376 - 400 of 2,333
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376 Control of process aid used in hot water process for extraction of bitumen from tar sand1984-07-31Tar sand; Bitumen; Tar sand feed; Free surfactant content; Slurry; Bitumen froth recovery; Bitumen; Hot water process; Bitumen extraction; Extraction circuitThe hot water process is sensitive to the nature of the tar sand feed, which varies. An alkaline process aid, usually NaOH, is normally added to the conditioning step of the process and is needed to obtain good bitumen recovery from most tar sand feeds. The invention is based on the discovery that, ...
377 Control strategies for abandoned in situ oil shale retorts1979-04In situ oil shale retorting may result in a number of environmental impacts including degradation of local surface and groundwaters, low resource recovery and subsidence. The target of present oil shale commercialization activities is the Mahogany zone in Colorado's Piceance Creek Basin. The princip...
378 Conversion of hydrocarbon gases to liquid in the fluidized bed retort1987-06-12A free radical steady-state mechanism has been developed to explain qualitative and quantitative aspects of the generation of hydrocarbon gases in the solid-recycle fluidized bed retort. The mechanism relies on what is known about butane cracking. The 1- and 2-butyl free radicals have been studied a...
379 Conversion of tar sand bitumen and heavy crude to high yields of aviation turbine fuel1989tar sand bitumen; heavy crude; aviation turbine fuel yeilds; tar sand bitumen conversion; heavy crude conversionThe production of specification quality military aviation turbine fuel from low grade domestic fossil energy resources is of interest to the United States Air Force. This paper describes a U.S. Air Force sponsored study of the conversion of tar sands bitumens and heavy crudes into high yields of spe...
380 Core sample library catalog2004-07-15Core samples; Geology
381 Core-based integrated sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical analysis of the oil shale bearing Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah2011-04Utah; Green River Formation; Lake Uinta; Mahogany zone; Lake evolution; Oil shale development; Uinta BasinAn integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green River Formation has found that Lake Uinta evolved in three phases 1) a freshwater rising lake phase below the Mahogany zone, 2) an anoxic deep lake phase above the base of the Mahogany zone and 3) a hypersali...
382 Coring and testing wells Asphalt Ridge, Utah1957-10-21A second well was cored and some injection and production tests were made using this well and the well that already existed on Gulf's Palmer lease at Asphalt Ridge, Utah. The formation that has been tested is the Duchesne River, which is more lenticular and erratic than the Mesa Verde which contains...
383 Coyote Wash 1 Plate 52014Coyote Wash; plate 5; well log; core log; Green River formation
384 Critical issues in Utah's future: volume II1977-02
385 CRS report for Congress: Developments in oil shale2008-11-17Green River; Oil shale formation; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Oil shale; Diesel; Jet fuel; Department of Energy; DOE; Synthetic fuels; Petroleum; Energy Policy Act of 2005; EPAct; BLM; Oil research, development, and demonstration; RD&D; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; Oil shale ...The Green River oil shale formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming is estimated to hold the equivalent of 1.38 trillion barrels of oil equivalent in place. The shale is generally acknowledged as a rich potential resource; however, it has not generally proved to be economically recoverable. Thus, it ...
386 Crumb rubber dispersion in tar sand bitumen1996crumb rubber dispersion; tar sand bitumen; crumb rubber; scrap rubber; bitumen co-processingThe results from preliminary experiments of scrap rubber and bitumen co-processing aimed at preparation of a polymer-modified asphaltic product are presented. For 20 and 40 wt% rubber content in rubberized asphalt, complete rubber dispersion in the bitumen was obtained.
387 Current activity in oil production from U.S. tar sands1979-06-12Oil Production; U.S. tar sands; UNITAR; Oil shale; Tar sands; Utah; Oil recovery; Heavy oil; Gas; Hydrocarbon material; Viscous crudes; Oil deposits; Texas; California; New Mexico; KentuckyIn a 1978 paper "Important for the Future" issued by UNITAR, reference was made to a quotation from a study by Resources for the Future, entitled "Energy in the American Economy: 1850-1975," by Messrs. Schurr and Netschert. The quotation is: "Relatively simple calculations of the volume of oil shale...
