101 - 125 of 235
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101 LateropulsionLateropulsionThis 60 year old patient has Wallenberg's syndrome due to infarction of the left dorsolateral medulla. Wallenberg's syndrome is the best recognized syndrome involving the vestibular nuclei and adjacent structures. Unilateral infarcts affecting the vestibular nuclei may produce an oculomotor imbalanc...Deviation of the Eyes under Closed Lids; Lateropulsion; Dorsolateral Medullary Infarction; Medulla Infarct
102 Lessons_From_Bench_BedsideLessons from the Bench and BedsideMultiple Sclerosis
103 004-3Lid LagThe classical eye signs of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) of Graves' Disease is illustrated by case ID925-4. This 50 year old woman with TAO is included in the collection because she illustrates very well lid lag (persistent elevation of the upper eyelid in downgaze) - von Graefe sign E...Lid Lag; Bilateral Exophthalmos; Restrictive Orbitopathy of Graves' Disease
104 Lid_LagLid LagThe classical eye signs of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) of Graves' Disease is illustrated by case ID925-4. This 50 year old woman with TAO is included in the collection because she illustrates very well lid lag (persistent elevation of the upper eyelid in downgaze) - von Graefe sign E...Lid Lag; Bilateral Exophthalmos; Restrictive Orbitopathy of Graves' Disease
105 Midbrain_HemorrhageMidbrain HemorrhageThe patient is a 49 year old woman who was in good health until January 17, 1991. When, at work one morning, she had an acute attack of light headedness and double vision and collapsed on the floor without loss of consciousness. She developed a severe retro-orbital headache. She was taken to t...Supranuclear Paralysis of Upgaze Hemorrhage; Convergence Retraction Nystagmus; Vertical Oculocephalic Reflex Normal; Normal Convergence; Skew Deviation; Light/Near Dissociation of the Pupils; Pretectal Syndrome; Midbrain Hemorrhage; Cavernous Angioma; Cavernous Hemangiomas
106 041-1Migraine / PET StudyIn December 1994 the New England Journal of Medicine published a remarkable paper Bilateral Spreading Cerebral Hypoperfusion during Spontaneous Migraine Headache. Roger P. Woods, Marco Iacoboni and John C. Mazziotta. which is reproduced in part, and accompanied by a video illustration. Courtesy of J...Migraine Headache; Regional Cerebral Blood Flow; Migraine Visual Aura
107 939-4Migraine Visual AuraThe patient is a 73 year old retired teacher who was referred in 1993 for a second opinion regarding treatment of episodic visual hallucinations. As a school boy in junior school, he began to experience transient episodes of a spot appearing in the right lower homonymous quadrant of his field of vi...Migraine Visual Aura; Occipital Lobe; Visual Phenomena
108 932-5Migraine Visual AuraThe patient is a 9 year old right handed boy who developed headaches in 1993 at the age of 8. At that time he told his mother that he had bad headaches starting at the back of the head, usually bioccipital, spreading over the top of the head to his forehead. The headaches were short in duration la...Migraine Visual Aura without headache; Metamorphopsia; Macropsia - Hemi-macropsia; Alice in Wonderland Syndrome; Occipital Lobe; Visual Phenomena
109 Migraine_Visual_AuraMigraine Visual AuraThe patient is a 9 year old right handed boy who developed headaches in 1993 at the age of 8. At that time he told his mother that he had bad headaches starting at the back of the head, usually bioccipital, spreading over the top of the head to his forehead. The headaches were short in duration la...Migraine Visual Aura without Headache; Metamorphopsia; Macropsia - Hemi-macropsia; Alice in Wonderland Syndrome; Occipital Lobe; Visual Phenomena
110 947-2Migraine Visual Aura: A Discussion with Nobel Laureate David H. HubelI am greatly indebted to the Nobel Laureate, David Hubel for his permission to publish his description of his migraine aura. The recording was made fortuitously at the time that I invited David to the Unit for Neuro-Visual Disorders to record an audio clip describing the experiments in the cat that...Migraine Visual Aura; Occipital Lobe; Visual Phenomena; David H. Hubel
111 947-1Migraine Visual Aura: A Personal AccountI am greatly indebted to the Nobel Laureate, David Hubel for his permission to publish his description of his migraine aura. The recording was made fortuitously at the time that I invited David to the Unit for Neuro-Visual Disorders to record an audio clip describing the experiments in the cat that...Migraine Visual Aura; Occipital Lobe; Visual Phenomena; David H. Hubel
112 Miller_Fisher_Syndrome_guest_lectureMiller Fisher Syndrome (Guest Lecture)Miller Fisher Syndrome; Guillan Barr Syndrome; Bilateral Ptosis; Total External Ophthalmoplegia; Facial Diplegia; Areflexia; Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathy; Facial Weakness; Voluntary Ptosis; Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy; Esotropia; Paresis of Conjugate Upgaze; Normal Pupils
113 Mitochondrial_Myopathy_guest_lectureMitochondrial Myopathy (Guest Lecture)"Bilateral Ptosis; Facial Weakness; Complete External Ophthalmoplegia; Bilateral Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (PEO); Mitochondrial Myopathy; PEO plus Atypical Retinitis Pigmentosa, Heart Block, Deafness, Proximal Myopathy and Cerebellar Degeneration with Ataxia; Kearns-Sayre Syndrome; Chroni...
