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1 Commercial oil shale leasing under the energy policy act: An analysis of when, where, and how2008-03-12Oil shale; Oil sands; PEIS; EPA; BLM; FLPMA; RD&D; Research, Demonstration, & Development; Tar sands; Utah; Colorado; WyomingDiscussion of the alternatives for oil shale development outlined in the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Bureau of Land Management.
2 Clean and secure energy from Utah's oil shale and oil sands resources: Environmental, legal and policy framework2010-04-28ICSE; Land use; Water availability; Produced water; Utah; Colorado; Colorado RiverThis poster addresses major challenges to land use, water availability, and produced water.
3 Oil-impregnated sandstones of Raven Ridge, Vernal, Utah1972Oil-impregnated sandstone; Raven Ridge; Vernal, Utah; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Wasatch Formation; Green River Formation; Uinta FormationThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado. The area covers approximately 52 square miles of what is regionally called Raven Ridge. Raven Ridge, a series of hogback ridges, trends northwest-southeast, and includes three Eocen...
4 APPENDIX A - Analysis of environmental, legal, socioeconomic and policy issues critical to the development of commercial oil shale leasing on the public lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-10Oil shale; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Energy Policy Act of 2005; Green River Formation; Environmental; Legal; Socioeconomic; Policy Issues; Oil shale deposits; BLM; Bureau of Land ManagementThe United States is home to the largest oil shale deposits in the world. This resource is located in the Green River Formation, spreading across the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Despite the vast potential of this resource, successful commercial development has yet to occur. To date, concer...
5 Basin oriented strategies for CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Rocky Mountain Region2006-02Rocky Mountain; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Gas; Enhanced oil recovery; EOR; CO2; Carbon dioxide injection; Oil fields; Basin oriented strategies; Domestic oil productionThe Rocky Mountain oil and gas producing region of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming has an original oil endowment of nearly 34 billion barrels. Of this, 11 billion barrels (33%) has been produced or proven. As such, nearly 23 billion barrels of oil will be left in the ground, or "stranded", following the ...
6 CRS report for Congress: Developments in oil shale2008-11-17Green River; Oil shale formation; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Oil shale; Diesel; Jet fuel; Department of Energy; DOE; Synthetic fuels; Petroleum; Energy Policy Act of 2005; EPAct; BLM; Oil research, development, and demonstration; RD&D; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; Oil shale ...The Green River oil shale formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming is estimated to hold the equivalent of 1.38 trillion barrels of oil equivalent in place. The shale is generally acknowledged as a rich potential resource; however, it has not generally proved to be economically recoverable. Thus, it ...
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