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1 U campus remains in Orange status2020-09-03COVID-19; Fall semester; 2020Covid 19 status communication to University community from Ruth Watkins, University President, and Senior Vice Presidents' Mike Good and Dan Reed
2 CFD development for fired heater applications2022Industry values the ability to ‘virtually' verify and optimize burner performance through CFD simulation and to evaluate the suitability of burner and furnace designs. Inaccurate results may lead us to falsely reject good burner designs or accept a poor design. Field problems can be far more expen...
3 Budget (UUSAC 2014-09)2014-09Operating budget; Scholarship accountBudget and expenditures for operating and scholarship accounts.
4 Field experiment of in-situ oil recovery from a Utah tar sand by reverse combustion1976in-situ oil recovery; Utah tar sand; reverse combustion; oil recoveryPart of the mission of the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) is to develop all energy sources to meet the needs of present and future generations. Toward that mission the Laramie Energy Research Center (LERC) is conducting research and field experiments for the development of rec...
5 Help stop coronavirus spikeCOVID-19; transmissionLetter to the university community
6 Letter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Students2020-07Racism; Systemic racism; ResearchLetter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to students addressing U.S. Department of Homeland Security's announcement of modifications to exemptions for non-immigrant students enrolled at high education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
7 Letter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Deans and Department chairs2020-07Racism; Systemic racism; ResearchLetter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Deans and Department chairs addressing U.S. Department of Homeland Security's announcement of modifications to exemptions for non-immigrant students enrolled at high education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
8 A bibliography of thermal methods of oil recovery1965-03Thermal methods; Oil recovery; Bibliography; Bureau of Mines Petroleum Research Center; Thermal methods of oil recoveryThe Oil Recovery Committee, Independent Petroleum Association of America, in response to requests and in recognition of expanded interest in the application of thermal methods of oil recovery, has sponsored the compilation of the following bibliography, with literature and patent references, and aut...
9 Influence of biodegradation on the chemical composition of heavy oil and bitumen1987biodegredation; chemical composition of heavy oil and bitumen; heavy oil; bitumen; biodegredation of petroleumBiodegradation of petroleum is a selective metabolism of special organic compounds by an ensemble of microorganisms. It apparently starts under aerobic conditions, which are provided in areas invaded by surfacederived, oxygen-rich formation waters. Bacteria introduced into an oil pool with meteoric ...
10 Current activity in oil production from U.S. tar sands1979-06-12Oil Production; U.S. tar sands; UNITAR; Oil shale; Tar sands; Utah; Oil recovery; Heavy oil; Gas; Hydrocarbon material; Viscous crudes; Oil deposits; Texas; California; New Mexico; KentuckyIn a 1978 paper "Important for the Future" issued by UNITAR, reference was made to a quotation from a study by Resources for the Future, entitled "Energy in the American Economy: 1850-1975," by Messrs. Schurr and Netschert. The quotation is: "Relatively simple calculations of the volume of oil shale...
11 COVID-19 research operations update from the VPR2020-07-07COVID-19; researchAnnouncement on research operations during COVID-19 pandemic
12 An echoing in-situ combustion oil recovery project in a Utah tar sand1982in-situ combustion; oil recovery project; Utah tar sand; echoing in-situ; U.S. tar sand resources; reverse combustion process; heterogeneous tar sand reservoirU.S. tar sand resources contain an estimated 30 billion bbl (4.7 Gm3) of oil in place in about 550 occurrences in 22 states. Over 90% of the known resources are in six large deposits in Utah, each containing from 1 to 16 billion bbl (0.15 to 2.5 Gm3) of oil. 1 Four major tar sand deposits in Alberta...
13 Fall 2020 Instructional Guidelines2020-07COVID-19; instruction; campusFall 2020 Instructional Guidelines
14 A model of hydrocarbon generation from type 1 kerogen: Application to the Uinta Basin, Utah1986-12-18Pyrolysis; Green River shale; Petroleum; Utah; Uinta Basin; Kerogen; Oil; Eocene; Type I kerogen; Hydrocarbon generation; Oil generation; Gas generation; KineticsThe Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah provides an ideal setting to study the evolution of kerogen to petroleum. Oil shale rocks of the Eocene-age Green River Formation outcrop extensively at the southern edge of the synclinal basin. The same rocks are also found at depths of 3650 m in the deepest par...
15 1959-60 General Catalog; University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)1959University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah, Volume 50, May, 1959, Number 4. General Catalog 1959-1960.
16 Oil recovery from a Utah tar sand deposit by in situ combustion1978-06-06The U. S. tar sand resource consists of an estimated 30 billion barrels (4.7Gm^3 ) of oil. Most of this resource is in six large deposits in Utah. Through research and development to prove tar sand oil recovery methods, the Department of Energy is attempting to stimulate commercialization of this re...
17 Administration & FacultyA description of the administration and faculty members at the University of Utah.
18 1957-58 General Catalog1957University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah 1957-1958 General Catalog
19 Capitol Reef-Miners Mountain oil-impregnated rock occurrences1967The Capitol Reef bituminous sandstone area occurs mainly on the northern and northeastern portions of the area known as Miners Mountain. This is a dome structure of the Teasdale anticline, the axis of which parallels the Teasdale fault system.
20 Field experiment of reverse combustion oil recovery from a Utah tar sand1980field experiment; reverse combustion; oil recovery; Utah tar sand; hydrocarbon reservesA field experiment to recover oil from tar sand by reverse combustion was conducted at Northwest Asphalt Ridge, near Vernal, Utah. This test was in a 10-foot interval of the Rim Rock sandstone member of the Mesa Verde Formation at a depth of approximately 300 feet. Ignition was accomplished November...
21 Green River Formation at Raven Ridge, Uintah County, Utah1965-07Green River formation; Raven Ridge; sandstone beds; shale; limestone; marlstone; oil-bearing strataAlong Raven Ridge in Uintah County, Utah, exposures of the Green River Formation contain a complex sequence of intertonguing beds of sandstone, shale, limestone, and marlstone. These strata are considered to represent deposition in an orderly sequence of environments from the flood plain through the...
22 1956-57 General Catalog1956University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah, Volume 47, June, 1956, No. 5. Catalogue of the University of Utah. Announcement for 1956-57.
23 1961-62 General Catalog1961University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah, Volume 52, April 30, 1961, Number 4. General Catalog 1961-1962.
24 Abridged life tables for males and females: Utah and its planning districts, 19801985-10
25 Characterization of Uinta Basin oil sand bitumens1992-11-15Uinta Basin; Oil sand bitumens; Southwest Whiterocks; Northwest Whiterocks; Asphalt Ledge; Sunnyside; Solvent extraction; Elution chromatography; Saturate and monoaromatic fractions; Polycyclic naphthenes; Naphthenoaromatics; Steranes; HopanesResults of the analyses of the saturate and monoaromatic fractions of four Uinta Basin bitumens (southwest Whiterocks, northwest Whiterocks, Asphalt ledge and Sunnyside) are presented in this paper. After separating the bitumen samples into several fractions using solvent extraction and elution chro...
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