301 - 325 of 327
Number of results to display per page
301 Carbon capture and sequestration: A regulatory gap assessment - Topical report2012-04carbon capture and sequestration; gap assessment; CCS; climate changeThough a potentially significant climate change mitigation strategy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) remains mired in demonstration and development rather than proceeding to full-scale commercialization. Prior studies have suggested numerous reasons for this stagnation. This Report seeks to e...
302 Getting from here to there: Devising an optimal regulatory model for CO2 transport in a new carbon capture and sequestration industry2010regulatory model for CO2 transport; new carbon capture and sequestration; CCS; regulatory modelIf CCS is to become a broad-scale commercial industry in time to meet the need for climate change mitigation, the United States must adopt a regulatory model that will allow for efficient construction of critical infrastructure. A well-crafted regulatory framework gives private would-be CCS operator...
303 Utah energy developments: A summary of existing and proposed activity 1981-19901981-06energy developments; Utah energy developments; Utah Energy Information SystemThis report on Energy Developments in Utah is designed to provide local, state, federal and private sector decision makers with current information on existing and planned energy developments in the State. Rather than focussing on the demand or supply for energy resources in the State, this report f...
304 General List of Courses
305 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience-Topical Report2013-09Topical Report; Oil & Natural Gas Technology; October 1, 2009-September 30, 2014; Canadian Oil Sands; Policy; Subtask 6.2For those who support U.S. oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands industry is often identified as a model the U.S. might emulate, yielding financial and energy security benefits. For opponents of domestic oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands experience illustrates the risks that oppo...
306 APPENDIX E - Integrated treatment of produced water by chemical and biological unit operations, A subpart of project - Quantifying water availability impacts and protecting water quality while developing Utah oil shale and sands - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21st, 2006 to October 21st, 20092010-10-07Water treatment; Water quality - Utah; Oil shale and sandsWater generated along with oil, gas, and coal bed methane production is commonly known as produced water, formation water, or oilfield brine [1]. Produced water represents the largest waste stream volume in production operations on most offshore platforms [2]. According to the American Petroleum Ins...
307 1886-87 General Catalog1886University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1886-87
308 Courses
309 1884-85 General Catalog1884University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1884-85
310 Water for commercial oil shale development in Utah: Allocating scarce resources and the search for new sources of supply2010commercial oil shale development; allocating resources; oil shale; bitumenBACKGROUND A. What Is Oil Shale and Why Do We Care? Oil shale is a sedimentary rock containing solid bituminous materials. When oil shale is heated, petroleum-like liquids and gasses are released. The process of heating shale and capturing resulting liquids and gasses is called retorting and can occ...
311 General list of Courses
312 Chapter 13 Part 1
313 006_General List of Courses
314 Assessment of research needs for oil recovery from heavy-oil sources and tar sands1982-03The Fossil Energy Research Working Group (FERWG), at the request of J. W. Mares (Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy) and A. W. Trivelpiece (Director, Office of Energy Research), has reviewed and evaluated the U.S. programs on oil recovery from heavy oil sources and tar sands. These studies were p...
315 Critical issues in Utah's future: volume II1977-02
316 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - April 1, 2011 to June 30, 20112011-06domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; Oxycoal SimulationThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
317 Uinta Basin tar sand deposits1990Uinta Basin; Tar sand deposits; UtahThis report addresses an important need to the State of Utah; to define, tabulate, and document an economic resource which has aroused the interest of industry and academia and which is vastly undeveloped and little understood as to its potential. The need for this report has grown since the last ta...
318 A spatial allocation model for regional impact projections
319 1885-86 General Catalog1885University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1885-86
320 1887-88 General Catalog1887University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1887-88
321 Model codes and analysis tools for quality growthThe following ordinance is designed as an OVERLAY zone for sensitive areas. It depends on a map, adopted as a zoning overlay map, that identifies the approximate areas where the sensitive lands will be located. The areas are described in this workbook. For the methods and sources of data that may be...
322 State and regional control of geological carbon sequestration (Part I)2011-05state and regional control; geological carbon sequestration; hydrocarbon fuel; carbon capture; geologic sequestrationIn the near future the use of coal may be legally restricted due to concerns over the effects of its combustion on atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Carbon capture and geologic sequestration offer one method to reduce carbon emissions from coal and other hydrocarbon fuel. While the federal ...
323 AK_Courses
324 1890-91 General Catalog1890University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Annual of the University of Deseret, 1890-91
325 Economic impacts of U.S. liquid fuel mitigation options2006-07-08Oil; Oil shortages; United States dependence on oil imports; Energy Security; Vehicle fuel efficiency (VFE); Coal liquefaction; Coal-to-liquids (CTL); Oil shale; Enhanced oil recovery (EOR); Oil peaking; Liquid fuelsThe world is consuming more oil than it is finding, and at some point within the next decade or two, world production of conventional oil will likely peak. Peaking will lead to shortages and greatly increased prices and price volatility. In addition to peaking and its consequences, there are widespr...
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