26 - 50 of 141
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26 Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Mitochondrial DiseaseAbhimanyu S. Ahuja, BS; Sidney M. Gospe III, MD, PhDClassically, mitochondrial diseases exhibit a maternal inheritance pattern because pathogenic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are transmitted exclusively via the maternal lineage due to rapid degradation of sperm-derived mitochondria early in embryogenesis. However, mutations in mtDNA may occ...Mitochondrial Disease; Pathophysiology
27 Multiple SclerosisShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThe patient is a 56 year old woman who presented in 1982, at the age of 48, with a one week history of painless loss of vision in the left eye. Past History: Negative for a previous attack of optic neuritis or transient neurological symptoms. Family History: Negative for CNS disease Neuro-ophthalmol...Upbeat Nystagmus; Lid Nystagmus; Square Wave Jerks; Jerk Oscillations; Rotary Nystagmus; Saccadic Pursuit; Saccadic Dysmetria; Multiple Sclerosis; Bilateral Lid Nystagmus; Primary Position Upbeat Nystagmus; Torsional Nystagmus; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria
28 Clivus_ChordomaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThis 46 year old patient had at age 6, a tendency for the left eye to wander out. Her face photograph at that age shows an exotropia and at age 7, a year later, the exotropia was not quite as prominent. It was assumed that the exotropia was due to a non-paralytic strabismus. Past History: At age 1 f...Esotropia; Abduction Weakness; Sixth Nerve Palsy; Clivus Chordoma; Chordoma
29 Vascular DementiaWhitley Aamodt, MD; Ali G. Hamedani, MD, MHSPowerPoint providing an overview of vascular dementia, including the pathophysiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and management.Vascular Dementia
30 Sixth nerve palsy or not? (Image)Vivian Paraskevi Douglas; Konstantinos Douglas; Nurhan TorunHere in we present a case of a 72-yearold Caucasian female with remote history of breast cancer who presented with diplopia in the right gaze over the past several months. There had been no improvement after a 5-day course of steroids by an outside ophthalmologist. On neuro-ophthalmic examination, t...Abduction deficit; Diplopia; Orbital imaging
31 Sixth nerve palsy or not? (Video)Vivian Paraskevi Douglas; Konstantinos Douglas; Nurhan TorunHere in we present a case of a 72-yearold Caucasian female with remote history of breast cancer who presented with diplopia in the right gaze over the past several months. There had been no improvement after a 5-day course of steroids by an outside ophthalmologist. On neuro-ophthalmic examination, t...Abduction deficit; Diplopia; Orbital imaging
32 Transient Vision LossNANOSVision loss that is temporary (transient) is a common problem and has many potential causes.Patients with temporary vision loss often do not have any abnormalities on their eye examination, especially once the vision has returned to normal.​Transient Vision Loss; Patient Brochure
33 Brain MRI in Multiple Sclerosis (Guest Lecture)Anne G. Osborn, MDThe patient is a 25 year old woman who was in excellent health until 4 days prior to admission when she noted blurred vision and horizontal double vision on lateral gaze to right and left. Past History: Negative for strabismus as a child. No previous episodes of transient neurological symptoms. Fami...Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia; Abducting Nystagmus; Normal Convergence; Gaze Evoked Upbeat Nystagmus; Gaze Evoked Downbeat Nystagmus; Saccadic Dysmetria; Multiple Sclerosis; Horizontal Saccadic Dysmetria
34 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsAAO/NANOS - American Academy of Ophthalmology / North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyA 42-year old woman presented with a history of severe brow pain and 4 days of progressive visual loss OD. There was no increased pain on ocular rotation. Aside from heavy menses, she denied any significant past medical history. Her examination revealed acuity NLP OD, 20/25 OS; color vision 9/10 OS;...Syphilis
35 Dual Visual Field Defect (Quadrantanopia and Central Scotoma) Unmasks the Hidden Brain Lesion in a Patient with Non-arteritic Ischemic Optic NeuropathyA. Mohan Kannam; B. Rajat Kapoor; C. Ramesh Kekunnaya, FRCS; Virender Sachdeva, MS, DNBThis submission is an interesting case that highlights the co-existence of two different visual field defects in the same patient presenting to us with clinical picture of non arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy. The correct interpretation of the visual field defects led to the appropriate localizat...Hemianopia; Central Field Defect; Non-Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy; Ischemic Infarct
36 Third Nerve PalsyShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThe patient is a 50 year old man with Type II Diabetes who presented to an outside hospital in September 1996 with ptosis and an inability to open the right eye. Five months prior to admission (PTA), he had flu-like symptoms with mild fever, sinus congestion and diffuse myalgia in the chest, abdomen...Ptosis; Unilateral Third Nerve Palsy; Oculomotor Nerve; Meningovascular Syphilis; Heubner's Arteritis; Unilateral Oculomotor Third Nerve Palsy; Third Nerve Microinfarct; Fascicular Third Nerve Palsy
