226 - 250 of 354
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TitleCreatorDateDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
226 Prenatal Care Implications for the Primary Care ProviderKarr, Jennifer2018Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) are extensively trained in their programs of study and are certified and skilled to care for patients ranging from birth to death. Due to the significant amount of curricular content required in FNP programs, creative ways of disseminating education regarding specif...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
227 Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Emergency DepartmentsBurt, Erin2017Throughout the nation, Emergency departments (EDs) and primary care clinics identify twice as many intimate partner violence victims through routine screening as compared to other healthcare settings that do not routinely screen. The healthcare staffs' compliance to screening is essential to help re...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
228 Advanced Directive Software Requirements Specification and Dashboard for UHealthWinter, Mykel2020Advanced care planning (ACP) has been linked to an increase in patient autonomy and the utilization of palliative care, while decreasing costly end of life treatment, hospitalization, family distress and decision-making burden (Carr & Luth, 2017; Detering & Silveira, 2018). One of the crucial compon...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
229 Bedside Shift Report - Improving Communication, Patient Safety and Patient Satisfaction on a Medical-Surgical UnitListon, Brooke2022The leadership team on this medical-surgical unit identified that despite previous education and identifying bedside shift reports (BSR) as best practice, the medical-surgical team was not frequently performing BSR. According to the internal Press Ganey reports, 41.67% of patients reported "usually"...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Education
230 Evaluation of interface requirements between an EHR and mobile application for verbal dictation to document patient encounters in a clinic settingLister, Daniel2022Intermountain Healthcare is piloting and evaluating an application that uses natural language processing software and artificial intelligence to eliminate the cost of medical scribes and make documentation more efficient. The findings from this pilot study will be used to determine if a larger study...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
231 Evaluation Plan for Intermountain's TeleHealth Critical Care and Hospitalist Admission and Transfer Program (Quarterback Program)Anderson, Cynthia A.2020Current communication and information technologies allow one to connect and exchange information with a variety of people and systems instantaneously. While this can enrich lives socially, it also plays an integral role in the delivery of telehealth. The Office of the National Coordinator of Healt...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
232 Exploration of Barriers to Diabetes EducationCole, Mary2020Background: The prevalence of diabetes continues to increase annually, with the estimated prevalence of diabetes escalating to 54.9 million Americans by 2030. Diabetes can lead to a variety of health complications, which may lead to increased health care costs. Diabetes Self-Management Education a...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Primary Care FNP
233 Preliminary Evaluation of an Alert to Manage Patients at Risk for OversedationMorris, Emma2022In 2021, IMC leadership decided that a clinical decision support (CDS) alert should be created and implemented in acute care units in the hospital to help registered nurses (RNs) identify patients at high risk of respiratory complications from sedation. The CDS alert prompts RNs to implement the Hig...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
234 Social Needs Screening in the Emergency Department: Workflow Analysis and Creating EducationBadgerow, Alaina2021Healthy People 2020 emphasizes the need to develop and transform environments, both socially and physically that improve health for everyone as one of the four main goals for the upcoming decade (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2020). This focus demonstrates the need to look at th...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Education
235 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Education for Primary Care Providers Caring for Military Personnel and VeteransGardiner, Brittany2017This project focused on providing education about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments to primary care providers caring for military personnel and veterans. Education on CAM therapies that is provided to primary care providers is often inadequate during formal training and subsequ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
236 Educating Diabetic Women on the Potential Teratogenic Effects of Hyperglycemia on Fetal Development during PregnancySeidel, Jeanette2017Millions of people in the United States have diabetes, and that number has increased exponentially in the past three decades. This has led to an increased incidence of pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus (PGDM). PGDM has also increased the number of infants admitted to the ne...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
237 Increasing Emotional Well-Being in DNP Graduate Students Through Wellness Interventions for Life's Demands (WILD 5)Ellis, John2023Background: Researchers suggest that health science college students report significantly lower well-being and self-care while having a higher incidence of mental illness than their age-matched peers. Self-care practices-exercise, mindfulness, sleep hygiene, social connection, and healthy nutrition-...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psych / Mental Health
