1 - 50 of 175
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1 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-03-20; 1930-04-24Image/StillImage
2 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
3 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
4 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
5 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
6 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
7 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
8 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
9 American Smelting & Refining Company, Copy of Map1930-04-24Image/StillImage
10 Bingham Mines Company, Engine Room and Compressors, Eureka1927-09-23Image/StillImage
11 Bingham Mines Company, Engine Room Hoist, Eureka1927-09-23Image/StillImage
12 Bingham Mines Company, Ore Bins and Railroad Tracks, Eureka1927-09-23Image/StillImage
13 Bingham Mines Company, Ore Bins and Train Tracks1927-09-22Image/StillImage
14 Bingham Mines Company, Outcroppings on Hill above Shaft House1927-09-22Image/StillImage
15 Bingham Mines Company, Pipeline and Trays Filled with Tin Waste1927-09-22Image/StillImage
16 Bingham Mines Company, Station at 2000 Feet Level, Eureka1927-09-23Image/StillImage
17 Bingham Mines Company, Tunnel Entrance with Buildings and Ore Car1927-09-22Image/StillImage
18 Bingham Mines Company, Utah Copper Precipitation Plant1923-11-05Image/StillImage
19 Bingham Mines Company, Utah State Fair Booth1927-10-07Image/StillImage
20 Bingham Mines Company, View of the City of Lark1927-09-22Image/StillImage
21 Bringham Mines Co., Shaft and Shaft House1927-09-22Image/StillImage
22 C. Vrang, Copy of Letter from Safety Mining Company1930-12-03Image/StillImage
23 Con. Copper Mins, Pano B of Pit1929-05-02Image/StillImage
24 Consolidated Copper Mines Co., Pano A of Island in Bottom of Pit1929-10-06Image/StillImage
25 Lion Coal Co, Showing Cars Loaded in Yards, Lionkil, Wyo.1921-03-04Image/StillImage
26 Lion Coal Co., Bottom of Shaft with Car, Lionkol, Wyoming1921-03-04Image/StillImage
27 Lion Coal Co., Car of Lump Coal, Lionkol, Wyo.1921-03-05Image/StillImage
28 Lion Coal Co., Cutting Machine at Work at Blair Town, Wyo.1921-03-06Image/StillImage
29 Lion Coal Co., Ext. of Power House & Tipple, Blair Town, Wyo.1921-03-06Image/StillImage
30 Lion Coal Co., Ext. of Tippler From the West Side, Blair Town, Wyo.1921-03-06Image/StillImage
31 Lion Coal Co., Int. Showing Picking Table, Lionkol, Wyo.1921-03-05Image/StillImage
32 Lion Coal Co., Loading Coal Car in Car in Mine, Lionkol, Wyoming1921-03-04Image/StillImage
33 Lion Coal Co., Showing Car of Nut Coal at Tipple, Lionkol, Wyoming1921-03-04Image/StillImage
34 Lion Coal Co., Showing Coal After it Has Been Shot Down at Blair Town, Wyo.1921-03-06Image/StillImage
35 Lion Coal Co., Showing Coal After it Has Been Shot Down, Lionkol, Wyoming1921-03-04Image/StillImage
36 Lion Coal Co., Showing Cutting Machine at Work at Mine, Lionkol, Wyoming1921-03-04Image/StillImage
37 Lion Coal Co., Wattis Ut., Int. Showing Main Entry and Trip1921-04-30Image/StillImage
38 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut, Car of Lump Coal Loaded #81921-03-09Image/StillImage
39 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut, Coal After it has Been Shot Down #31921-03-09Image/StillImage
40 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut, Cutting Coal with Machine #21921-03-09Image/StillImage
41 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut, Gen. View of Tipple #71921-03-09Image/StillImage
42 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut, Loading Car of Lump #11921-03-09Image/StillImage
43 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut, Loading Coal in Mine Car #41921-03-09Image/StillImage
44 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. #5, Motor With Mine Trip1921-03-10Image/StillImage
45 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. #6, Mine Trip at Tipple1921-03-10Image/StillImage
46 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. #9, Group of Miners1921-03-06Image/StillImage
47 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. #9, Group of Miners1921-03-09Image/StillImage
48 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. Car of Nut Coal Loaded1921-03-10Image/StillImage
49 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. Gen. View of Tram Showing Mine and Trip1921-04-30Image/StillImage
50 Lion Coal Co., Wattis, Ut. Int. of Mine Showing Large Room1921-04-30Image/StillImage
1 - 50 of 175