37 Olfactory Groove MeningiomaNagham Al-Zubidi, MDPatient presented with bilateral painless progressive loss of vision and visual and auditory hallucinations.Benign Tumors of Meninges; Olfactory Groove Meningioma; Foster-Kennedy Syndrome
38 Charles Bonnet SyndromeShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThe patient is a 79 year old woman with a chief complaint of visual hallucinations. She carries a diagnosis of glaucoma and cataracts. The patient was in good health until two weeks prior to admission when she noted a black cloud in her visual field in the top central area. The cloud gradually chang...Occipital Lobe; Visual Hallucinations; Release Hallucinations; Charles Bonnet Syndrome
39 High Yield Secondary HeadachesKathleen B. DigreLecture and case reports relating to secondary headaches.Primary Headache; Secondary Headache
40 Fluorescein AngiographyKathleen B. Digre, MD; James J. Corbett, MDFluorescein angiography in neuro-ophthalmology.Fluorescein Angiography; History
41 Radiation Retinopathies (PowerPoint)AAO/NANOS - American Academy of Ophthalmology / North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyRadiation retinopathy may mimic diabetic or hypertensive optic neuropathy. A history of irradiation to the eye, orbit, or head is mandatory. Radiation retinopathy usually occurs many months after radiation therapy.Radiation Retinopathy
42 Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic StrokeAaron W. Grossman, MD, PhDA video overview of thrombectomy of acute ischemic stroke. Covers anatomy, history of treatment, and current practice.Thrombectomy; Acute Ischemic Stroke
43 Gustatory Lacrimation: Crocodile Tear SyndromeFernando Pellerano; Kevin LaiWe describe a case of gustatory lacrimation on a 61-year-old male with a history of Bell's Palsy that presented to the Ophthalmology clinic with painless epiphora in the right eye while eating. Examination was notable for oral-ocular synkinesis and hyperlacrimation while eating on the right eye only...Crocodile Tear Syndrome; Gustatory Lacrimation; Oral-ocular Synkinesis
44 NANOS Illustrated Curriculum Section H IntroductionSean Gratton, MD; Zoë R. Williams, MDIntroduction video to the resources available in Section H of the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum.History, Neuro-ophthalmology; Principles of Practice, Neuro-Ophthalmology; Systems of Healthcare; Research, Neuro-ophthalmology
45 Multiple Myeloma (PowerPoint)AAO/NANOS - American Academy of Ophthalmology / North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyThis 48-year-old female was seen in May 1996 with a history of 2 months of diplopia from a right abducens palsy. This was due to the recurrence of myeloma that had initially been diagnosed and treated with radiation and chemotherapy 9 years before and required further therapy, including bone marrow ...Multiple Myeloma
46 Overview of Medical Malpractice, Torts, and Tort ReformSarah Jacober; Sean GrattonThis is a brief narrated powerpoint, which serves as an introduction to the basics of medical malpractice. The definition and history of medical malpractice are explored. The relationship between medical malpractice and tort law are explained, and tort reform is introduced.Lawsuit; Malpractice; Medical Malpractice; Medicolegal; Tort Reform; Torts
47 Square Wave Jerks with ContrapulsionRaed Behbehani, MDA patient with history of brain stem stroke 2 months ago (right hemifacial anesthesia , left sided weakness and bulbar symptoms dysphagia) comes complaining of oscillipsia , binocular vertical diplopia). On exam he had a vertical tropia of 3-4 PD (Skew deviation), dissociated nystagmus , and saccadi...Square Wave Jerks; Contrapulsion
48 Bilateral Acquired Brown's SyndromeRyan D. Walsh, MD; Collin McClelland, MDA 27 year old female with a history of Sjogren's syndrome reported a 2 year history of a vertical binocular diplopia with looking up-and-to-the right. She has also noticed an audible "click" when positioning her eyes in this direction. As depicted in the video, when attempting to look up-and-to-the...Brown's syndrome; Brown syndrome; hypertropia; diplopia; disorder of ocular motility; Sjogren's syndrome
49 One and a Half SyndromeShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCPThis 44 year old woman presented in 1973 with an acute attack of optic neuritis in the right eye that fully recovered after a course of ACTH therapy. In 1991, 18 years later, she developed unsteadiness of gait, "walking like a chicken", stiff legs that jerked spontaneously in bed at night, and numbn...Unilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia; Unilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy; Upbeat Nystagmus on Upgaze; Convergence Normal; Fisher's One-and-a-Half Syndrome; Uhthoff's Symptom; Multiple Sclerosis; Unilateral Horizontal Gaze Palsy Demyelination; Gaze Evoked Upbeat Nystagmus; Abducting Nystagmus
50 The History of the International Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyKlara Landau, MD, FEBOThis presentation provides an ovreview of hte hisotry of the International Neuro-ophthalmology Society (INOS), with maps and photos.International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society: INOS
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