238 An Integrated Wellness Approach Targeted Toward Reducing Depression and Anxiety while Improving OutlookBaggett, Nicholas2020Background:Depression affects 7% of the US population. While depression is treatable, it typically requires access to healthcare. Access to providers can take months, and Utah has lower than the national average number of providers. Plus, nearly one in five Utahns have a mental illness and half of t...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Organizational Leadership, MS to DNP
239 Analysis of Inpatient Falls to Improve Prevention StrategiesGaichuk, Alla2020Inpatient fall prevention is a patient safety goal for hospitals highlighted in government healthcare agencies' publications and explored by researchers (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], 2019). The 2020 Hospital National Safety Goals include the most crucial factor for inpatient fa...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
240 Development and Evaluation of Requirements for Intermountain's Care Coordination Digital DashboardWolfe, Lana2022One form of technology that may assist in multidisciplinary communication during discharge rounding is the dashboard. Dashboards organize data in one centralized, visual location, in real-time (McKinney, 2012). Critical information can be seen and analyzed, quickly allowing for timely decision-makin...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
241 Evaluating Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) for Public Health ReportingWhite, Mason2020Public health reporting of communicable diseases is critical for the prevention, control, and monitoring of the spread of disease within a population. Information gathered from clinical systems and shared as public health case reports informs and justifies the actions a public health department may ...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
242 Evaluation and Optimization of an Inpatient Daily Cares FlowsheetJensen, Clayton2020Clinical documentation is one of the highest priorities of any clinician. Documentation is only second to the actual care of the patient and could be considered another dimension or extension of patient care (Andrews & St Aubyn, 2015). Ask any clinician about the importance of clinical documentation...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
243 Implementation of the Age-Friendly Health System's 4M Framework in an Ambulatory Care System in Collaboration with UGECCrandall, Leslie G.2021The rapidly growing older adult population of the United States creates unique health care challenges. By 2060, demographers anticipate a near doubling of the over 65 cohort (Mather, 2019). Utah's latest census measures the over 65 population at 11.4%, about 365,000 people, with a seminal increase ...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Care Management
244 Newborn Feeding Barcode Scanning Compliance ReportMitchell, Joseph2022In consideration of the benefits of breastfeeding or human milk feeding (HM) and Bar- Coded Medication Administration (BCMA), along with the challenges inherent in those systems, this project seeks to identify behavior patterns and compliance with HM collections and administration policies. The prim...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Informatics
245 Promoting Preceptor Preparation: A QI Project to Better Intern and Patient OutcomesMathews, Kiara2021It was observed by staff on a surgical services unit that new interns were often being precepted by registered nurses (RNs) who had just graduated from the nursing internship program themselves (M. Weller, personal communication, January 26, 2021). It was also found that many nurses taking on the ro...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Education
246 Quality Improvement Project on Social Determinants of Health: Insights into the Readiness of Obstetric Clinicians to Ensure the Social Needs Screener is Completed by Obstetric PatientsKang, Esther2023Background: Social Determinants of Health (SDOHs) can impact patient health outcomes in more ways than previously known. Social Determinants of Health (SDOHs) can play a role in mortality, morbidity, life expectancy, health care expenditures, health status, and functional limitations. Obstetric (OB)...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Education
247 Transition Planning for Youth with Special Health Care Needs in Utah's Foster Care SystemSalama, Isabelle2020Youth with Special Health Care Needs (YSHCN) between the ages of 16 to 23 years old coming out of the Utah foster care system often experience gaps in healthcare transition planning as a result of poor communication between team members, including case workers, educators, caregivers, medical provide...Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Education
248 Facilitating Transfers from Community-Based Birth to HospitalJohnston, Heather2017This project addressed a specific community need for educational resources to guide the implementation of a transfer toolkit from a planned home or birth center birth to a hospital. Utah has one of the highest rates of planned home and birth center births in the nation and it is rising. Currently th...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
249 Development of Standardized Extubation Guidelines in a Medical Intensive Care UnitBradford, Ben2017Oral endotracheal tube (OETT) intubation is a medical intervention for critically ill medical patients who have lost the ability to maintain their airway, suffer respiratory failure, or have deteriorated clinically to the point at which loss of the ability to protect their airway is imminent. For th...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
250 Managing Clostridium DifficileCaballero, Klasina2017Patients with clostridium difficile are at increased risk of mortality and morbidity. Indirect transmission through the interaction with a healthcare provider is thought to be one of the major routes in which this infection is transmitted. Patients who begin exhibiting more than three loose bowel mo...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
226 - 250 of 354