51 - 75 of 98
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51 Development of Utah tar sands--a status report1977The hydrocarbon resource locked in Utah's tar sands has been estimated to be in excess of 25 billion barrels. Tar sands, known variously as oil sands, bituminous sandstone, or oil-impregnated sandstone, cannot be recovered by conventional primary or secondary petroleum recovery techniques because of...
52 Investigation of tar sand and heavy oil deposits of Utah for underground coal gasification applications1985-12tar sand; heavy oil deposits; underground coal gasification; UCG applicationsA literature review was conducted to determine spatial and geological relationships between Utah's tar sand or heavy oil deposits and coal deposits and to evaluate these relationships in terms of suitability for underground coal gasification (UCG) applications. The investigation was undertaken as pa...
53 Bituminous sandstone and limestone deposits of Utah1963The significant bituminous sandstone and bituminous Limestone deposits of Utah are located within, or on the edges of, the Uinta Basin. They are all located within the boundaries of Carbon, Duchesne, and Uintah Counties. The Sunnyside deposits in Carbon County contain the greatest reserves of bitumi...
54 Chapter 8 Part 1
55 Palynology and petrography of some solid bitumens of the Uinta Basin, Utah1976-07bitumen; petrologic character; palyonogic content; plant material found in bitumenSeveral solid bitumens and bituminous substances of the Uinta Basin found in veins, brecciated fissures, cracks, joints, and porous rocks have been examined for petrologic character and palynologic content. Some samples of solid ozocerite, a native wax, intercalated in the matrix of brecciated zones...
56 Review of the world's major oil sand deposits1974oil sand deposits; major oil sand deposits; oil reserves; non-conventional oil; oil sands; oil shale; coal; syncrude production; review; types of oil depositsThe solution of today's energy equation lies in crash programmes for the development of alternative fuels to supplement dwindling conventional oil reserves. Conse quently, sources of non-conventional oil such as oil sands, oil-shale and coal are being given greater consid eration. The production of ...
57 Chapter 17
58 Oil-impregnated sandstones of Raven Ridge, Vernal, Utah1972Oil-impregnated sandstone; Raven Ridge; Vernal, Utah; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Wasatch Formation; Green River Formation; Uinta FormationThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado. The area covers approximately 52 square miles of what is regionally called Raven Ridge. Raven Ridge, a series of hogback ridges, trends northwest-southeast, and includes three Eocen...
59 Land and resource management issues relevant to deploying in-situ thermal technologies: Topical Report: October 1, 2009 to December 31, 20102011-01in-situ; oil shale; domestic energy source; oil sandsUtah is home to oil shale resources containing roughly 1.3 trillion barrels of oil equivalent and our nation's richest oil sands resources. If economically feasible and environmentally responsible means of tapping these resources can be developed, these resources could provide a safe and stable dome...
60 Geology and petroleum resources of the major oil-impregnated sandstone deposits of Utah1979-08petroleum resources; oil-impregnated sandstone depositsNear surface, oil-impregnated rock deposits in Utah are estimated to contain as much as 29 billion barrels of petroleum. Over fifty individual deposits have been identified, primarily through field mapping. Over 96 percent of the oil in place occurs in sandstone host rocks in six giant deposits. Fou...
61 Ground-water flow and migration of hydrocarbons to the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone, Tar Sand Triangle, southeastern Utah1995ground-water flow; migration of hydrocarbons; hydrocarbons; Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone; Tar Sand Triangle; heavy oilThe Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone in the Tar Sand Triangle of southeastern Utah contains an estimated 12.5-16 billion barrels of heavy oil. Despite the large size of the deposit, the source of its oil is unknown. This paper systematically discusses source rocks for this petroleum from the standp...
62 Plant starts, Athabasca now yielding its hydrocarbons1967-10-23synthetic crude; Athabasca oil sands; crude; strip miningFirst synthetic crude from the Athabasca oil sands region of northeastern Alberta will reach the Toledo, Ohio, refinery of Sun Oil Co. in November. It will be an excellent grade of crude - high in gravity, free of sulfur and nitrogen. But nonetheless, it will have a strange background. Instead of be...
63 APPENDIX A - Analysis of environmental, legal, socioeconomic and policy issues critical to the development of commercial oil shale leasing on the public lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-10Oil shale; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Energy Policy Act of 2005; Green River Formation; Environmental; Legal; Socioeconomic; Policy Issues; Oil shale deposits; BLM; Bureau of Land ManagementThe United States is home to the largest oil shale deposits in the world. This resource is located in the Green River Formation, spreading across the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Despite the vast potential of this resource, successful commercial development has yet to occur. To date, concer...
