126 - 150 of 1,100
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
126 Histaminic Cephalgia (Horton's Headache or Syndrome) (Annotations)Study of histaminic cephalgia, or Horton's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
127 The Homogenous Structure of Blood Vessels in the Vascular Tree of Macaca Mulatta Iris (Annotations)A systematic analysis of the iris vasculature in monkeys.Card Catalog Index Cards
128 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon brain stimulation.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
129 The Innervation of the Pupil (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
130 Iris und Kammerwasserzirkulation. Morphologische Analysen der Oberflächenstrukturen der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Study of iris and aqueous humor circulation. Morphological analysis of the surface structures of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
131 Iris. Das Auge und Seine Hilfsorgane (Annotations)Study of the iris, the eye and its auxiliary organs.Card Catalog Index Cards
132 La Pupille Consideree Comme Esthesiometre (Annotations)Oculo-pupillary effects of cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
133 Lecons sur les Fonctions Motrices du Cerveau, Reactions Volontaires et Organiques, et sur L'epilepsie Cerebrale (Annotations)Effects of stimulation of the corona radiata and internal capsule.Card Catalog Index Cards
134 Migraine (Annotations)Study of migraines and increased intracranial pressure in children.Card Catalog Index Cards
135 Migrainoid Headaches and their Ocular Manifestations (Annotations)Study of migrainoid headaches and the ocular manifestations, and histaminic headache (Horton's syndrome).Card Catalog Index Cards
136 Morphine Eye-drops Reduce Homatropine Induced Mydriasis in Man (Annotations)A pupillometric study to evaluate the mydriatic response to tyramine.Card Catalog Index Cards
137 Morphogenese als Grundlage der Erbbiologischen Beurteilung von Farbe und Struktur der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Morphogenesis as a basis for the genetic evaluation of color and structure of the human iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
138 Morphologische und Funktionelle Studien am Iriskreslauf der Ratte Vitalmikroskopische Beobachtungen (Annotations)Morphological and functional studies on the iris, "vital microscopic observations."Card Catalog Index Cards
139 Myoepithelium of the Human Iris: a Stereoscopic Scanning Electron Microscopic Study (Annotations)The dilator pupillae of postmortem human eyes was examined by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.Card Catalog Index Cards
140 Myofilaments of the Pupillary Muscles of the Iris Fixed in Situ (Annotations)Study of the sphincter muscle of the iris by perfusion fixation in the constricted and dilated state.Card Catalog Index Cards
141 Oculo-Sympathetic Paresis Associated with Cluster Headaches (Annotations)Study of oculo-sympathetic paresis associated with cluster headaches, typically sudden, may persist 30 min up to an hour, then stops.Card Catalog Index Cards
142 On Dilation of the Pupil from Cerebral Stimulation (Annotations)Eye movements and pupil dilation upon stimulation of the brain.Card Catalog Index Cards
143 On Dilation of the Pupil from Stimulation of the Cortex Cerebri (Annotations)Eye movements and pupil dilation with stimulation of the frontal eye field, corona radiata and internal capsule.Card Catalog Index Cards
144 On the Imbibition of the Human Iris Stroma with the Aqueous Humour (Annotations)Imbibing the iris stroma with the aqueous humour.Card Catalog Index Cards
145 On the Pathogenetic Role of Histamine and the Vascular Apparatus in Certain Forms of Headache (Annotations)Study of histamine hemicrania.Card Catalog Index Cards
146 Paratrigeminal Paralysis of the Oculo-Pupillary Sympathetic (Annotations)Study of paratrigeminal paralysis of the oculo-pupillary sympathetic.Card Catalog Index Cards
147 Pupillary Phenomena and Mechanical Changes in the Iris of the Living Rabbit (Annotations)Method described for producing distortions of pupil using magnetic forces.Card Catalog Index Cards
148 Pupillary Tyramine Test: Its Diagnostic Relevance in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study utilizing pupillary tyramine test focusing on diagnostic relevance in cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
149 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome, neurological disorder characterized by unilateral oculosympathetic paralysis accompanied by ipsilateral sensory and/or motor abnormalities in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve fibers.Card Catalog Index Cards
150 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome. A Benign Disorder, Possibly a Complication of Migraine (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
126 - 150 of 1,100