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1 A technical, economic, and legal assessment of North American heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources: In response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p)2007-09Oil sands; Oil shale; Heavy oil; Energy Policy Act; 2005; Climate Change; Petroleum; Oil Cost; United States; North American heavy oil; Utah Heavy Oil Program; UHOP; World economic development; Energy; Canadian oil sands; Unconventional resources ;Technical; Economic; Legal assessmentAgainst the backdrop of world population growth, rapid economic expansion in the world's most populous countries, challenging political climates in many oil-producing nations, and the specter of climate change, worldwide energy consumption is projected to increase from the 2004 level of just over 40...
2 Carbon dioxide sequestration: Effect of the presence of sulfur dioxide on the mineralogical reactions and on the injectivity of CO2+SO2 mixtures2010-01Carbon dioxide sequestration; CO2; Sequestration stream; Gas injection; CO2+SO2 mixture; Brine; Arkose; Calcite; Anhydrite; Calcium carbonate; CaCO3; Ankerite; Absolute permeabilities; Free-gas; Dissolved gas distribution; Saline formation; Contaminant gases; sulfur dioxide; SO2; Hydrogen sulfide; H...This report presents experimental and modeling data on certain aspects of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration. As different processes are developed and implemented to facilitate the capture of CO2, other contaminant gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia) may be present in the sequestrat...
3 Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress ReportQuarterly report, CASE quarterly reportClean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources Quarterly Progress Report for Project Period: April 2015 to June 2015
4 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2009 to December 20092010-02-03ICSE; Clean and Secure Energy program; CASE; Itasca Group; Red Leaf Resources; Enshale's; Vernal, Utah; oxy-fuel; CO2 capture; Oil shale; Oil sands; Crude oil; CO2 emissions; International Flame Research Foundation; Pyrolysis; Lattice Boltzmann; Kerogen; Oil recovery simulation; TGA; Dry shale; Pyro...The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. The program was officially launched on October 1, 2009. The project management plan was submitted for revi...
5 Federal control of greenhouse gas emissions2010-04-28greenhouse gas emissions; federal control efforts; domestic legislationFederal Control Efforts: 1) International 2) New Domestic Legislation 3) Using Existing Domestic Legislation
6 From oil sand to fuel pump: The challenges of upgrading oil sand bitumen2006-09-21oil sand; upgrading oil sand bitumen; oil sand bitumen; oil sands development; crude; bitumenOil sands development--develop a resource that has market value.
8 Gasification studies - Task 4 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program, Reporting period October 2009 - July 20112011-10Gasification; pressurized entrained-flow coal gasifiers; coalA key objective of the Task 4 activities has been to develop simulation tools to support development, troubleshooting and optimization of pressurized entrained-flow coal gasifiers. The overall gasifier models (Subtask 4.1) combine submodels for fluid flow (Subtask 4.2) and heat transfer (Subtask 4.3...
9 High efficiency electrical generation2008-05-23efficiency of electrical generation; electrical generation; fossil fuel energy resources; mitigatint GHG emissions; CO2 capture and sequestrationOutline: 1-Electricity outlook and fossil fuel energy resources. 2-Technology options for mitigating GHG emissions. 3-CO2 cpature and sequestration. 4-Costs. 5-Concluding remarks.
10 High performance computing (hpc) in unconventional fuel production2013-05-07ICSE; Unconventional fuels; High performance computing; unconventional fuel productionPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013.
11 High-pressure, entrained flow gasification hierarchy2009-11-04gasification hierarchy; entrained flow; high-pressure gasificationHierarchical chart for the high-pressure, entrained flow gasification research area showing connectivity between subtasks. This chart helps illustrate gasification integration and focus and also serves as a management tool for the various subtasks. Subtasks in brown and orange are currently funded t...
