101 - 125 of 323
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
101 Ergotamine Tartrate Orally in Horton's Histamine Cephalgia (Annotations)Study of Horton's histaminic cephalgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
102 Electron Microscopic Studies on the Iris and Ciliary Body (Annotations)Study of the iris and ciliary body by electron microscope.Card Catalog Index Cards
103 Electron Microscopy of the Uveal Tract (Annotations)Study of the uveal tract and iris epithelium.Card Catalog Index Cards
104 Electrophysiological Investigations of the Pigeon Iris Neuromuscular Junctions (Annotations)Study of the iris neuromuscular junctions.Card Catalog Index Cards
105 Freeze-Fracture Analysis of the Interendothelial Junctions in the Blood Vessels of the Iris in Macaca Mulatta (Annotations)Study of the interendothelial cell junctions in the blood vessels of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
106 Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Circulationsverhaltnisse des Auges (Annotations)Cerebrovascular and IOP effects of stimulation in the medulla.Card Catalog Index Cards
107 Harris's Migraine or Cluster Headache (Editorial) (Annotations)Editorial about Harris's Migraine or cluster headache.Card Catalog Index Cards
108 Forces Determining Pupil Size (Annotations)Study of the forces that determine pupil size.Card Catalog Index Cards
109 Headache and Eye Pain (Annotations)Study of headache and eye pain.Card Catalog Index Cards
110 Histamine Metabolism in Cluster Headache and Migraine. Catabolism of 14C Histamine (Annotations)Study of histamine metabolism in cluster headache, chronic paroxic hemicrania, and migraine, catabolism of 14C histamine.Card Catalog Index Cards
111 Histaminic Cephalgia (Horton's Headache or Syndrome) (Annotations)Study of histaminic cephalgia, or Horton's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
112 Histaminic Cephalgia: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment (Annotations)Study of histaminic cephalgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
113 Histaminic Cephalgia: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment (Annotations)Study of histaminic cephalgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
114 Headaches (Annotations)Study of Raeder's syndrome, and most recently cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
115 Histamine and Serotonin in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of histamine and serotonin levels in cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
116 Histaminic Cephalgia (Annotations)Study of histaminic cephalgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
117 Histology of the Human Eye. An Atlas and Textbook (Annotations)General textbook of ophthalmic histology.Card Catalog Index Cards
118 Histaminic Cephalgia (Annotations)Study of histaminic cephalgia, 20 cases and literature; cluster headache; occasionally Horner's syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
119 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
120 Iris Mechanics. I. Influence of Pupil Size on Dynamics of Pupillary Movements (Annotations)Study of pupillary movements of the human eye.Card Catalog Index Cards
121 Iris Mechanics. II. Influence of Pupil Size on Details of Iris Structure (Annotations)Influence of pupil size on iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
122 Investigation on the Porosity of the Iris (Annotations)Study of the porosity of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
123 Horton's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Horton's syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
124 La Pupille Consideree Comme Esthesiometre (Annotations)Oculo-pupillary effects of cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
125 Migraine (Annotations)Study of migraines and increased intracranial pressure in children.Card Catalog Index Cards
101 - 125 of 323