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1 A201 Disc Swelling with Big Blind Spot SyndromeBlind spot larger than could be explained by visible edema. Subretinal white dots probably indicate margin of blind spot. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Unknown. Disease/ Diagnosis: Big blind spot syndrome. Clinical: symptoms: photosias, blurred vision signs: Disc swelling; white spots in t...Image
2 A301a Disc Swelling, Chorioretinal Diseasea and b same eye. Bad chorioretinal scars with disc swelling. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unknown.Image
3 A302b Disc Swelling, Chorioretinal DiseaseBad chorioretinal scars with disc swelling. Temporal extent of chorioretinal scarring. A and B are the same eye. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unknown.Image
4 A303 Disc Swelling, Chorioretinal DiseaseNeovascular net. Disc swelling with peripapillary neo-vascularization with subretinal hemorrhage. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina.Image
5 A404 Disc Swelling, Vitreous EffectsDisc elevation (swelling) and vitritis. Posterior vitreous detachment with vitritis. Incidental choroidal nevus. Anatomy: Optic disc; Vitreous; Retina. Pathology: Posterior vitreal detachment, disc swelling, and vitritis-horoidal nevus. Disease/ Diagnosis: Vitreal detachment from optic disc; choroid...Image
6 A407 Disc Swelling, Vitreous EffectsPrepapillary hemorrhage. Partial posterior vitreous detachment in myopic patient. Reference: Katz B, Hoyt WF. Intrapapillary and peripapillary hemorrhage in young patients with incomplete posterior vitreous detachment. Signs of vitreopapillary traction. Ophthalmology. 1995 Feb;102(2):349-54. Anatomy...Image
7 B101 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONPallid swelling in course of acute AION. 48 year old man who developed disc swelling after a flu like illness, then developed AION. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Visual loss after flu-like illness.Image
8 B102 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONIschemic swelling. March 2, 1978. Same patient as B1_03. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Diabetic with optic disc swelling and visual loss.Image
9 B103 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONIschemic swelling. 50 year old woman, 12 days after a viral illness. Nasal nerve fiber layer bundle visual field defect. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Visual loss after viral illness.Image
10 B104 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONIschemic swelling. 57 year old man. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Visual loss.Image
11 B108 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONPallid ischemic swelling. Woman with vasculitis. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Visual loss.Image
12 B109 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONIschemic swelling. Patient was diabetic. April 18, 1978. Same patient as B1-2. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Diabetic with disc swelling and visual loss.Image
13 B203 Disc Swelling, Diabetic PapillopathyDisc swelling in a diabetic woman. Recovered without visual loss. Right eye. Pair with B2_04. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Diabetic papillopathy. Clinical: Visual loss with recovery.Image
14 B204 Disc Swelling, Diabetic PapillopathyDisc swelling in a diabetic. Recovered without visual loss. Left eye. Pair with B2_03. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Diabetic papillopathy. Clinical: Visual loss with recovery.Image
15 B205 Disc Swelling, Diabetic PapillopathyBilateral diabetic papillopathy. Girl. Left eye. Pair with B2_06. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Diabetic papillopathy. Clinical: Visual loss with recovery.Image
16 B206 Disc Swelling, Diabetic PapillopathyBilateral diabetic papillopathy. Girl. Right eye. Pair with B2_05. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Diabetic papillopathy. Clinical: Visual loss with recovery.Image
17 B301 Disc Swelling, Giant Cell ArteritisDisc swelling. Giant Cell Arteritis. Temporal. Ischemic swelling. Blind eye with pallid swelling and marked dilation of central retinal vein.Image
18 B403 Disc Swelling, Radiation PapillopathyMan with blind eye. Ischemic hemorrhages. Vitreous haze. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Radiation papillopathy; optic neuropathy. Clinical: Visual loss after radiation therapy.Image
19 B405 Disc Swelling, Radiation PapillopathyBilateral blindness 6 months post radiation for malignant glioma of left hemisphere. Left eye. Marked white exudation probably represents necrosis of swollen disc tissue. Japanese patient. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis:Radiation papillopathy; O...Image
20 Bilateral Chronic PapilledemaLeft eye. Frisen's stage 5. Patient with long standing aqueductal stenosis. Bilateral Chronic Papilledema. Man. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Papilledema from aqueductal stenosis.Image
21 Bilateral Chronic PapilledemaRight eye. Frisen's stage 5. Patient with long standing aqueductal stenosis. Bilateral Chronic Papilledema. Man. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Papilledema from aqueductal stenosis.Image
22 Bilateral Crowded DiscsLeft eye. Bilateral crowded discs with congenital blurring. Blurred disc margins are not from edema. Note optic cup is absent. Pair with right eye in PP_1a, and brother in PP_2. Mother has drusen of the optic disc in PP_11aa & b. Sister has drusen in PP_11c. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Normal va...Image
23 Bilateral Crowded Discs (Family)Right eye. Bilateral crowded discs with congenital blurring. Blurred disc margins are not from edema. Note optic cup is absent. Pair with left eye in PP_1b, and brother in PP_2. Mother has drusen of the optic disc in PP_11a & b. Sister has drusen in PP_11c. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Normal var...Image
24 Bilateral Hemorrhagic PapilledemaLeft eye. Bilateral Hemorrhagic Papilledema from cardio-respiratory disease. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Bilateral papilledema, hemorrhagic. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudotumor due to cardio-respiratory disease. Clinical notes: Woman with headache, shortness of breath.Image
25 Bilateral Hemorrhagic PapilledemaBilateral Hemorrhagic Papilledema from cardio-respiratory disease. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Bilateral papilledema, hemorrhagic. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudotumor due to cardio-respiratory disease. Clinical notes: Woman with headache, shortness of breath.Image
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