701 - 800 of 856
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701 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy. Shows band atrophy in left disc with preserved upper and lower arcuate nerve fiber bundles. Right disc has thinning of both upper and lower arcuate nerve fiber bundles, temporal pallor, and an intact nasal nerve fiber layer. 1972. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Rig...Image
702 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy with ""Twin Peaks"" papilledema. Central band of the optic disc is completely atrophic and does not swell. ""Axons that are not there can not swell."" Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic tract injury. Disease/Diagnosis: Twin peaks papilledema. Clinical: Left homony...Image
703 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy with temporal hemianopia. 1983. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Atrophy of the chiasm or left optic tract. Disease/Diagnosis: Segmental band atrophy. Clinical: Right temporal field defect.Image
704 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) Atrophy from Eight Optic Tract InjurySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy from right optic tract injury. This eye has a nasal hemianopia. Its disc shows temporal pallor with an intact nasal nerve fiber layer. Pair with IIA2C_7b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right optic tract injury. Disease/Diagnosis: Homonymous hemioptic atrophy. Clini...Image
705 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) Atrophy from Eight Optic Tract InjurySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy from right optic tract injury. Left eye. Has temporal hemianopia with band atrophy. Note loss of nasal nerve fiber layer. Four and a half months after injury from intracranial pressure catheter. Pair with IIA2C_7a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right optic tract in...Image
706 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - Nutritional Amblyopia (alcohol) Discs show bilateral temporal pallor with hyperemia of the remaining disc tissue - Pair with IIA2_02b. 1971. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinical: Central visual lo...Image
707 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - Nutritional Amblyopia (alcohol) Discs show bilateral temporal pallor with hyperemia of the remaining disc tissue - Pair with IIA2_02a. 1971. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinical: Central visual lo...Image
708 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - Nutritional amblyopia (alcoholic). 1985. Left eye. Pair with IIA2_03a. Anatomy: Optic disc.. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinical: Central visual loss.Image
709 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalSegmental Atrophy - Temporal pallor - Nutritional amblyopia (alcoholic). 1985. Right eye. Pair with IIA2_03b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinical: Central visual loss.Image
710 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - Nutritional Amblyopia - Nerve fiber layer hemorrhage. Pair with IIA2_04b. 1970. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinincal: Central visual loss.Image
711 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalTemporal - Nutritional Amblyopia - Nerve fiber layer hemorrhage. Pair with IIA2_04a. 1970. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinical: Central visual loss.Image
712 Segmental Atrophy - Temporal - Due to Thallium (Rat) PoisoningSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - due to thallium (rat) poisoning. Large bilateral central scotomas. 1972. Right eye. Pair with IIA1_01b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from thallium. Clinical: Decreased vision.Image
713 Segmental Atrophy - Temporal - Due to Thallium (Rat) PoisoningSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - due to thallium (rat) poisoning. Large bilateral central scotomas. 1972. Left eye. Pair with IIA1_01a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from thallium. Clinical: Decreased vision.Image
714 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathyExamples of Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy showing dilated and tortuous retinal veins and multiple capillary hemorrhages. This kind of retinopathy is produced by impaired arteriole circulation to the retina from various causes. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Ophthalmic artery venous malformati...Image
715 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathyExamples of Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy showing produced by a carotid-cavernous sinus fistula. Arteriole pressure was low in the retina and venous pressure was elevated. Note the characteristic dot and blot hemorrhages in the black and white photo (R3B2b). Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Car...Image
716 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathyExamples of Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy produced by a carotid-cavernous sinus fistula. Arteriole pressure was low in the retina and venous pressure was elevated. Note the characteristic dot and blot hemorrhages in this black and white photo. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: carotid-cavernous ...Image
717 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathySlow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy from macroglobulanemia. Note the dot and blot hemorrhages. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Macroglobulanemia. Disease/Diagnosis: Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy from macroglobulanemia.Image
718 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathySlow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy. Optic disc change in left eye (b) secondary to reduced carotid artery perfusion. Patient was an elderly man with a innominant artery occlusion. Note the reduced arteriole caliber in the left disc (b) compared to the right (a). Central retinal artery pressure ...Image
