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1 America's strategic unconventional fuels: Oil shale, tar sands, coal derived liquids, heavy oil, CO2 enhanced recovery and storage2007-09Colorado; Wyoming; Oil shale development; In-situ; Environmental impacts; Water supply issues; Economics; Socio-ecomonic impacts; Infrastructure; Market challenges; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; RD&D; BLM; Leasing program; Federal lands; Oil Shale Program Plan; Energy Policy ActThe Task Force members from Colorado and Wyoming have expressed legitimate concerns about the timing and sequence of Federal efforts to promulgate commercial leasing regulations for oil shale development and initiate leasing activity. They are concerned that the current state of development of surfa...
2 APPENDIX A - Analysis of environmental, legal, socioeconomic and policy issues critical to the development of commercial oil shale leasing on the public lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-10Oil shale; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Energy Policy Act of 2005; Green River Formation; Environmental; Legal; Socioeconomic; Policy Issues; Oil shale deposits; BLM; Bureau of Land ManagementThe United States is home to the largest oil shale deposits in the world. This resource is located in the Green River Formation, spreading across the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Despite the vast potential of this resource, successful commercial development has yet to occur. To date, concer...
3 Basin-wide evaluation of the uppermost Green River Formation's oil-shale resource, Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado2008Green River; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Crude oil; Green River Formation; Oil; Gas; Oil yield; Oil shale; Oil-shale thickness; Mahogany zone; R-7; Parachute Creek Member; Richness grade; Uintah County; Salt Lake Base Line and Meridian; BLM; U.S. Bureau of Land ManagementDue to the recent increase in crude oil prices and concerns over diminishing conventional reserves, the Utah Geological Survey has reexamined the Uinta Basin's oil-shale resource, primarily in the Mahogany zone of the Green River Formation. Past assessments, the first conducted in 1964 and subsequen...
4 Commercial oil shale leasing under the energy policy act: An analysis of when, where, and how2008-03-12Oil shale; Oil sands; PEIS; EPA; BLM; FLPMA; RD&D; Research, Demonstration, & Development; Tar sands; Utah; Colorado; WyomingDiscussion of the alternatives for oil shale development outlined in the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Bureau of Land Management.
5 CRS report for Congress: Developments in oil shale2008-11-17Green River; Oil shale formation; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Oil shale; Diesel; Jet fuel; Department of Energy; DOE; Synthetic fuels; Petroleum; Energy Policy Act of 2005; EPAct; BLM; Oil research, development, and demonstration; RD&D; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; Oil shale ...The Green River oil shale formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming is estimated to hold the equivalent of 1.38 trillion barrels of oil equivalent in place. The shale is generally acknowledged as a rich potential resource; however, it has not generally proved to be economically recoverable. Thus, it ...
6 Environmental concerns for oil sands development in Utah--serious unanswered questions2008-02-22tar sands development; tar sand; Southern Utah Wilderness Association; BLM; PEIS; EIA; tar sand recoveryOverview of environmental issues and concerns associated with potential tar sands development in Utah presented by Stephen Bloch, Conservation Director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Association.
7 Lands with wilderness characteristics: Impacts on oil shale and oil sands development2012-05-15oil shale; oil sands development; LWC; BLMPresentation describing the oil shale and sands development in Utah.
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