101 - 125 of 149
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101 Look ahead in Parallel Discrete Event SimulationEmpirical performance evaluations of parallel, discrete event simulation algorithms using deadlock avoidance and deadlock detection and recovery techniques developed by Chandy and Misra have been performed using the BBN Butterfly multiprocessor. Experiments using synthetic workloads reveal that the ...1988-08
102 Models for Stochastic Texture GenerationThis work explores current models of textures for image synthesis and analysis, with an emphasis on generation of stochastic textures. Digital signal processing techniques are applied to create a general and robust model for the generation of stochastic textures. Martingale sequences are analyzed, a...computer graphics; models of texture; image synthesis; image analysis; stochastic textures1985-12
103 Noise Suppression Methods for Robust Speech ProcessingRobust speech processing in practical operating environments requires effective environmental and processor noise suppression. This report describes the technical findings and accomplishments to develop real time, compressed speech analysis-synthesis algorithms whose performance is invariant under s...1979-04
104 Optimization as Transformations: A Compiler ParadigmThis thesis describes the high-level transformation phase of a prototype PSL compiler. EPIC The transformations are separated into two classes: machine dependent code generation, and machine independent code optimization. The code generation phase transforms an intermediate representation of a progr...PSL compiler; EPIC; machine dependent code generator ; machine independent code optimization1985-08
105 Sisyphus, an environment for simulationSisyphus is an environment for the simulation of integrated circuits (ICs). It supports hierarchical simulation from the functional block level down to circuit analysis. Sisyphus develops a new hierarchical wire model (based on that of Sable) which facilitates the accurate simulation of incomplete d...sisyphus; computer program language; computer programming; ICs1986-12
106 Subdivision algorithm for computer display of curved surfacesAbstract: This report presents a method for producing computer shaded pictures of curved surfaces. Three-dimensional curved patches are used, as contrasted with conventional methods using polygons. The method subdivides a patch into successively smaller subpatches until a subpatch is as small as a ...Curved surfaces; Computer shaded pictures; Curved patches1974
107 A User Interface Model and Tools for Geometric DesignPoor user interfaces discourage potential users from effectively utilizing the design capabilities of geometric modeling systems. Because of the complex nature of the underlying representations in such systems, a well structured user interface model, as well as useful and intuitive design tools, are...user interface; computer systems; computer-aided design
108 A visual Lisp debugging environmentGraphics provides a useful tool for visualizing the behavior of computer programs. Diagrams can be be used to illustrate both the control structure of the program and the data structures operated upon by the program.; The integration of graphics into two traditional debugging tools, a program steppe...debugging; computer science; LISP1989-12
109 Design and implementation of a portable shared memory serverProcesses communicate between one another using mechanisms like message passing, files, shared memory, etc. In current systems, shared memory is not commonly used even though it has many advantages over message passing and file sharing such as simplicity, efficiency, and lower space overhead. This t...memory management; portable shared memory server1994-12
110 Feature-based reverse engineering of mechanical parts: revisionReverse engineering of mechanical parts requires extraction of information about an instance of a particular part sufficient to replicate the part using appropriate manufacturing techniques. This is important in a wide variety of situations, since functional CAD models are often unavailable or unusa...1995-11-06
111 From Algebraic Specifications to Correct VLSI SystemsThis dissertation presents a hardware design methodology in which hardware systems can be modeled as abstract data types and semi-automatically synthesized into VLSI circuits. The behavior of a module is specified at both the abstract and the realization levels, in a purely functional language, "Str...VLSI circuits; computers1986-12
112 Trimmed surfacesParametric surfaces and set operations have both become known as a valuable to the geometric modeling of rigid solids. Parametric surfaces give a geometric modeller a wider range, providing for the representation of parts with sculptured surfaces. Set operations of union, differences or intersection...trimmed surface; rectangular parametric surfaces; computers1991-03
113 Implementation of a network database using a function graph languageAbstract: Most of the work on databases to date has involved approaches that deviate considerably from a purely mathematical (functional) viewpoint. The research reported in this thesis deals with an implementation of a network database using FGL to achieve this functionality. The amount of database...network database1981-06