719 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathySlow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy. Optic disc change in left eye (b) secondary to reduced carotid artery perfusion. Patient was an elderly man with a innominant artery occlusion. Note the reduced arteriole caliber in the left disc (b) compared to the right (a). Central retinal artery pressure ...Image
720 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathySlow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy (right eye) in a man with polycythaemia rubra vera. Hematological disease. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Hematological disease. Disease/Diagnosis: Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy secondary to polycythaemia. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
721 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathySlow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy (right eye) in a man with polycythaemia rubra vera. Hematological disease. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Hematological disease. Disease/Diagnosis: Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy secondary to polycythaemia. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
722 Slow Flow (Chronic Hypoxic) RetinopathyExamples of Slow flow (chronic hypoxic) retinopathy showing dilated and tortuous retinal veins and multiple capillary hemorrhages. This kind of retinopathy is produced by impaired arteriole circulation to the retina from various causes. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Ophthalmic artery venous malformati...Image
723 Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis) with retinal evidence of central retinal vein occlusion. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Diffuse choroidal hemangioma; Glaucoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Sturge Weber Syndrome. Clinical: Port wine hemangioma of the face.Image
724 Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis); Color of the retina is deep red (sometimes called tomato catsup) due to a four fold thickening of the choroidal vascular bed. Glaucomatous cupping of the optic nerve. Striking retinal venous vascular anomalies on the disc and in the retina. ...Image
725 Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis); Color of the retina is deep red (sometimes called tomato catsup) due to a four fold thickening of the choroidal vascular bed. Optic disc is cupped due to elevated intraocular pressure. (Secondary glaucoma) Patient had a major ""port wine"" m...Image
726 Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)Left eye is normal, without the deep red from thickened Choroid. Pair with R1_B1a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Diffuse choroidal hemangioma; Glaucoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Sturge Weber Syndrome. Clinical: Port wine hemangioma of the face.Image
727 Tuberous SclerosisSoft translucent lesion of tuberous sclerosis in the inferior temporal retina. Patient was 4 years old. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
728 Tuberous SclerosisTuberous Sclerosis. Has two astrocytic hamartomas. Lower shows a few specs of calcification. Note how the tumor obscures the underlying retinal vessels. Left eye. Pair with R1_D4a. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
729 Tuberous SclerosisTwo very small tuberous sclerosis lesions. Group with R1_D7a, b, d. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: Patient had mental retardation and epilepsy. No visual symptoms.Image
730 Tuberous SclerosisTuberous Sclerosis. Has two astrocytic hamartomas. One is calcified. Right eye. Pair with R1_D4b. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
731 Tuberous SclerosisTuberous Sclerosis. Astrocytic hamartoma of the optic disc. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
732 Tuberous SclerosisSeveral small tuberous sclerosis lesions. Group with R1_D7a, c, d. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: Patient had mental retardation and epilepsy. No visual symptoms.Image
733 Tuberous SclerosisTuberous Sclerosis. Astrocytic hamartoma of the optic disc. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
734 Tuberous SclerosisTwo moderate sized tuberous sclerosis lesions in the left eye. Group with R1_D7b, c, d. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: Patient had mental retardation and epilepsy. No visual symptoms.Image
735 Tuberous SclerosisOne small tuberous sclerosis lesion. Group with R1_D7a, b, c. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: Patient had mental retardation and epilepsy. No visual symptoms.Image
736 Tuberous SclerosisTuberous Sclerosis. Astrocytic hamartoma of the optic disc. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Astrocytic hamartoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis. Clinical: No visual symptoms.Image
737 Tuberous SclerosisRetinal lesion in tuberous sclerosis in the form of a translucent disc in the superior temporal area of the retina. Note the dense calcification in the center of the lesion. Note how the lesion obscures the details of the arterioles which pass through it. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Astrocytic hamar...Image
738 Unilateral Buried DrusenPP20a: Right eye. Normal disc without optic cup.PP20b: Left eye. Buried drusen nasally and exposed drusen at the temporal margin. Boy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc. Clinical: Normally functioning eye with drusen. Right eye nor...Image
739 Unilateral Buried DrusenPP20a: Right eye. Normal disc without optic cup.PP20b: Left eye. Buried drusen nasally and exposed drusen at the temporal margin. Boy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc.. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc.. Clinical: Normally functioning eye with drusen. Right eye n...Image
