1 - 200 of 18
Number of results to display per page
1 Biography of Lenora Farr Pardoe1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942Text
2 Mrs. J. W. Wheeler1939-11-02Text
3 Pioneer personal history answers, Mrs. Christine Rasmussen Smith1938-12-06Text
4 Pioneer personal history questionnaire, Alice Mary Baugh Smith1935; 1936Text
5 Pioneer personal history questionnaire, David W. Evans1941-06-16Text
6 Pioneer personal history, Alma D. Chambers1938-07-29; 1941-06-10Text
7 Pioneer personal history, C. Angus Wright1934Text
8 Pioneer personal history, Chris A. Christensen1934Text
9 Pioneer personal history, Frederick Wilson1938-12-08Text
10 Pioneer personal history, James Welch1934Text
11 Pioneer personal history, John Clements West1939-10-19Text
12 Pioneer personal history, Mrs. Alice Bateman Smith1940-02Text
13 Pioneer personal history, Mrs. Emma Nettie Kilgore Montgomery1940-01Text
14 Pioneer personal history, Mrs. Rose Marie West1939-10-16Text
15 Pioneer personal history, Mrs. Sarah Jane Blakeley Chapple1940-03Text
16 Pioneer personal history, Reuben M. Wright1934Text
17 Sketch of life of Roxanna Farr Pidcock1939-04-24Text
18 Tim Bartholomew Malan1938-08-04Text
1 - 200 of 18