501 - 525 of 1,703
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501 Evaluation of the Utah oil sand resource1976-08oil sand deposits; Utah oil sand; oil sand resource; Tar Sand Triangle; P. R. Spring; Sunnyside deposits; hydrocarbons; surface mining of oil sandsThe three largest oil sand deposits in Utah, namely, the Tar Sand Triangle, the P.R. Spring, and the Sunnyside deposits, have been studied to contribute data relative to the surface and insitu mining of these deposits and to recommend research that should be conducted to develop the Utah oil sand re...
502 Experimental and modeling study of particulate formation in high-pressure diesel-like conditions2000particulate formation; high-pressure diesel-like conditions; diesel combustion process; tailpipe particulate emissionsThe diesel combustion process has been characterized by combined measurements of flame intensity and extinction in the UV-visible range in an optically accessible divided-chamber diesel engine at different air/fuel ratios and constant engine speed, using n-heptane and commercial diesel oil as fuels....
503 Experimental evaluation of the effects of quench rate and quartz surface area on homogeneous mercury oxidation2007quench rate; quartz surface area; homogeneous mercury oxidation; mercury chemistryThis paper presents a mercury oxidation data set suitable for validation of fundamental kinetic models of mercury chemistry and for mechanism development. Experimental facilities include a mercury reactor fitted with a 300-W, quartz-glass burner and a quartz reaction chamber. While operated with a t...
504 Experimental investigation for the development of burners for low scale reheating of semi-finished metal products2019recuperative burner; fuel rich combustion; direct fired furnace; scale reduction; radiant tubeIndustrial furnaces for the reheating of semi-finished metal products are often direct fired with natural gas and air. Oxidation of the metals exposed to the furnace atmosphere causes significant material losses and additional work during furnace operation and in further processing. A reheating conc...
505 Explaining the "three inch rule": why model flares don't match full-scale2022It was Pohl and co-workers who discovered the so-called "Three Inch Rule" in their work on flares in the 1980s. They found that model flares with pipe diameter less than three inches do not have the same Combustion Efficiency (CE) and stability behaviour as full-scale flares, at least when wind is n...
506 Exploring human heredity: the twentieth annual Frederick William Reynolds Lecture.1956Human heredityWhether or not we think of man as the newest form of a continually changing organism which dates back millions of years, a product of natural selection which constantly preserves the better adapted and eliminates the less fit, he stands before us as an extremely complex organism in which are carried...
507 Extraction of hydrocarbons from Antrim oil shale1978hydrocarbon extraction; Antrim oil shale; oil shale; hydrocarbon recoveryThe Dow Chemical Company has performed a variety of in situ experiments on the Antrim oil shale which underlies Michigan. These experiments have ranged from in situ combustion in a quarry to attempted extraction at a depth of 2,600 feet (780 m). Currently, Dow is continuing its efforts to obtain hyd...
508 Fall 2020 Instructional Guidelines2020-07COVID-19; instruction; campusFall 2020 Instructional Guidelines
509 Fast-tracking Wasatch Front transit investments: economic and demographic impacts of a 2025 build-out2011Over the next 30 years, the Wasatch Front will significantly expand its transit network. Plans include the construction of an additional 25 miles of light rail, 76 miles of commuter rail, 227 miles of bus rapid transit, and 29 miles of mountain transportation rail line. These projects will be built ...
510 The fate of char-N at pulverized coal conditions2003char-N; pulverized coal conditions; pulverized coal; coal char.The fate of char-N (nitrogen removed from the coal matrix during char oxidation) has been widely studied at fluidized bed conditions. This work extends the study of char-N to pulverized coal conditions. Coal chars from five parent coals were prepared and burned in a laboratory-scale pulverized coal ...
511 Feasibility of heavy-oil recovery1987-11-02heavy oil recovery; domestic liquid fuel; heavy oil reservoirsThis paper presents the results of a study completed in June 1984 that assessed the size, technical categorization, and potential of the U.S. heavy-oil resource base. Based on a proprietary data base containing nearly 1100 heavy oil reservoirs, the study concluded that heavy-oil resources in place i...
512 Feasibility study on a two stage benefits CO2 sequestration technology for fossil fuel power generation2009CO2 sequestration technology; fossil fuel power generation; emission and sequestration of green house gas; reducing pollution productionThe issue of emission and sequestration of green house gas, especially CO2, becomes very hot and attracts international society to pay attention. The power generation plants firing fossil fuels, which is the biggest polluter in the world, emit huge amount CO2 into atmosphere every day and causes a s...