740 Unilateral Buried DrusenPP23a: left eye; lumpy disc with buried drusen. PP23b: CT scan showing calcium (bright spot at optic nerve head on left). 10 year old boy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc. Clinical: Normally functioning eye with drusen.Image
741 Unilateral Buried DrusenPP23a: left eye; PP23b: CT scan showing calcium (bright spot at optic nerve head on left). 10 year old boy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc. Clinical: Unilateral drusen, only in the left eye.Image
742 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Has no optic cup. Disc is flat. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Transient monocular blindness (transient visual obscurations, amaurosis fugax); headache, sixth nerve palsy, ele...Image
743 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. This eye has papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Transient monocular blindness (transient visual obscurations, amaurosis fugax); headache, sixth nerve palsy, elevated i...Image
744 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema in Pseudotumor cerebri. Right eye. Has no cup. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache.Image
745 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has chronic papilledema. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache.Image
746 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema due to elevated intracranial pressure. Right eye. This eye has papilledema. Patient described transient monocular blindness with turning right eye. Asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Iidiopathic intracranial hyper...Image
747 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye.Chronic Papilledema in right eye. Woman. Pseudo Foster Kennedy due to asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic papilledema; optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri) causing pseudo Foster-Kennedy Syndrome. Clinical: ...Image
748 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Atrophic nerve right eye. Large falx meningioma. True Foster Kennedy Syndrome. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic papilledema; optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Meningioma causing Foster-Kennedy Syndrome. Clinical: Visual loss one eye; Transient visual obscuration other eye.Image
749 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has no optic cup. 24 year old obese woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopthatic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache, transient visual obscurations.Image
750 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Left eye has papilledema. Large falx meningioma. True Foster Kennedy Syndrome. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic papilledema; optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Meningioma causing Foster-Kennedy Syndrome. Clinical: Visual loss one eye; transient visual obscuration other eye.Image
751 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Mild disc blurring. Obese woman complaining of headaches. Asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Asymmetric papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Headache, obese woman.Image
752 Unilateral papilledemaUnilateral papilledema in Pseudotumor cerebri in patient with elevated intracranial pressure. Right eye. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Transient monocular blindness (transient visual ob...Image
753 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema in Pseudotumor cerebri in patient with elevated intracranial pressure. Right eye. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Transient monocular blindness (transient visual ob...Image
754 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema in Pseudotumor cerebri in patient with elevated intracranial pressure. Left eye. Has no optic cup. Disc is flat. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Transient monocular...Image
755 Unilateral PapilledemaCT scan showing equal thickening of the optic nerves. CT scan of no help in determining which eye has the papilledema. In this case, right eye has papilledema. Scan of patient depicted P_13a and P_13b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial...Image
756 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Patient had tumor on right side. Right sided large meningioma. optociliary shunt at 10:00. Foster Kennedy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Meningioma of the brain. Clinical: Headache.Image
757 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Woman. Anomalous optic disc elevation in right eye only. This woman's case mimics unilateral papilledema from pseudotumor cerebri. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Anomalous disc elevation. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudo papilledema. Clinincal: Mimic of papilledema; symptoms: headache; signs: a...Image
758 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema due to intracranial pressure. Left eye. This eye shows minor disc blur, inferiorly. No optic cup. Disc is flat. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Gaze evoked blindnes...Image
759 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Has papilledema. Patient has pseudotumor cerebri. 24 year old obese woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache, transient visual obscurations.Image
760 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has no optic cup. Woman. Left optic disc is flat and cupless. This woman's case mimics unilateral papilledema from pseudotumor cerebri. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Anomalous disc elevation. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudo papilledema. Clinical: Mimic of papilledema; symptoms: headache; signs...Image
