26 - 50 of 594
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26 Brain Stem & Reflexes: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe cranial nerves are reviewed again on a specimen with vessels. Next, landmarks on gross brain stem sections are shown. Stressed are the three reflexes associated with each of the three levels: pupillary, corneal and gag reflexes and their associated cranial nerves. Finally cross sections of myeli...Brain Stem; Reflexes
27 Cerebral Circulation: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe major vessels of the anterior and posterior circulation are demonstrated along with the Circle of Willis on both a model and in an animation. The distribution of the three major cerebral arteries is demonstrated along with the concept of a watershed zone. A gross specimen with good vessels is al...Cerebral Circulation; Brain; Dissections
28 Cerebellum: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe gross features of the cerebellum are shown. The three peduncles are demonstrated, noting their input and output to and from the cerebellum. Emphasis is given to symptoms of cerebellar disease appearing on the same side of the body. Special emphasis is given to cortical-cerebellar connections, st...Cerebellum; Cortical-Cerebellar Connection; Brain; Dissection
29 Control of the Pupil: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThrough diagrams, animations and gross specimens the constriction and dilation of the pupil by the autonomic nervous system are described. Both the parasympathetic and sympathetic control are traced and the importance of a constricted pupil, Horner's Syndrome, and temporal lobe (uncal) herniation (d...Brain; Dissections
30 Sensation from the Body: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDSensation consists of various modalities, which tend to travel in one of two pathways. The Anterolateral System also known as the Spinothalamic Tract carries pain and temperature. The Dorsal Column-Medical Lemniscus Pathway carries vibration, joint position, and fine 2-point discrimination. Light or...Spinothalamic Tract; Anterolateral System; Dorsal Column-Medical Lemniscus Pathway; Body Sensation' Brain' Dissection
31 Sensation from the Face: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDSensation from the face travels in one of two pathways both of which eventually converge to form the trigeminothalamic tract that reaches the thalamus. The tract that carries pain and temperature is confusing because it first descends before crossing while the equivalent of Dorsal Column-Medical Lem...Brain; Dissections
32 Vestibular System: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDDiagrams, models and skull preparations are used to describe the vestibular apparatus. The semicircular canals, saccule and utricle are described as well as transduction by the hair cells in the ampullae and maculae. Gross material emphasizes the nerve, vestibular nuclei and connections through the ...Vestibular; Brain; Dissection
33 Auditory System: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe anatomy of the middle ear and cochlea are shown using models and diagrams explaining the process of air-fluid transmission and finally transduction by hair cells. Gross specimens demonstrate the cochlear nerve and its brain stem relays and crossings all the way to auditory cortex. Wernicke's are...Middle Ear; Cochlea; Auditory Cortex; Brain; Dissection
34 The Ventricles: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe ventricles are demonstrated and named on a model cast as well as in rotating 3D reconstructions. The production, function, circulation and removal of CSF produced by the choroid plexus is discussed using a diagram and then reviewed on frontal, axial and sagittal brain specimens and corresponding...Ventricles; Brain; Dissection
35 Idiopatic Intracranial Hypertension (Portuguese)NANOSRaised intracranial pressure.Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension; Patient Brochure
36 Hypothalamus: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDGross specimens are used to demonstrate the area of the hypothalamus and its relationship to surrounding structures. Both endocrine and autonomic functions are explored using diagrams. Mention is made of the direct hypothalamic response to circulating hormones and other substances such as sodium. Th...Hypothalamus; Brain; Dissection
37 Three Critical Vertical Pathways: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThere is one motor and two sensory pathways that must be mastered. Pain and temperature from the body travel together and vibration and proprioception travel in another pathway each reaching perception in the cortex. Voluntary motor control starts in the cerebral cortex and connects with a motor neu...Spinothalamic Tract; Dorsal Column-Medical Lemniscus Pathway; Posterior Column; Vertical Pathway; Brain; Dissection
38 The Spinal Cord & Monosynaptic Reflex: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe spinal cord's relationship to the foramina, discs and spinal nerves is demonstrated on a model. The dura, ganglia and rootlets are shown as well as the gray and white matter in gross sections at different levels. A model of the cord is used to demonstrate and describe the anatomy of a monosynapt...Spinal Cord; Monosynaptic Reflex; Brain; Dissection
