51 - 75 of 355
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51 Stratigraphy (Sunnyside and Cottonwood-Jack Canyon tar sand deposits)1984-05-10stratigraphy; tar sand deposits; supplement reportDuring the earliest 40% of Tertiary time, from about 65 to 40 million years ago, much of the Uinta Basin of northeast Utah was occupied by a large lake termed Lake Uinta. For most of its existence, this lake was a shallow body of fresh or slightly brackish water. Its remarkable, 15 million-year hist...
52 Salient features of the bituminous sandstone occurrence near Sunnyside, Carbon County, Utah1963bituminous sandstone; Sunnyside
53 Geology and tar sand resource Nine Mile Ranch and vicinity Carbon County, Utah: Sunnyside and Cottonwood-Jack Canyon tar sand deposits1984-03tar sand resource; oil production; Nine Mile Ranch; geology; Sunnyside; Cottonwood-Jack Canyon; tar sand depositsA very major tar sand resource is located within the study area. This is estimated on a reconnaissance basis at 4.16 billion barrels (gross) of oil in place in beds from a few to more than 700 feet in thickness extending over about 39,400 acres. About 2.50 billion barrels of the total is on lands co...
54 Geologic summary report of the 1990 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11991-02-28geologic summary; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sand; regional, engineering geology.This 1990 report is a supplement to the extensive 1989 report. This 1990 report concentrates on results of the following four categories: (1) regional geology and engineering geology needed to investigate the feasibility of conveyor routes that will bring the tar sand ore down from the Roan Cliffs t...
55 Part 999999
56 Oil-impregnated sandstone between Dirty Devil and Colorado and Green Rivers Garfield and Wayne Counties, Utah1969-02-26oil-impregnated sandstone; Utah sandstone; mineral resources inventory; Tar Sand TriangleThis paper presents the results of two months of field work done as a part of the Utah Geological Survey's continuing inventory of the mineral resources of the state of Utah. Prior to this field work. Survey field parties had worked in the area intermittently in 1967 and 1968 laying the ground work ...
57 Report of investigation: Oil-impregnated rocks and other evidences of petroleum1974-09petroleum; oil-impregnated sandstone; oil seepGeneral geology: The surface geology is entirely Uinta Formation. Most rocks are thinly laminated, fine-grained lacustrine shales and cherts. Only a few sandstone units are present, which are predominantly fine-grained, well-cemented, and lacking in porosity and permeability. Regional dip is gently ...
58 Utah energy developments: A summary of existing and proposed activity 1981-19901981-06energy developments; Utah energy developments; Utah Energy Information SystemThis report on Energy Developments in Utah is designed to provide local, state, federal and private sector decision makers with current information on existing and planned energy developments in the State. Rather than focussing on the demand or supply for energy resources in the State, this report f...
59 Porosity of unconsolidated sand, diatomite, and fractured shale reservoirs, South Belridge and West Cat Canyon oil fields, California1987-11-02porosity; unconsolidated sand; diatomite; fractured shale reservoirs; South Belridge oil field; West Cat Canyon oil fieldPorosity analysis based on conventional core samples, gamma-gamma logs, and borehole gravity (BHG) surveys is presented for a Pleistocene unconsolidated sand reservoir and for Miocene diatomaceous, porcelaneous, and fractured shale reservoirs of the Monterey Formation in the South Belridge oil field...
60 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience2011-03-10policy analysis; Canadian oil sands experience; oil sands; federal oil sands resources; oil sands development; unconventional fuelsThe presentation goes over analyzing the relevance of the Canadian experience to U. S. oil sands development. This report focuses on federal oil sands resources, specifically potential development in the STSA's. No Current development on federal lands, despite leasing authorization under the Combine...
61 Parks and Recreation1973
62 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects (1982)1982-02U.S. tar sand; oil recovery; energy demand; conventional petroleum decrease; less conventional energy sources; tar sand resourceAs the demand for energy in the United States increases and the reserves of conventional petroleum decrease, the interest in development of less conventional energy sources is increasing dramatically. This interest, plus the recent decontrol of crude oil prices, has resulted in widespread activities...
