 5
84 Geologic summary report of the 1989 exploration program, Sunnyside tar sands project, Carbon County, Utah1990-07-30geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sand.This report includes the 1989 data and represents a summary of previous exploration reports. Eight photographs included in Volume I are used to highlight aspects of the Sunnyside. Tar Sands project. Volume II contains five maps and five cross sections. Volume III contains twenty-six strip logs. Both...
85 Facts in Brief
86 Surface tar-sand deposits in California1987surface tar-sand deposits; tar sand; surface tar sand; California; oil seeps; stratigraphy; tar sand deposit structureTar sand deposits and oil seeps have been known in California for more than a century and were used in the exploration for many of California's largest oil fields. Sixty deposits visited by this writer yielded 24 deposits totaling 5.27 billion barrels of oil in place and another 36 estimated at 1-2 ...
87 Proposed natural gas protection program for naval oil shale reserves nos. 1 and 3, Garfield County, Colorado1991-08naval oil shale reserves; environmental assessment; naval petroleum reserves; oil shaleEnvironmental Assessment analysis completed for Naval Oil Shale Reserves Nos. 1 and 3 (NOSRs-1 & 3), located in Garfield County, Colorado.
88 Economic & demographic futures 1980-20001980-01Special acknowledgement is appropriate for the efforts of the Community Planning Policy Committee which provided continual guidance to the Water Quality staff over a six month period; in addition to Jean Watanbe, Office of the State Planning Coordinator, Brad Barber and Greg Selby formerly with the ...
89 Utah energy developments: A summary of existing and proposed activity 1981-19901981-06energy developments; Utah energy developments; Utah Energy Information SystemThis report on Energy Developments in Utah is designed to provide local, state, federal and private sector decision makers with current information on existing and planned energy developments in the State. Rather than focussing on the demand or supply for energy resources in the State, this report f...
90 Petroliferous lithosomes in the Moenkopi Formation, southern Utah1977petroleum; stratigraphic study; southeastern and central Utah petroleum; Moenkopi FormationRecent stratigraphic studies of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation suggest the possibility of important petroleum potential within the unit in southeastern and central Utah. Potential reservoir rocks include shoreline sandstone in the Black Dragon Member, carbonates in the Sinbad Limestone Member, and ...
91 Coal in a changing climate and challenges for CCS deployment2008-05-23NRDC; Climate change; Coal; CCS deployment; CCS; Carbon Capture and Storage; Business-as-usual; BAU; world CO2 emissions; coal plant emissions; Appalachia; Wyoming; Montana; North Dakota; Colorado; New Mexico; IPCC; Powerplants; Arctic iceOutline: 1-Climate and coal 2-"Clean" coal? 3-Carbon Capture & Storage: can we (just) do it? 4-To-do list 5-A changing world
92 Photos
93 Oil sands development in Canada: Lessons for Utah2009-02-27Canadian oil sands; oil sand development in Utah; oil sandsAnalysis of the Canadian oil sands experience and its relevance to oil sands development in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Simon Dyer, Oil Sands Program Director for the Pembina Institute.
94 Utah data guide a newsletter for data users1998Utah's seven associations of government (AOGs)1 have produced these city and unincorporated area population projections for each year from 1997 through 2002 and for the years 2010 and 2020. These are consistent with the county population projections produced by the Governor's Office of Planning and ...
95 AE_The University of Utah
96 Phase I: data summary on an analysis of the economic structure and industrial potential of the four corners region to the four corners regional commission1970-02-13Battelle-Columbus is conducting a four-phase study for the Four Corners Regional Commission focused on the economic structure and industrial potential of the Four Corners Region. The primary purpose of this Phase I effort has been to compile the data requited for our subsequent research phases. Pre...
97 AB_Facts in Brief
98 Enhanced in-situ production through fracturing2010-04-28in-situ production; fracturing; fracturing methodsRationale For Fracturing: 1) Ultra-Low Matrix Permeability 2) Poorly Interconnected Fracture Network 3) Desire to Maximize Surface Area, Minimize Transport Distance In Matrix and Increase Conductivity of Flow Paths For Production 4) Increase Surface Area, Increase Fracture Frequency
99 Environmental technologies applicable to shale development: Integrating simulation and experiment2008-11-13oil shale technologies; oil shale; environmental technologies; shale developmentPresentation given at the Utah Oil Shale Resources and Technology Update, November 13, 2008, The Leonardo, Salt Lake City, Utah.
100 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects--19851985-07-31U. S. tar sand; oil recovery projects; tar sand resource; in situ processesSince crude oil prices declined in the early 1980's, U.S. tar sand activities have declined to a level approximating that of the early 1970's. Twenty of the 43 reported projects are in California reservoirs containing bitumen with relatively low viscosities. Only four current or planned projects are...
76 - 100 of 385