51 - 75 of 86
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51 2018-2019 General Catalog2018University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
52 General_Catalog_2018_20192019Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
53 Tar sand technology status report1990-01tar sand; technology status report; domestic tar sand resourceThe total, domestic tar sand resource is estimated to be about 60 billion barrels and is geographically scattered and geologically diverse. The domestic resource is consolidated and oil wet, that is, the sand grains are cemented together and the oil sticks directly to the sand grains. Tar sand bitum...
54 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 5 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03STSA; Sunnyside special tar sand area; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 5 tract; in situ tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 5 Tract is in the east central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 30 miles east-northeast of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
55 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 6 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area; site analysis; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 6 tract; STSA; tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 6 Tract is in the south-central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located approximately 27 miles east of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I ) . The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
56 Oil shale project run summary, large retort: Run L-21981-08-10Oil shale; Retorting behavior; Modified in-situ combustion retorting; MIS; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryA. Run Objective. To determine the retorting behavior of individual oil shale blocks in a shale rubble matrix during simulated modified in-situ (MIS) combustion retorting. B. Conclusions. The interiors of large particles are delayed in retorting (compared to a surrounding matrix of small particles) ...
57 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2012 to June 20122012-07ICSE; University of Utah; AMSO; American Shale Oil; Strategic Alliance Reserve; SAR; Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining; DOGM; Large eddy simulation; LES; International Flame Research Foundation; IFRF; Flamelet; Pyrolysis; Kerogen; Thermogravimetric analysis; TGA; CO2 enhanced oil recovery; EOR; ...The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, ICSE presented the 2012 University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference and met with r...
58 Research investigations in oil shale, tar sand, coal research, advanced exploratory process technology, and advanced fuels research: Volume 1--base program1994-05oil shale; tar sand; coal research; dvanced exploratory process technology; advanced fuels research; COMPCOALThis report summarizes the major research investigations conducted by the Western Research Institute under Cooperative Agreement DE-FC21-86MC11076 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) over the period October 1986 through September 1993. In 1989 a Jointly Sponsored Research Program (JSRP) was inc...
59 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 7 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area; STSA; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 7 tract; site analysis; tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 7 Tract is in the south-central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located 26 miles east of Price (see Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
60 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 12 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside special tar sand area; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 12 tract; tar sand extraction; STSAThe Sunnyside No. 12 Tract is in the north-central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 33 miles east of Price, Utah (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
61 2008_10_General_Catalog2010Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
62 Mono Power Company: Sunnyside tar sands project--1983 geologic evaluation1984-03Mono Power; Sunnyside, Utah; Range Creek; Bruin Point; Whitmore Canyon; Uinta Basin; Wasatch Formation; Green River Formation; Mono Power's Sunnyside tar sand leasesThis report presents the results of the 1983 geologic evaluation which M-K performed on Mono Power's tar sand leases near Sunnyside, Utah. The project's scope of work involved: - P. R. Spring Drilling - Sunnyside Drilling - Logging and Sampling - Assaying and Testing - Surveying - Aerial Photography...
63 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 8 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 8 tract; STSA; tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 8 Tract is in the southern part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 27 miles east of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
64 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 9 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area; STSA; site analysis; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 9 tract; tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 9 Tract is in the southeastern part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 33 miles east of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
65 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: April 2011 to June 20112011-07-01ICSE; Oil shale; Oil sands; University of Utah; Uinta Basin; Vernal, Utah; CLEARuff model; Oxy-gas burner; Bitumen; Kerogen; X-ray fluorescence analysis; Thermogravimetric analysis; CHNS analysis; Lattice Boltzmann model; American Shale Oil; AMSOThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program sponsored the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels...
66 Tar sand: Technology status report1990-01tar sand; technology status report; gas-free bitumen; tar sand bitumenTar Sand is defined as any consolidated or unconsolidated rock, exclusive of coal, gilsonite, or oil shale, that contains a hydrocarbonaceous material with a gas-free bitumen viscosity greater than 10,000 centipoise (cP) at reservoir temperatures. Figure 1 graphically relates tar sand to heavy and l...
67 Morgantown Energy Technology Center publications list, FY 881989-02Morgantown Energy Technology Center; METCThe Publications List includes the scientific and technical reports and papers authored by the Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC) staff as well as those written by METC contractors during Fiscal Year 1988. The reports and papers are arranged by METC areas of expertise: Arctic and Offshore, C...
68 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 2 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area; tar sand; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 2 tract; STSA; tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 2 Tract is in the central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 25 miles northeast of Price, Utah (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
69 Occurrence and reactions of oil shale sulfur1982-04Green River oil shale; Sulfur forms; Pyrolysis; Oil shale sulfurWe first discuss the nature and abundance of sulfur forms in Green River oil shale. A previously reported correlation between sulfur and grade does not work well over a very large geographical region. We next discuss the distribution of sulfur in the pyrolysis products, including trace sulfur specie...
70 Utah division of air quality modeling guidelines1998-02-24Industry and control agencies have long expressed a need for consistency in the application of air quality models for regulatory purposes. This Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) guideline document provides a common basis for estimating the air quality concentrations used in assessing control strat...
71 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - April 1, 2011 to June 30, 20112011-06domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; Oxycoal SimulationThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
72 An evaluation of triple quadrupole ms/ms for on-line analyses of trace sulfur compounds from oil shale processing1985In order to effectively reduce sulfur gas content from shale processing to environmentally acceptable levels, H2S, COS, S02 and CH3SH plus trace sulfur compounds must be removed. Of these, the trace sulfur compounds have not been well characterized but should be known to ppm levels In order to optim...
73 On solar thermal processing and retorting of oil shale1988-05The general concept and a recent paper on solar oil shale retorting are critically reviewed. It is concluded that a recent paper by Berber and Fletcher (Energy 13. 13, 1988) contains erroneously high oil yields and provides no new valid information related to solar oil shale process design or econom...
74 Oil shale quarterly report1990-09-05Aboveground oil shale retorting; Hot-Recycled-Solid; HRS; Pyrolysis; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryWe are studying aboveground oil shale retorting and have developed the LLNL Hot-Recycled-Solid (HRS) process as a generic, second-generation, rapid pyrolysis retorting system in which recycled shale is the solid heat carrier. In 1984-87, we operated a 1-tonne-per-day FIRS pilot plant to study retort...
75 Recovery and upgrading of oil from Utah tar sands1985-09upgrading oil; oil recovery; Utah tar sands; Bitumen Upgrading; Thermal Recovery; Fluidized Bed Pyroiysis; Water Assisted Recovery; Thermal RecoveryResearch has progressed in four principal areas: A) Bitumen Upgrading; B) Thermal Recovery by Fluidized Bed Pyroiysis; C) Water Assisted Recovery; and D) Two-Stage Thermal Recovery using Heat Pipes. Hydropyrolysis continues to show promise for upgrading of bitumen with high liquid yields. Valuable e...
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