761 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Low grade papilledema. Obese woman complaining of headaches. Asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Asymmetric papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Headache, obese woman.Image
762 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Has slight disc blur. Asymmetric papilledema. 35 year old woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Gaze evoked blindness.Image
763 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. This eye has papilledema. 35 year old woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Clinical: Gaze evoked blindness.Image
764 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has papilledema. 27 year old white woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache.Image
765 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has papilledema. Patient has Pseudotumor cerebri. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache, transient visual obscuration.Image
766 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema in pseudotumor cerebri. Right eye. Has no cup. 27 year old white woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertiension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache.Image
767 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Flat cupless disc. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic papilledema; optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri) causing pseudo Foster-Kennedy Syndrome. Clinical: Visual loss in atrophic eye; obese.Image
768 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema in Pseudotumor cerebri in patient with elevated intracranial pressure. Left eye. Has no optic cup. Disc is flat. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unliateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerbri). Clinical: Transient monocular ...Image
769 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Patient had tumor on right side. Right sided large meningioma. Disc edema due to tumor. 29 year old black woman. The right disc has mild temporal pallor. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Uninaleral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Meningioma of the brain. Clinical: Headache.Image
770 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Has no optic cup. Patient has pseudotumor cerebri. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache, transient visual obscurations.Image
771 Unilateral PseudopapilledemaPP_10a: Left: pseudo papilledema with disc blurring, crowded disc. Optic disc is small in diameter. PP_10b shows albinotic fundus and small crowded disc. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Normal variation of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Normal variation of the optic disc. Elevated disc. Clinic...Image
772 Unilateral PseudopapilledemaPP_10b: shows albinotic fundus and a small crowded disc. PP_10a: left: pseudo papilledema with disc blurring, crowded disc. Optic disc is small in diameter. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Normal variation of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Normal variation of the optic disc. Crowded disc. Clin...Image
773 Vascular Complications of DrusenPP34a: Right eye. Superior retinal vein drains into the choroid at 12:00. It has occluded between center of disc and 12:00. Note white ghost vessel. Note that other veins drain into the disc edge at 4:00. There is no evidence of a central retinal vein in the middle of the disc. PP34b: Visible drus...Image
774 Vascular Complications of DrusenPP34a: Right eye. Superior retinal vein drains into the choroid at 12:00. It has occluded between center of disc and 12:00. Note white ghost vessel. Note that other veins drain into the disc edge at 4:00. There is no evidence of a central retinal vein in the middle of the disc. PP34b: Visible drus...Image
775 Vascular Complications of Drusen: Drusen Causing Loss of Superior Retinal Arterial SupplyPP32a: right; PP32b: left eye. Right eye is an obvious drusen disc. Patient had marked field defects. Left eye has occlusion of superior branch of the central retinal artery at 11:30 with the inferior retinal artery supplying collateral to the superior retina. Notice the branch of the inferior ret...Image
776 Vascular Complications of Drusen: Drusen Causing Loss of Superior Retinal Arterial SupplyPP32a: right; PP32b: left eye. Left eye has occlusion of superior branch of the central retinal artery at 11:30 with the inferior retinal artery supplying collateral to the superior retina. Notice the branch of the inferior retinal artery moves superiorly heading toward the upper retina. Drusen w...Image
777 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial ConvolutionsCollection of prepapillary arterial congenital convolutions. Note: Typically involve the superior retinal arterioles. Purely arterial malformations (not arterial venous). Within the convolution in C, there are multiple tortuous loops. Not associated with cerebral vascular malformations and they do n...Image
778 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial ConvolutionsHemorrhage from prepapillary arterial convolutions has resolved. Abnormal vessels which were the source of the bleeding. 30 year old man. 3.5 months following hemorrhage. Same patient as V_10. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial convolutions with pre-retinal hemorrhage....Image
779 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial ConvolutionsHemorrhage from prepapillary arterial convolutions. Note convolutions are inferior. 30 year old man. Same patient as V_11. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial convolutions with pre-retinal hemorrhage. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital arterial vascular anomaly. Clinical: Ac...Image
