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1 Fischer Assay Data, Utah Geological Survey Well Number U5342008This dataset contains the results of Fischer assay analyses obtained and published by the Utah Geological Survey for well U534.
2 Multi-county regions in Utah1970-03The publication of this report was made possible through the financial assistance of the Four Corners Regional Commission with coordination by the State Planning Coordinator's Office, State of Utah. The statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other data in this report are solely thos...
3 Recommended preliminary Utah multi-County planning regions1966-03This recommendation for Multi-County Planning Regions is preliminary to the extent that its desirability should be tested by county officials, planning groups, and other interested government and private agencies for a period of time before it is accepted as final by the State Advisory Planning Comm...
4 UUSAC UHESA 1993-19941994Bylaws; Univerity of Utah staff; MinutesUtah Higher Education Staff Association directory, meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws for 1993-1994.
5 Qget quality growth efficiency tools1998-06In the last six years Utah has experienced an unprecedented economic boom. Economic growth has attracted large numbers of residents from other states to Utah. High in-migration, combined with a consistently growing resident population, has applied pressure on Utah's existing transportation, water, ...
6 QGET: quality growth efficiency tools databook1997-07In the last six years Utah has experienced an unprecedented economic boom. Economic growth has attracted large numbers of residents from other states to Utah. High in-migration, combined with a consistently growing resident population, has applied pressure on Utah's existing transportation, educat...
7 Qget quality growth efficiency tools1997-12In the last six years Utah has experienced an unprecedented economic boom. Economic growth has attracted large numbers of residents from other states to Utah. High in-migration, combined with a consistently growing resident population, has applied pressure on Utah's existing transportation, water, ...
8 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) 1996-19971997Year end report; University of Utah staff; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
9 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19961996University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
10 Constructing a basin-scale geologic model2013-05-07Unconventional fuels; Green River Formation; Uinta Basin; Geologic model; Workflow; Reservoir; Basin-scale modelPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013.
11 Census 2010 - a first look at Utah results2011Census; 2010; Utah; Demographics; Population; Age; Sex; Race; EthnicityEarly results from the long-awaited 2010 Census are revealing the outlines of the more detailed portrait that will not be available for at least a couple more years. This essay reviews the top-level population change and geographic distribution results primarily from the redistricting data set.1 We ...
12 Barriers to industrial development in Utah's portion of the four corners region1970-06-01Utah's portion of the Four Corners area is composed of the 21 counties which are south and/or east of Salt Lake County. The Utah Four Corners area covers 65,000 square miles which is approximately 80 percent of the state. The are a has a population of 274,500 dispersed throughout the region in a ver...
13 1984 baseline projections executive summary1984-09
14 Population projections Utah and Utah's counties1967-12We would jointly like to thank those who contributed to the overall realization of this report, as well as individually express our appreciation to those who provided assistance to the separate projects. Mr. Robert Huefner, who as the State Planning Coordinator arranged the financial support, was of...
15 Bitumen deposits of northwest Alabama1987bitumen deposits; northwest Alabama deposits; bituminous rocksBituminous rocks of Mississippian age crop out in northwest Alabama within a 113-km (70-mi) long belt. Bitumen deposits have been confirmed by coreholes to be present in the subsurface for a distance of at least 16-24 km (10-15 mi) south of the outcrop. Geochemical analyses indicate the bitumen to b...
16 Baseline scenario 19981998-02
17 Revised Utah population estimates for the 1990s2001-05Every 10 years, the U.S. Bureau of the Census conducts a population count. In the intervening years the Utah Population Es timates Committee (UPEC) annually prepares total resident population estimates for each of the 29 counties in the state. These estimates are based on methods that ut i l i z e s...
18 KTIA corporate introduction2009-02-27KTIA; KTI; minesOverview of KTIA's continuing oil sands development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Soung-Joon Kim, Chief Operating Officer, Korea Technology Industry America, Inc.
19 Utah health guidance levelsCOVID-19; transmissionSnapshot of the county-by-county transmission levels of COVID-19
20 State of Utah economic and demographic projections for counties, multi-country districts, and the State, 2000-2030 Volume 12000-01
21 Population projections for Utah's cities & unincorporated Areas 2000-20302000-06Utah's seven associations of government1 have produced these city and unincorporated area population projections for each year from 2000 through 2005 and for the years 2010, 2020, and 2030. These are consistent with the county population projections produced by the Governor's Office of Planning and ...
22 The coming boom in Utah's school age and college age populations: state and county scenarios2002-09Population analysts have for some time anticipated a significant increase in the school age population (5 through 17 years of age) of Utah beginning around 2004 and extending for at least a decade. At this point the question is not whether the boom will materialize, but rather, the exact timing, mag...
23 Utah data guide a newsletter for data users1998Utah's seven associations of government (AOGs)1 have produced these city and unincorporated area population projections for each year from 1997 through 2002 and for the years 2010 and 2020. These are consistent with the county population projections produced by the Governor's Office of Planning and ...
24 CO2 capture from fossil energy power plants2008-05-23CO2 capture; Fossil energy power plants; Clean Coal Technologies; CCT; CO2 Capture and Storage; CCS; Coal power plants; PC plants; Post combustion CO2 removal; Chilled ammonia; Retrofit of CCS to existing coal plants; Climate Legislation; Global climate concernsClean Coal Technologies (CCT) and CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) - Presentation Outline: 1-Overview--Options for Response to Global Climate concerns. 2-CCS crucial to meet Goals of proposed Climate Legislation. 3-CCS Options for Coal Power Plants. 4-PC Post Combustion CO2 Removal-Status, Chilled Ammo...
25 Migration in Utah1988-08For many years Utah has been among the fastest growing states in the country. Although the primary reason for Utah's high growth is the rate of natural increase caused by Utah's high birth rate, migration is the other component of population change. This report examines some of the major sources of ...
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