176 - 200 of 323
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
176 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome. A Benign Disorder, Possibly a Complication of Migraine (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
177 Recurrent Headache in 'Cluster' Pattern (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
178 Relation of Experimental Histamine Headache to Migraine and Non-migraine Headache (Annotations)Study of experimental histamine headache to migraine and non-migraine headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
179 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Critique of "benign Raeder's syndrome"; own cases had carotid artery fibromuscular dysplasia.Card Catalog Index Cards
180 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
181 Raeder's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
182 Stimulation of the Hypothalamus with the Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument (Annotations)Autonomic effects and snarling expression with hypothalmic stimuli in cat.Card Catalog Index Cards
183 Studies on the Conditions of Activity in Endocrine Glands. XV. Pseudoaffective Medulladrenal Secretion (Annotations)Studies on the conditions of activity in endocrine glands; "sham rage."Card Catalog Index Cards
184 Stimulation and Destruction of the Prelemniscal Radiation or its Adjacent Area in Various Extrapyrimidal Disorders (Annotations)Stimulation and lesions in the area of the pre-lemniscal radiation.Card Catalog Index Cards
185 The Arrangement of the Connective Tissue in the Stroma Iridis of Man and Monkey (Annotations)Study of the connective tissue of the iris of humans and primates.Card Catalog Index Cards
186 The Clinical Link Between Migraine and Cluster Headaches (Annotations)Study of the link between migraines and cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
187 Syndrome Paratrigeminal de Raeder (Annotations)Study of Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
188 The Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of the cluster headache.Card Catalog Index Cards
189 The Paratrigeminal Syndrome of Raeder. Regeneration of the Third Nerve. Subdural Hematoma (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome, regeneration of the third nerve, subdural hematoma.Card Catalog Index Cards
190 The Tissue Spaces in the Human Iris and their Communications with the Anterior Chamber by way of the Iridic Crypts (Annotations)Study of the tissue spaces in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
191 The Structural Changes in Miosis and Mydriasis of the Monkey Eye (Annotations)Study of the structural changes in miosis and mydriasis of the monkey eye.Card Catalog Index Cards
192 The Role of the Sphenopalatine (or Meckel's) Ganglion in Nasal Headaches (Annotations)Study of the role of the sphenopalatine ganglion in nasal headaches, included in table but removed from published index.Card Catalog Index Cards
193 The Syndromes of the Third Neurone of the Cervical Sympathetic System (Annotations)Study of misdirection dyskinesia and related mechanisms, with oculo-sympathetic disorders.Card Catalog Index Cards
194 The Innervation of the Pupil (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
195 The Effects of Stereotaxic Subthalamotomy on Sympathetic Tonus (Annotations)Post-operative Miosis, Ptosis, Hypohidrosis; Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
196 The Tubular Tissue Spaces Surrounding the Endothelial Channels of the Human Iridic Vessels (Annotations)Study of the tubular tissue spaces surrounding the endothelial channels of the iridic vessels.Card Catalog Index Cards
197 The Use of Histamine in the Treatment of Specific Types of Headache (Annotations)Study of histamine as headache treatment.Card Catalog Index Cards
198 Total Vasomotoric Sympathicoschisis (Annotations)Study of vasodilator-type vascular headache with signs of sympathicoschisis.Card Catalog Index Cards
199 Unilateral Sympathetic Hypofunction in Migraine (Annotations)Study of unilateral sympathetic hypofunction in migraine.Card Catalog Index Cards
200 Ultrastructure of the Iris: Intercellular Stromal Components (Annotations)Study of the intercellular stromal components of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
176 - 200 of 323