12 In situ oil shale/sands thermal treatment hierarchy2009-11-04hierarchial chart; in situ oil shale/sands; thermal treatment research; liquid fuel production; in situ thermal treatment technologiesHierarchical chart for the in situ oil shale/sands thermal treatment research area showing connectivity between subtasks. This chart helps illustrate the integration and focus among the subtasks needed to achieve liquid fuel production demonstrations of in situ thermal treatment technologies and als...
13 In situ production of Utah oil sands2008-03-12in situ; Utah oil sands; oil sands production; tar sand deposits; Whiterocks eolian sandstone
14 In situ production of Utah oil sands2009-02-27in situ; oil sands production; Utah oil sands; in situ process; thermal simulator; thermal compositional model; steam assisted gravity drainage; SAGD; heterogenetics; in-situ combustion; hydraulic fracture; hybrid processAnalysis of issues relevant to in situ production of Utah oil sands, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Milind Deo, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah.
15 Industrial petroleum research at the University of Utah2008-03-12industrial petroleum; University of Utah; oil and gas characterization; oil and gas thermodynamics; Unconventional ConsortiumExpertise: Oil and Gas Characterization, Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics -High-temperature, high high-pressure oil oil-gas mixtures -Supercritical extraction -Solid (asphaltenes, waxes) precipitation precipitation -Reservoir Characterization and Simulation -Fractured reservoir simulation -Reaction chemis...
16 Investigation of coal char-slag transition during oxidation: Effect of temperature and residual carbon2009coal char; molten slag; bitumous coal; energy and fuelsThe transition of coal char to molten slag at high conversion was studied for a bituminous coal using a laminar entrained-flow reactor under oxidizing conditions. Post-oxidized char particles were analyzed by various techniques including loss-on-ignition, gas adsorption analysis and scanning electro...
17 KTIA corporate introduction2009-02-27KTIA; KTI; minesOverview of KTIA's continuing oil sands development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Soung-Joon Kim, Chief Operating Officer, Korea Technology Industry America, Inc.
18 Lands with wilderness characteristics, Resource Management Plan constraints, and land exchanges: Cross-jurisdictional management and impacts on unconventional fuel development in Utah's Uinta Basin2012-03Utah oil shale; oil sands; unconventional fuel resources; land exchanges; land rightsUtah is rich in oil shale and oil sands resources. Chief among the challenges facing prospective unconventional fuel developers is the ability to access these resources. Access is heavily dependent upon land ownership and applicable management requirements. Understanding constraints on resource acce...
19 Oxy-fuel hierarchy2009-11-04oxy-fuel combustion; different fuel types; ICSEHierarchical chart for the oxy-fuel combustion research area showing connectivity between subtasks. This research area includes coal, gas, and oil oxy-burner technologies. This chart helps illustrate the integration and focus among the different fuel types and different scales represented in the hie...
20 Oxy-gas process heaters for efficient CO2 capture2010-04-28oil shale and oil sands technology; greenhouse gas emissions; GHG; large eddy simulation; LES; IFRF OXYFLAMImplementation of oil shale/sands technologies in U.S. will require mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
21 P. R. spring oil-impregnated sandstone deposit Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah1970-02oil-impregnated sandstone beds; oil impregnation; oil shale; lenticular sandstones; siltstonesOil-impregnated sandstone beds underlie at least 214 square miles in the southeastern Uinta Basin and may extend northward beneath cover. One to as many as five principal saturated zones, 3 to 75 feet thick, occur in a 250-foot interval that dips gently northward. The northernmost outcrops are overl...
22 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: April 1, 2010 to June 30, 20102010-08-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; DQMOM approachThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
23 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: July 1, 2010 to September 30, 20102010-10-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; Oxycoal; OFC; coalThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
24 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: October 1, 2009 to December 31, 20092010-01-30domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; oxy-coal flames; coal gasification processThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
25 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: October 1, 2010 to December 31, 20102011-01-31domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; LES; DQMOM approach; oxy-coal flames; coalThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
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