39 Limbic System: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe decision was made to present a simplified description of a much more complex system using animations to construct a 3D image. Papez circuit is shown on gross specimens with mention of its involvement in memory. The role of the amygdala in fear and the olfactory cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy a...Limbic System; Hippocampus; Brain; Dissection
40 The Most Important Pathway: Motor Control: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe origin of the corticospinal tract in the cerebral cortex is traced through gross sections of the hemisphere and brain stem to the spinal cord. Using an animation, the terms upper and lower motor neuron are defined and clinical signs and symptom listed.Corticospinal Tract; Cerebral Cortex; Motor Neuron; Brain; Dissection
41 The Unfixed Spinal Cord: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe spinal cord's relationship to the foramina, discs and spinal nerves is demonstrated on a model. The dura, ganglia and rootlets are shown as well as the gray and white matter in gross sections at different levels. A model of the cord is used to demonstrate and describe the anatomy of a monosynapt...Unfixed Spinal Cord; Spinal Cord; Brain; Dissection
42 Olfactory System: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDBeginning with the location of the sensory cells within the skull the axons are traced into the cranial cavity. Demonstration of the olfactory bulb, olfactory tract and it termination in the forebrain and temporal lobe are indicated. Trauma and meningiomas can produce loss of small (anosmia). Degene...Olfactory System; Olfactory Bulb; Anosmia; Brain; Dissection
43 The Meninges: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe epidural, subdural and subarachnoid spaces are demonstrated and discussed with respect to trauma and disease. The relationship of the brainstem and cerebellum to the tentorium demonstrates the vulnerability of the brain stem to increased supratentorial pressure and herniation. Arachnoid granulat...Meninges; Brain; Dissection
44 Orientation: The Planes of the Brain: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDTerms such as anterior, posterior, inferior and superior are introduced with respect to the hemispheres as well as the brain stem. Terms such as rostral and caudal or dorsal and ventral can mean different things in different areas. Sections in three planes (frontal, axial, and sagittal) are demonstr...Frontal; Axial; Sagittal; Brain; Dissection
45 The Visual Pathway: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDA brief review of the anatomy of the eye and the photic stimulation of the receptors is followed by a gross exploration of the visual pathway from the optic nerve, chiasm, and tract to the thalamus stressing how the left part of the visual world reaches the right hemisphere. Visual fields are relate...Visual Pathway; Brain; Dissections
46 The Normal Unfixed Brain: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain DissectionsSuzanne S. Stensaas, PhDThe consistency and vulnerability of the brain is demonstrated along with the clear and glistening pia and arachnoid and the tough dura. The cushioning function of the CSF is stressed and the features are pointed out on the ventral surface. The uncus and temporal lobes are normal with arteries free ...Brain; Dissections
47 Skew Deviation and the Ocular Tilt ResponseDavid Newman-Toker, MD, PhDThe objectives of this presentation are to provide an understanding of the current use of the terms "ocular tilt reaction" and "skew deviation," to create some familiarity with the anatomic and physiologic substrate of ocular tilt and skew, and to demonstrate how to distinguish between skew and isol...Vertical Strabismus; Cyclovertical Strabismus; Skew Deviation; Vestibulo-ocular Reflex; Ocular Tilt Reaction; Vestibular Pathways; Vestibular Ocular System
48 Cogan's Lid Twitch SignRaed Behbehani, MDCogan's lid twitch sign is a twitch sign of he upper lid upon looking straight from a sustained downgaze position. It is associated with Ocular Myasthenia Gavis.Myasthenia; Ptosis; Lid Twitch
49 Carotid Cavernous FistulaAdam Botwinick, MD; Rudrani Banik, MDPower point of case presentation of 66-year-old female with chronic red eye OU x 2 months, misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis. Exam showed dilated, tortuous episcleral vessels OU with proptosis OU and elevated intraocular pressure. MRI showed suspicion of carotid cavernous fistula (CCF), confirmed by ...Carotid Cavernous Fistula; Dural CCF; Chemosis; Corkscrew Vessels; Proptosis; Embolization; Neurointerventional Radiology
50 Bitemporal HemianopiaJulia Mathew Padiyedathu, MD; Rudrani Banik, MDPower point of case presentation of patient with painless progressive vision loss, optic nerve cupping with pallor and history of significant alcohol and tobacco use. Patient initially diagnosed at outside institution with normal tension glaucoma and toxic optic neuropathy. Exam suggests bitempora...Ditemporal Visual Field Defect; Toxic Optic Neuropathy; Pituitary Adenoma; Compressive Optic Neuropathy
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