114 Movement_Disorders_A_Brief_OverviewMovement Disorders: A Brief OverviewParkinson's Disease
115 040-1MS Time Lapse MRIProfessor Ian McDonald, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London contributed this remarkable Time-Lapse MRI of focal MS lesions in a single patient with multiple sclerosis over a period of one year. This time lapse video was assembled from serial T2- weighted MRI scans from a 25-year old wo...Multiple Sclerosis; Serial Brain MRI in Multiple Sclerosis
116 Multiple_Sclerosis_2008Multiple Sclerosis
117 Multiple_SclerosisMultiple SclerosisThe patient is a 56 year old woman who presented in 1982, at the age of 48, with a one week history of painless loss of vision in the left eye. Past History: Negative for a previous attack of optic neuritis or transient neurological symptoms. Family History: Negative for CNS disease Neuro-ophth...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Square Wave Jerks; Jerk Oscillations; Rotary Nystagmus; Saccadic Pursuit; Saccadic Dysmetria; Multiple Sclerosis; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Torsional Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria
118 Multiple_Sclerosis_LateropulsionMultiple Sclerosis LateropulsionThis 44 year old woman has a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
119 Myasthenia_Gravis_guest_lectureMyasthenia Gravis (Guest Lecture)The patient is a 46 year old woman who presented in July 1977 with horizontal double vision lasting two weeks. Three weeks later the left upper eyelid started to droop and by the end of the day the eye was closed. She had no ptosis of the right eye and no generalized fatigue. She consulted an in...Unilateral Ptosis; Unilateral Lid Retraction; Myasthenic Lid Twitch; External Ophthalmoplegia; Ocular Myasthenia Gravis; Tensilon Test; Thymolipoma; Generalized Myasthenia Gravis; Unilateral Myasthenia Gravis; Ptosis - Myasthenic; Lid Retraction; Lid Twitch
120 Myasthenia_ThymomaMyasthenia ThymomaThe patient is a 46 year old woman who presented in July 1977 with horizontal double vision lasting two weeks. Three weeks later the left upper eyelid started to droop and by the end of the day the eye was closed. She had no ptosis of the right eye and no generalized fatigue. She consulted an in...Unilateral Ptosis; Unilateral Lid Retraction; Myasthenic Lid Twitch; External Ophthalmoplegia; Ocular Myasthenia Gravis; Tensilon Test; Thymolipoma; Generalized Myasthenia Gravis; Unilateral Myasthenia Gravis; Ptosis - Myasthenic; Lid Retraction; Lid Twitch
121 166-3Neonatal OpsoclonusThis child was one of the first cases of opsoclonus that I saw with Dr. Cogan in the early 1970's. The baby is a unique case in that in addition to neonatal opsoclonus with the characteristic multidirectional conjugate back-to-back saccades, periods of large amplitude upbeat nystagmus also occurred....Neonatal Opsoclonus; Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Saccadic Oscillations
122 166-4Neonatal OpsoclonusThis child was one of the first cases of opsoclonus that I saw with Dr. Cogan in the early 1970's. He carried a diagnosis of strabismus with deviation of the left eye. In this child, opsoclonus occurred as a transient phenomenon in an otherwise healthy infant. For a complete overview of opsoclonus i...Neonatal Opsoclonus; Lid Nystagmus; Saccadic Oscillations
123 NeuroblastomaNeuroblastomaThe patient is Case 27-1995 Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital (New Eng. J Medicine 1995, 333:579-586). The discusser was Dr. Elizabeth Engle, Associate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School. The baby girl was born after a 30 week gestation, with a birth weight of 1.25 k...Downbeat Nystagmus; Paraneoplastic Opsoclonus; Neuroblastoma; Primary Position Downbeat Nystagmus; Ataxia; Paraneoplastic Downbeat Nystagmus
124 910-2Normal Eye MovementsThe video of the normal eye movement examination was made with the assistance of Dr. Terrence Millette, a neurologist and former Fellow with me in 1985-1986. Introduction to the Saccadic System Saccades are fast eye movements that bring the image of an object of interest onto the fovea. They c..."Normal Eye Movements; Examination, Ocular; Saccades; Optokinetic Nystagmus Drum (OKN Drum); Pursuit; Ocular Motility"
125 163-21Nuclear Third Nerve PalsyThe following case is the first patient I saw with a nuclear third nerve palsy. The patient is a 52 year old man with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He awoke one morning unable to open his eyes. To walk he tilted his head backwards and looked down. He came to the emergency room of the Massach...Nuclear Third Nerve Palsy; Bilateral Ptosis; Bilateral Superior Rectus Palsy; Normal Pupils; Midbrain Infarct; Oculomotor Nerve; Nuclear; Thalamic Infarct
101 - 125 of 235