513 Federal assistance reporting checklist - Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources2009-09-24clean and secure energy; domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; reporting checklistThe Recipient must prepare and submit all scientific/technical reports (including conference papers/proceedings, journal articles, software, and topical reports, if applicable) via E-link at http://www.osti.gov/elink-2413 [see specific instructions below regarding form submittal and format]. If you ...
514 Federal control of greenhouse gas emissions2010-04-28greenhouse gas emissions; federal control efforts; domestic legislationFederal Control Efforts: 1) International 2) New Domestic Legislation 3) Using Existing Domestic Legislation
515 Federal oil shale development: Status of Bureau of Land Management oil shale activities2011-05-17oil shale development; oil shale; land management; Bureau of Land Management; domestic oil shale
516 Field experiment of in-situ oil recovery from a Utah tar sand by reverse combustion1976in-situ oil recovery; Utah tar sand; reverse combustion; oil recoveryPart of the mission of the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) is to develop all energy sources to meet the needs of present and future generations. Toward that mission the Laramie Energy Research Center (LERC) is conducting research and field experiments for the development of rec...
517 Field experiment of reverse combustion oil recovery from a Utah tar sand1980field experiment; reverse combustion; oil recovery; Utah tar sand; hydrocarbon reservesA field experiment to recover oil from tar sand by reverse combustion was conducted at Northwest Asphalt Ridge, near Vernal, Utah. This test was in a 10-foot interval of the Rim Rock sandstone member of the Mesa Verde Formation at a depth of approximately 300 feet. Ignition was accomplished November...
518 Field guide to lacustrine and related nonmarine depositional environments in tertiary rocks, Uinta Basin, Utah1976-11lacustrine environments; nonmarine depositional environments; tertiary rocksThe lower part of the Tertiary System in the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado (fig. 1) reflects a series of very complex and variable forms of continental sedimentation in a basin of internal drainage. These complex forms represent the disruption of the Cretaceous depositio...
519 Field testing of staged combustion on a petroleum process heater1980
520 Final report on 1989 update of the computerized geologic model to include the 1988 drill hole data Sunnyside Tar Sands project Sunnyside, Utah1989-07computerized geologic model; 1988 drill hole data; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; geologic resourcesIn May 1989, Rozelle Consulting Services (RCS) was requested by Amoco Corporation (Amoco) to submit a proposed scope of work for updating the 1987 computerized geologic model of the Sunnyside Tar Sands deposit (Figure 1-1 and 1-2) to include the drill hole data that was completed in 1988 by Amoco. T...
521 Final report--volume 2: Publications and presentations1986-12Cooperative Agreement DE-FC21-83FE60177; Western Research Institute (WRI); DOE programs; oil shale; tar sand; underground coal gasification; advance process technology (APT); asphalt; annual and quarterly reportsVolume 2 of the final report for Cooperative Agreement DE-FC21-83FE60177 lists the publications and presentations by Western Research Institute (WRI) researchers under that agreement. Entries in this list represent the four major U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs included in that agreement ...
522 Financing unconventional fuels2013-05-07ICSE; Unconventional fuels; Energy deveopment; Energy financingPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013. Unconventional fuels project.
523 Fine particle emissions from residual fuel oil combustion: Characterization and mechanisms of formation2000fine particle emissions; residual fuel oil combustion; airborne fine particulate matter (PM); particulate characteristics of PMThe characteristics of particulate matter (PM) emitted from residual fuel oil combustion in two types of combustion equipment were compared. A small commercial 732 kW rated fire-tube boiler yielded a weakly bimodal particulate size distribution (PSD) with over 99% of the mass contained in a broad co...
524 Fire and explosion hazards of oil shale1989fire and explosion hazards; oil shale; oil shale dust clouds; oil shale dust layers; oil shale rubble piles.This U.S. Bureau of Mines publication presents the results of investigations into the fire and explosion hazards of oil shale rocks and dust. Three areas have been examined: the explosibility and ignitability of oil shale dust clouds, the fire hazards of oil shale dust layers on hot surfaces, and th...
525 Firing of liquid bio-derived fuels for decarbonization of high temperature industrial heating processesRecent commitments to CO2/Green-House Gas emissions reductions by governmental, NGO and industrial corporations require that new energy sources be found to replace fossil fuels. While some are envisioning ‘The Electrification of Everything,' High temperature industrial heating processes have been ...
501 - 525 of 1,703