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1 Profile, Degrees & MajorsThe degrees and majors that are offered at the University of the Utah.
2 IndexIndex for the Bulletin of the University of Utah
3 Help stop coronavirus spikeCOVID-19; transmissionLetter to the university community
4 Governing Board, Officers of Administration, and instructional staffs of the University1953University personnel report; University degreesDescription of the University of Utah's general information from 1951-1953
5 University of Utah Specialized Accreditation by College, Department and/or Program (2004)2004-05-06Accreditation; Higher Education, University of UtahUniversity of Utah discipline-specific accreditation information recorded in 2004.
6 Graduate StudyGraduate courses and programs for the University of Utah.
7 COVID-19 research operations update from the VPR2020-07-07COVID-19; researchAnnouncement on research operations during COVID-19 pandemic
8 Utah energy: Perspective on unconventional fuels development2010-04-28Utah energy; oil shale basins; unconventional fuels.Utah energy goals: 1) Affordable energy 2) Sustainable economy 3) Strengthen energy security and independence 4) Reduce emissions
9 Colleges, Schools & DivisionsThe colleges, schools, and divisions within the University of Utah.
10 UUSAC human resource concerns Fred Petersen 1993-19941994Policies; Conflict of interestMemos, articles and documents on the University of Utah conflict of interest policy.
11 Research AgenciesResearch agencies; Higher education; University of UtahResearch agencies for the University of Utah.
12 VPR on fighting systemic racism in research2020-06-11Research; systemic racism; racismLetter to the university community
13 Field experiment of reverse combustion oil recovery from a Utah tar sand1980field experiment; reverse combustion; oil recovery; Utah tar sand; hydrocarbon reservesA field experiment to recover oil from tar sand by reverse combustion was conducted at Northwest Asphalt Ridge, near Vernal, Utah. This test was in a 10-foot interval of the Rim Rock sandstone member of the Mesa Verde Formation at a depth of approximately 300 feet. Ignition was accomplished November...
14 Letter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Students2020-07Racism; Systemic racism; ResearchLetter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to students addressing U.S. Department of Homeland Security's announcement of modifications to exemptions for non-immigrant students enrolled at high education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
15 Oil shale social and economic factors2008-03-12oil shale; social factors; economic fractors; oil shale developmentAnalysis of social and economic factors relevant to oil shale development, including industrial infrastructure, population numbers, personal income figures, and labor force statistics.
16 Table of ContentsTable of Contents for a report of the University of Utah
17 U campus remains in Orange status2020-09-03COVID-19; Fall semester; 2020Covid 19 status communication to University community from Ruth Watkins, University President, and Senior Vice Presidents' Mike Good and Dan Reed
18 1949-50 General Catalog1949University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah, Volume 39, June, 1949, No. 22. Catalogue of the University of Utah. 1850-1950 Centennial. Announcement for 1949-50.
19 UUSAC AdPAC 1993-19941994MinutesAgendas and minutes for meetings of the Administrative Policies Advisory Committee
20 UUSAC policy reviews 1997-19981998PoliciesReports on University of Utah policies and their review by UUSAC
21 Letter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Deans and Department chairs2020-07Racism; Systemic racism; ResearchLetter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Deans and Department chairs addressing U.S. Department of Homeland Security's announcement of modifications to exemptions for non-immigrant students enrolled at high education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
22 UUSAC miscellaneous 1993-19941994Policies; University of Utah employeesMiscellaneous documents including policys, procedures and projects of the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC).
23 Ending the energy stalemate: A bipartisan strategy to meet America's energy challenges2004-12Energy; Greenhouse gas emissions; Energy supplies; Energy security; Global climate change; National energy policy; Future U.S. energy policy; Bipartisan; Oil security; Vehicle fuel economy standards; Energy efficiency; Sustainable energy; Hybrid vehicles; Natural gas; Refrigerator; Alaska natural ga...This report recommends a revenue-neutral package of measures designed to ensure affordable and reliable supplies of energy for the twenty-first century while responding to growing concern about energy security and the risks of global climate change driven by energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. ...
24 State planning in Utah1975In the fall of 1967, Ken Olson was considering the approach he would take in directing Utah's state planning program. The Governor had just appointed him State Planning Coordinator, to assume responsibility for the four year old program. Ken had earlier won the respect of the Governor and the previo...
25 Administration & FacultyA description of the administration and faculty members at the University of Utah.
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