388 Definition and world resources of natural bitumens1990Natural bitumens, semisolid or solid mixtures of hydrocarbons and as much as 50 percent heterocyclic compounds, are composed largely of carbon and hydrogen but have substituents of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and trace metals, especially iron, nickel, and vanadium. Bitumens are soluble in organic solv...
389 Delineation of gas sands by seismic stratigraphy in the Pericocal area, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela1987gas sands; seismic stratigraphy; Pericocal area; Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt; deliniation of gas sands; gas sand bodiesThe purpose of this study is to define the extent of gas sand bodies found in the Oficina Formation by well SDZ-79X, in the Pericocal area of the Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt. True amplitude processing was applied to 30 km (19 mi) of seismic survey lines in the vicinity of this well. The processing showed...
390 Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Salt Lake County: sub-county analysis2006-12Salt Lake County; Projections; Estimates; Aging population; Baby boom; Utah; Salt Lake Aging Services; Kennecott LandThis paper is an examination of the shifting geographic distribution of the population within Salt Lake County over time as well as an analysis of the spatial distribution of its demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. It builds on the county-level analysis included in a separate section of t...
391 Demographic trends affecting public education in Utah2000-11Beginning in 2004 and continuing for at least a decade, the school age population (5 to 18 year olds) in Utah will increase significantly. Throughout the 1990s, the school age population in Utah grew more slowly than did the population in general so that its share in the total population declined. T...
392 Demographic trends and high development "The Utah MX Baby Bomb"1981-04
393 Depositional environments of oil shale in the Green River Formation, Douglas Creek Arch, Colorado and Utah1985depositional environments; oil shale; Green River Formation; Douglas Creek Arch; stratigraphyDouglas Creek arch in western Colorado and eastern Utah separates the Uinta and Piceance Creek basins. During deposition of the lower part of the Eocene Green River Formation, the arch provided a physical barrier dividing ancient Lake Uinta into two segments. As the lake expanded, the arch became a ...
394 Depositional heterogeneity and fluid flow modeling of the oil shale interval of the Upper Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah2008-03-12Green River Formation; Eastern Uinta Basin; Utah; Oil shale; Sedimentology; Sequence stratigraphy; Mahogany zone; Depositional heterogeneity; Fluid flow modelingDiscussion of depositional and sequence stratigraphic characterization of the upper Green River Formation based on core and well log correlation and production modeling of the richest zone (Mahogany) based on sedimentological and other information.
395 Depositional setting and preliminary oil-shale resource potential, southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah1982Oil shale; Uinta Basin; Utah; Green River; Oil yield; Lake Uinta; Mohogany zone; Kerogen; Sheep Pass; Elko Basins; Nevada; Strawberry Structure; Strawberry ReservoirThis report characterizes the potential oil-shale resources underlying those lands west of the Green River in the southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah. The principal evaluation technique has been the calculation of oil yield from oil-well sonic and density log data available in this area. Subsurface corre...
396 Description of work elements1968-08-26Previous programs have initiated and refined the development of a Utah population model to be used in projection of future requirements of both public and private facilities, goods and services.
397 Description of work elements IV: land use model1968-08-26Previous programs have initiated and refined the development of a Utah population model to be used in projection of future requirements of both public and private facilities, goods and services. The present state population forecasts are based upon the "cohort-survival" method of analysis of birth r...
398 Detailed kinetic analysis of oil shale pyrolysis TGA data2011-03-22kinetic analysis; oil shale pyrolysis; TGA data; AIChE; oil shale resourses; western United States; Green River oil shaleThere are significant resources of oil shale in the western United States, which if exploited in an environmentally responsible manner would provide secure access to transportation fuels. Understanding the kinetics of kerogen decomposition to oil is critical to designing a viable process. A dataset ...
399 Determination of oil shale potential Green River Formation, Uinta Basin northeast Utah1967-11-03
400 Determination of sulfur anions in spent oil shale leachates by ion chromatography1989-07The leaching and transport of chemical constituents from spent oil shale disposal areas is an area of environmental concern at the present time. Sulfur-containing compounds are prevalent in spent oil shales and have the potential to leach into aqueous systems surrounding disposal sites. Computer mod...
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