63 The Chinese wax mine: A unique oil-impregnated rock deposit1975Chinese wax mine; oil-impregnated rock deposit; oil; mineral wax; viscous oilThe Chinese Wax mine in Daniels Canyon, Wasatch County, Utah, is a small deposit of black, viscous, waxy oil emplaced in fractured, brecciated Oquirrh Formation (Pennsylvanian-Permian) on the Strawberry Valley (or Charleston) thrust sheet where the thrust has overriden the west margin of the Uinta B...
64 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects--19841984-11U.S. tar sand; oil recovery projects; Eastern Oil Shale Symposium; alternate liquid hydrocarbon sources; oil shale; coal; tar sandWith a temporarily stable world oil price, which is lower than estimated values for most unconventional liquid hydrocarbon fuels, interest and activity in U. S. tar sands has declined. Data are reported for 52 projects involving in situ, mining and plant extraction, and modified in situ technologies...
65 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects--19851985-07-31U. S. tar sand; oil recovery projects; tar sand resource; in situ processesSince crude oil prices declined in the early 1980's, U.S. tar sand activities have declined to a level approximating that of the early 1970's. Twenty of the 43 reported projects are in California reservoirs containing bitumen with relatively low viscosities. Only four current or planned projects are...
66 Part 9
67 Uranium deposits of Temple Mountain1954uranium deposits; Temple Mountain, Utah; mining oreTemple Mountain is a prominent topographic feature on the southeast flank of the San Rafael Swell in Emery County, Utah, the outline of which resembles the Temple at Salt Lake City. The existence of uranium in this area has been known for many years, but mining at Temple Mountain in the early part o...
68 Oil sands and the draft PEIS2008-02-22oil sands; draft PEIS; oil sands development; oil shaleAnalysis of the impacts of the draft PEIS on oil sands development in Utah.
69 Potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts of oil sands leasing and development in Utah: Serious unanswered questions2006-09-21oil sands; oil sands leasing and development; tar sand.Understanding the resource: 1-> 3 trillion barrels of oil in tar sands in the world, 2-~650 billion barrels in North America, 3-Utah has > 90% of U.S. resource 4-~12-20 billion barrels in Utah 5-At most 3% of North American reserves in Utah, -EIA predicts that roughly only 1/5 of total Canadian tar ...
70 Tract summary report, Golden Corral combined hydrocarbon tract, Wayne County, Utah1982-10-06tract summary report; hydrocarbon tract; stratigraphy; structural geology; tar sand deposits; bitumen impregnated rock; bitumen
71 Preliminary location map oil-impregnated rock deposits of Utah1968-04map; oil impregnated rock deposits
72 Thermal drainage process for recovering hot water-swollen oil from a thick tar sand1987-05-26thermal drainage process; hot water-swollen oil recovery; thick tar sand; oil recoveryHot liquid-containing water-swollen tar is produced from a tar sand by injecting steam into a well, which is at least initially open and substantially free of obstruction to vertical fluid flow throughout a long vertical interval from the bottom of the tar sand, by producing said liquid from the bot...
73 Stratigraphy and origin of the Moenkopi Formation (Triassic) of southeastern Utah1973-01Moenkopi Formation; stratigraphy; regional stratigraphy of southeastern UtahIn southeastern Utah, the Triassic Moenkopi Formation is composed mainly of red and yellowish-gray siltstone, sandstone, mudstone, and limestone. Continuity of individual units is one of the characteristics of this formation and provides a basic for regional correlation. For the purpose of this stud...
74 P. R. spring oil-impregnated sandstone deposit Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah1970-02oil-impregnated sandstone beds; oil impregnation; oil shale; lenticular sandstones; siltstonesOil-impregnated sandstone beds underlie at least 214 square miles in the southeastern Uinta Basin and may extend northward beneath cover. One to as many as five principal saturated zones, 3 to 75 feet thick, occur in a 250-foot interval that dips gently northward. The northernmost outcrops are overl...
75 Part 999999
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