101 - 125 of 158
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101 Localization in outdoor static terrain (LOST)This thesis considers problems that arise while combining these strategies with a feature based approach to the localization problem. A subset of strategies were simplified and implemented, along with key feature based concepts. This experimentation has helped to point out and clarify some aspects o...localization problem; LOST; localization; computers1995-12
102 Look ahead in Parallel Discrete Event SimulationEmpirical performance evaluations of parallel, discrete event simulation algorithms using deadlock avoidance and deadlock detection and recovery techniques developed by Chandy and Misra have been performed using the BBN Butterfly multiprocessor. Experiments using synthetic workloads reveal that the ...1988-08
103 The Many Faces of IntrospectionIn psychology, introspection is a common term meaning an examination of one's own thought process and sensory experience. Similarly, introspection in computer systems enables a computer to examine its own computational behavior. A computer that ""understands"" its own behavior, an introspective comp...1992-04
104 Matte volumes for selective data visualizationThe matte volumes system uses a volume renderer, surface renderer, and slice viewer for the exploration and visualization of three-dimensional scalar field data. The size and complexity of the volume data pose an interesting challenge to the ideal of providing the scientist with a system which autom...matte volumes; three-dimensional scalar field data; computers; matte volumes system1995-08
105 Modeling the Motion of Human Muscle Systems with Computer GraphicsThe Sarcomere system uses computer graphics to model human muscle systems. Each muscle is modeled as a collection of discrete, movable elements that we call muxels. The advantages of this model include fast integer-based processing and user specified variable resolution. The Sarcomere system process...sarcomere; muxel; muscle system1990-08
106 Modelling complex objects with generalized sweepsRecently, constructive solid geometry (CSG) techniques have been generalized to include set operations on certain sculptured surface solid models. This advancement has reemphasized the need for modelling techniques that create vasod objects. The definition of a valid object is somewhat cumbersome in...computer-aided design; computer graphics1985-12
107 Models for Stochastic Texture GenerationThis work explores current models of textures for image synthesis and analysis, with an emphasis on generation of stochastic textures. Digital signal processing techniques are applied to create a general and robust model for the generation of stochastic textures. Martingale sequences are analyzed, a...computer graphics; models of texture; image synthesis; image analysis; stochastic textures1985-12
108 Moped (a portable debugger)Moped is a portable debugger that uses enhanced tracing facilities and backtracing to discover unusual or undesirable program behaviors. It is based upon two modules - Program Probes and Program. History, each providing different abilities. Program Probes is a forward tracing utility which allows Mo...debugging in computer science; computer science1988-06
109 Noise Suppression Methods for Robust Speech ProcessingRobust speech processing in practical operating environments requires effective environmental and processor noise suppression. This report describes the technical findings and accomplishments to develop real time, compressed speech analysis-synthesis algorithms whose performance is invariant under s...1979-04
110 Numerical Control Milling Machine Toolpath Generation for Regions Bounded by Free Form Curves and SurfacesThe search for strategies and methods to automatically generate toolpaths for Numerical Control (NC) machines from mechanical parts modeled by computer aided solid design systems has met with only limited success to date, mainly in applications to simplified models. Problems that occur when the exis...computer graphics; computer-aided design; numerical control machines; toolpath generation1989-06
111 Numerical weather prediction model for distributing computing systemsThe objectives of this research are twofold: One is to develop and implement a spectral numerical weather prediction model using parallel algorithms. The other objective is to examine a parallel paradigm that allows users to write parallel scientific algorithms easily and efficiently.weather predictions; spectral numerical weather predictions; weather prediction model; parallel algorithms; computers1991-08
112 Object models for computer aided designAbstract: The goal of this research has been to develop an underlying modeling system to support applications in computer modeling system to support applications in computer aided design and scientific modeling. Particular emphasis has been given to two key issues: 1. data base support; 2. graphic ...scientific modeling; computer models; data base support; graphic interaction; graphic support system1976-03