114 Numerical Control Milling Machine Toolpath Generation for Regions Bounded by Free Form Curves and SurfacesThe search for strategies and methods to automatically generate toolpaths for Numerical Control (NC) machines from mechanical parts modeled by computer aided solid design systems has met with only limited success to date, mainly in applications to simplified models. Problems that occur when the exis...computer graphics; computer-aided design; numerical control machines; toolpath generation1989-06
115 Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Very Fast AI SearchA wide range of problems in natural and artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer graphics, database engineering, operations research, symbolic logic, robot manipulation and hardware design automation are special cases of Consistent Labeling Problems (CLP). CLP has long been viewed as an ef...parallel algorithms; CLP; consistent labeling problems; computer programming; computer science1989-08
116 Reactive Behavior Design ToolsThe behavior of sensor based autonomous agents can be stratified into three basic levels. The first is low-level motor and sensor control, the second is mid-level reactive processes and the third is high-level end goals of the robotic device. The middle level of control, reactive processes, is the a...robots; control system; reactive behaviors; COSPAN1992-01
117 A pipelined architecture for ray tracingRay tracing is a computer graphics rendering algorithm well known for the realistic images that it generates. Its primary drawback is the huge amount of computation required for even moderately complex scenes. Pipelined architectures have been used for many years to accelerate conventional scan conv...computer architecture; computers; pipeline; computer graphics; RayPipe1994-06
118 An asynchronous floating point unitAn asynchronous floating point unit (FPU) was designed using application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and very large scale integration (VLSI) technologies. The FPU is capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing single-precision format numbers as defined by The Institute of Electr...computer circuits; asynchronous circuits; floating-point arithmetic1994-08
119 First-Order Unification in Equational Theories and its Application to Logic ProgrammingThis thesis studies first-order unification in equational theories, called E-unification, paying particular attention to complete unification algorithms for classes of equational theories. It also investigates how results and notions of E-unification can be applied to logic programming systems that ...first-order unification; equational theory; logic programming; e-unification; semantic unification; dec-20; prolog1985
120 HOP: (Hardware Viewed as Objects and Processes). A Process Model for Synchronous Hardware SystemsA new Hardware Specification Language (HSL) called HOP is presented. HOP stands for Hardware viewed as Objects and Processes. It can be used for specifying the structure, behavior, and timing of digital systems. HOP was designed for several reasons. It integrates well-tested ideas from past work tha...1988
121 Object models for computer aided designAbstract: The goal of this research has been to develop an underlying modeling system to support applications in computer modeling system to support applications in computer aided design and scientific modeling. Particular emphasis has been given to two key issues: 1. data base support; 2. graphic ...scientific modeling; computer models; data base support; graphic interaction; graphic support system1976-03
122 Parallel Split-Level RelaxationSpeed is a primary concern in all computer vision applications. With the advent of parallel processors it is necessary to explore the possibility of improving the performance of vision algorithms on these machines. Three avenues have to be pursued in this new framework. First, it is necessary to stu...parallel processing; computer vision; scene labeling problem; vision algorithm; bbn butterfly1988-08
123 Resource allocation in an experimental LISP compilerThis thesis describes the design and implementation of a register allocation system for EPIC, an experimental LISP compiler. EPIC follows the Portable Standard LISP (PSL) philosophy of retargetability and parameter-passing through registers. Like many register allocators, this system accepts linear ...compiling (electronic computers); LISP; EPIC; Experimental LISP compiler1986-08
124 Sequencing computational events in heterogeneous distributed systemsDistributed systems are growing in number, size, and complexity. Some technological advances have been made to program these systems, most notably the remote procedure call. However, the nature of heterogeneous distributed systems allows for much more complex interactions and new programming technol...electronic data processing; distributed processing; high-level algorithms1990-06
125 Static inference in applicative languagesStatic inference involves the compile-time analysis of programs, either with a view to optimizing program execution or ensuring that errors do not arise during program execution (e.g., type checking). We present a general framework for static inference of first-order applicative programs as well as ...programming languages; computer science; static inference; applicative languages1985-03
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