64 Basin oriented strategies for CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Rocky Mountain Region2006-02Rocky Mountain; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Gas; Enhanced oil recovery; EOR; CO2; Carbon dioxide injection; Oil fields; Basin oriented strategies; Domestic oil productionThe Rocky Mountain oil and gas producing region of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming has an original oil endowment of nearly 34 billion barrels. Of this, 11 billion barrels (33%) has been produced or proven. As such, nearly 23 billion barrels of oil will be left in the ground, or "stranded", following the ...
65 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience-Topical Report2013-09Topical Report; Oil & Natural Gas Technology; October 1, 2009-September 30, 2014; Canadian Oil Sands; Policy; Subtask 6.2For those who support U.S. oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands industry is often identified as a model the U.S. might emulate, yielding financial and energy security benefits. For opponents of domestic oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands experience illustrates the risks that oppo...
66 The structure and economic impact of Utah's coal industry2010-05Coal; Utah; Economic impact; Carbon County; Emery County; Sevier County; Employment; Earnings; Construction; Retail sales; Carbon sequestration; Carbon captureUtah's coal industry has played a significant role in the economic development of the state for well over a century. The future of the industry is dependent upon a constellation of economic, technical, and policy developments. This study of Utah's coal industry is composed of the following sections:...
67 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 2011 to March 20112011-04-01ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; University of Utah; Utah; Oxy-gas; Kerogen; X-ray fluorescence analysis; Thermogravimetric analyzer; TGA; Lattice Boltzmann simulation; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; CO2 capture; American Shale Oil; AMSO; Greenhouse gas emissions; GHGThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program held a Project Review meeting on the University of Ut...
68 Analysis of lacustrine deltaic sedimentation in the Green River Formation, southern Uinta Basin, Utah1991lacustrine deltaic sedimentation; Green River Formation; southern Uinta Basin; sedimentation analysisDetailed lithofacies analysis of over 4,500 m of measured sections of most of the Eocene portion of the fluvial and lacustrine Green River Formation in the south-central Uinta Basin documents twelve lithofacies: Sa (nonsinuous trunk streams), Sb (meandering delta distributary channels), Sc (amalgama...
69 Historic Fort Douglas at the University of UtahFort Douglas; UtahThe majority of the fort was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1970. The University of Utah Fort Douglas Heritage Commons is also an Official Project of Save America's Treasures, a public-private partnership between the White House Millennium Council and the National Trust for Historic Pres...
70 The production of oil from Intermountain West tar sands deposits1976-03tar sand deposits; oil; tar sands; crude oil; hydrocarbons in tar sands; surface miningsSix tar sand deposits in the Intermountain West, each containing more than one billion barrels of oil in place, are identified. All of these deposits are in eastern Utah and contain a total of twenty-eight billion barrels of oil. The names of the six deposits arranged in descending order of desirabi...
71 Uinta Basin tar sand deposits1990Uinta Basin; Tar sand deposits; UtahThis report addresses an important need to the State of Utah; to define, tabulate, and document an economic resource which has aroused the interest of industry and academia and which is vastly undeveloped and little understood as to its potential. The need for this report has grown since the last ta...
72 APPENDIX B - Depositional heterogeneity and fluid flow modeling of the oil shale interval of the upper Green River Formation, eastern Uinta Basin, Utah - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-10Green River Formation; Uinta Basin; Utah; Uintah County; Oil shale; DepositionIn this project, a detailed geological analysis was performed followed by a reservoir modeling exercise. For the geological analysis, ~300 m of cores were correlated to gamma and density logs in well P4 in the lower to middle Eocene (49.5-48.0 million years ago (Ma)), upper Green River Formation of ...
73 Digitized log file, API Number 43047311292009This log was digitized by the Utah Geological Survey from image files (.tiff) compiled by the Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining
74 Economic potential of the P.R. Spring oil-impregnated deposit, Uinta Basin, Utah1984-08The P.R. Spring oil-impregnated sandstone (tar sand) deposit is located in the southeastern portion of the Uinta Basin, approximately 50 miles northwest of Grand Junction, Colorado. These oil impregnated sandstones are in the Eocene Green River Formation and five zones have been identified. These zo...
75 Diagenetic and burial history of the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone in the Tar Sand Triangle, Paradox Basin, southeastern Utah1995Subsurface petrologic study and burial history reconstruction of the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone in the Tar Sand triangle on the western edge of the Paradox Basin in southeastern Utah suggest that oil migrated into White Rim reservoirs after significant burial during the early Tertiary. Primar...
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