780 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial ConvolutionsPrepapillary arterial convolutions. Left eye. Man. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial convolutions. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital arterial vascular anomaly. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
781 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial ConvolutionsPrepapillary arterial convolutions. Incidental finding in patient being treated for acute myelogenous leukemia. Note hemorrhage at about 4:00 off the disc related to the leukemia. Arterial loops are not related to leukemia. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial convolution...Image
782 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial ConvolutionsPrepapillary arterial convolutions. 40 year old woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial convolutions. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital arterial vascular anomaly. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
783 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial LoopMultiple prepapillary arterial loops involving superior and inferior retinal arterioles. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Clinical: Asymptomatic. Patient presented with migraine.Image
784 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial LoopPrepapillary arterial loop arising typically from the inferior retinal arterioles and projecting forward into the vitreous. 42 year old patient. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
785 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial LoopSmall central prepapillary arterial loop. 30 year old woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
786 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial LoopComplication of prepapillary arterial loop causing occlusion of the inferior retinal arterial and resulting inferior retinal infarction. Appears to be a black thrombus in the apex of the arterial loop. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Arterial loop with retinal artery infarction. Disease/Diagnosis: B...Image
787 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Prepapillary Arterial LoopPrepapillary arterial loops. 36 year old woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital prepapillary arterial loop. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
788 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsWyburn-Mason Syndrome in man with orbital cranial component. After embolization of the orbital and cranial component, the retinal malformation involuted further. Retinal arteriovenous malformations. Post-treatment. Close up view of the disc. October 21, 1992. Same patient as V_23 and V_25. Anatomy: ...Image
789 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsWyburn-Mason Syndrome in man with orbital cranial component. After embolization of the orbital and cranial component, the retinal malformation involuted further. Retinal arteriovenous malformations. Post-treatment. Wide angle view of slide V_24. October 21, 1992. Same patient as V_23 and V_24. Anat...Image
790 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsWyburn-Mason Syndrome in man with orbital cranial component. Pre-treatment. Retinal arteriovenous malformations, pre-involution. April 27, 1992. Same patient as V_24 and V_25. Anatomy: Optic disc; Brain. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation of retina and brain. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn-Mason syndr...Image
791 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Wyburn-Mason Syndrome. Angiogram showing extension of vascular malformation up the right optic nerve (arrow) through the thalamus and into the right visual cortex. References #3 and #73. Anatomy: Brain. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Wy...Image
792 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Partially involved. Same patient as V_27. Anatomy: Optic disc; Brain. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation of retina and brain. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn-Mason syndrome. Clinical: Blindness in the involved eye, proptosis.Image
793 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn-Mason syndrome. Clinical: Cerebral symptoms, questionable seizures.Image
794 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Clinical: Reduced vision.Image
795 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. 11 year old. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Clinical: Reduced visual function.Image
796 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations of disc and adjacent retina. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
797 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations (Racemous angioma). Found in a 13 year old girl who had extension of this arteriovenous malformation up her right optic nerve into her thalamus and into her midbrain. Patient had large intra-cerebral AVM (Wyburn-Mason Syndrome). Patient died 10 years later of mass...Image
798 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations with no known cerebral component. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Clinical: Cerebral symptoms, questionable seizures.Image
799 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Note ghost vessels, signs of involution within the malformation. Natural history is spontaneous involution of arterial loops within the malformation. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malf...Image
800 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Spontaneous involution. Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome. Anatomy: Optic disc; Brain. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation of retina and brain. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn-Mason syndrome. Clinical: Blindness in the involved eye.Image
701 - 800 of 856