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1 UUSAC parking request 1993-19941994CommitteesNotes, letters and memos of the University of Utah Parking, Transportation, Traffic Modeling Project Settering Committee.
2 Courses
3 Courses
4 Colleges, Schools, and Division
5 Courses
6 Courses
7 Courses
8 Courses
9 Courses
10 014_Libraries, Museums, Research and Service Agencies
11 UPEDLD user's manualThe UPEDLD system generates employment projections across designated broad occupation categories for specified regions and years. This system serves as a bridge between the REGION VIII employment-occupation detail and employment data produced from other models.
12 AN_Courses
13 AO_Courses
14 Courses
15 Courses
16 Courses
17 UUSAC 1993-4, Volume IIStaff advisory committee; Year end; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
18 UUSAC AdPAC 1993-19941994MinutesAgendas and minutes for meetings of the Administrative Policies Advisory Committee
19 UUSAC UHESA 1993-19941994Bylaws; Univerity of Utah staff; MinutesUtah Higher Education Staff Association directory, meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws for 1993-1994.
20 Appendices 7.25: Financial Aid and Scholarships Report: Annual Report 03-04University of Utah 2006 Report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Appendices for Standard 7: Finance. 7.25: Financial Aid and Scholarships Report: Annual Report 03-04
21 Library and Information Resources2006-08-18The University of Utah in 1996: a report to the Commission on Colleges of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. The University of Utah in 1996: a report to the Commission on Colleges of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
22 Economic evaluation of oil shale and tar sands resources located in the state of Utah: Phase 11981-02-15Managing public lands for maximum social benefit is becoming an increasingly complex task. The growing need for domestically produced mineral raw materials and energy, and the conflicting interests over the use of public lands, have added new dimensions to the management issues. This report covers t...
23 Economic impacts of U.S. liquid fuel mitigation options2006-07-08Oil; Oil shortages; United States dependence on oil imports; Energy Security; Vehicle fuel efficiency (VFE); Coal liquefaction; Coal-to-liquids (CTL); Oil shale; Enhanced oil recovery (EOR); Oil peaking; Liquid fuelsThe world is consuming more oil than it is finding, and at some point within the next decade or two, world production of conventional oil will likely peak. Peaking will lead to shortages and greatly increased prices and price volatility. In addition to peaking and its consequences, there are widespr...
24 AM_Colleges, Schools & Divisions
25 AN_Colleges, Schools & Divisions
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