113 On Representation and Discretization of Finite Element AnalysesThe use of B-spline geometric representation and subdivision mechanism is explored for use in finite element analysis. On the representation issue, an attribute modelling technique is introduced to model the problem specification and the result interpretation. This modelling technique relies on the ...finite element; b-spline; geometric representation; subdivision mechanism; planar domain; shell domain; solid domain1985
114 On the rendering of surfacesAbstract: Despite the relative sophistication of modern surface design systems, many graphical renderings of surfaces are relatively crude. The paper discusses a variety of possible rendering, including various line drawing methods, realistic and functional shading, and ccombinations of line drawing...surface design systems; graphical renderings; functional shading; curvature shading1979
115 Optimization as Transformations: A Compiler ParadigmThis thesis describes the high-level transformation phase of a prototype PSL compiler. EPIC The transformations are separated into two classes: machine dependent code generation, and machine independent code optimization. The code generation phase transforms an intermediate representation of a progr...PSL compiler; EPIC; machine dependent code generator ; machine independent code optimization1985-08
116 Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Very Fast AI SearchA wide range of problems in natural and artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer graphics, database engineering, operations research, symbolic logic, robot manipulation and hardware design automation are special cases of Consistent Labeling Problems (CLP). CLP has long been viewed as an ef...parallel algorithms; CLP; consistent labeling problems; computer programming; computer science1989-08
117 Parallel Distributed Simulation of Elastic WavesA parallel distributed algorithm to simulate the propagation of waves through elastic media is presented and tested. The algorithm is based on a fourth-order finite difference solution of the elastic wave equation in three dimensions and incorporates a staggered grid formulation to solve for the di...computers; computer programming; algorithm; elastic media; parallel distributed algorithm; fourth-order finite difference solution1994-07
118 Parallel path consistencyThis thesis examines the actual real world performance of PC as compared AC and shows that in most cases the measured performance is greatly superior to its assumed worst case. In addition, the improved filtering efficiency of PC over AC is measured.arc consistency; path consistency; real world performance; computers1991-03
119 Parallel solution of Poisson's problems on irregular domain.This thesis is devoted to the solution of the Poisson problem on an irregular domain applying parallel computation techniques on distributed memory machines.Poisson problem; computers1995-06
120 Parallel Split-Level RelaxationSpeed is a primary concern in all computer vision applications. With the advent of parallel processors it is necessary to explore the possibility of improving the performance of vision algorithms on these machines. Three avenues have to be pursued in this new framework. First, it is necessary to stu...parallel processing; computer vision; scene labeling problem; vision algorithm; bbn butterfly1988-08
121 Parametric approximation to surfacesThe use of B-splines for the approximation of functions and data is well established. Issues such as parametrization, knot placement and reparametrizaton are important in determining the B-spline representation for the data. Compactness of the B-spline representation also becomes an issue when deali...1992-12
122 Performance Directed SimulationThe overall scientific objective of this research was to develop techniques for speeding up discrete event simulation (DES) programs in applications such as simulation of computer architectures, communication networks, battlefield scenarios, etc. Such simulations often require prohibitive amounts of...1989-01-26
123 Persistent Immutable Shared Abstractions for Concurrent SchemeA write-once, read-many persistent store has been developed for Concurrent Scheme, a distributed-memory parallel Lisp for the Mayfly multicomputer. The prototype implementation supports the explicit store, and implicit retrieval, of instances of the Scheme data types. Items are stored into per node ...concurrent scheme; lisp, mayfly; multicomputer; persistent store; ray tracer1994
124 The persistent object system MetaStore : persistence via metaprogrammingObject intensive applications require persistence of complex objects. Many of these applications also use vast amounts of data, often exceeding a machine's virtual memory, MetaStore is a portable, persistent object system designed to solve these problems.; MetaStore uses the metaprogramming faciliti...1992-06
125 PRT--a high quality image synthesis system for B-spline surfacesMany applications in Computer Aided Design require high quality images of three-dimensional scenes. A system is presented for rendering objects designed with an existing B-spline based geometric modeling package. Two algorithms for ray tracing B-spline surfaces are discussed, one using iterative num...computer graphics; computer aided design; B-spline surfaces; image synthesis system1988-12
101 - 125 of 158