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1 Awasthi, Manu; Nellans, David W.; Sudan, Kshitij; Balasubramonian, RajeevABP : predictor based management of DRAM row buffersDRAM accesses are costly, especially in multicore systems. Future CMPs will run a mixed load of workloads/threads. Destructive interference at memory controller, spatio-temporal locality lost! DRAM row-buffer hits are least expensive, row-conflicts are most. Randomized memory access patterns re...2010-10-06
2 Zhao, Lu; Regehr, JohnComparing program logics for reasoning about safety propertiesTo prove memory write and controls transfers do not interfere with other programs in embedded systems. Hoare Logic with Bale Predicate; Hoare Logic with Separation Conjunction.2010-10-06
3 Fletcher, Preston Thomas; Moeller, John Henry; Phillips, Jeffrey; Venkatasubramanian, SureshComputing hulls in positive definite spaceP(n): a Riemannian manifold Definition: symmetric positive-definite (n) (n) matrices Applications: Diffusion Tensor MRI (DT-MRI) Flow through voxel modeled in P(3) Elasticity Tensors Modeled by elements of P(6) Machine Learning Used in kernels Convex Hulls Data on P(n): Want to analyze...2010-10-06
4 Kasera, Sneha K.Enhancing covert communications with multiple colluding receiversTraditional (single receiver) system setup: ? Choose exploit field (e.g. last byte of TCP Timestamp) ? Alice: probabilistically inject parts of coded message into field ? Bob: extract symbols from field, decode to correct errors ?Warden: assume full knowledge of system and keys Can we create un...2010-10-06
5 Grosset, Andre Vincent Pascal; Pascucci, ValerioInfinite ZoomAny image (apart from a fractal) has a finite resolution. On zooming in, we eventually see pixels. The aim of this project is to allow users to infinitely zoom in on an image.2010-10-06
6 Li, Guodong; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IiPUG : A Symbolic Verifier of GPU ProgramsPUG is a automated verifier for GPU programs written in C/CUDA. PUG verifies GPU kernels for Data Races, Barrier mismatches, Totally wrong results, and Weak memory model related bugs. SMT-based correctness checking methods for these error are often more scalable, general and modular.2010-10-06
7 Pascucci, Valerio; Swank, William LorenzoScalable scientific dataQuestion Hierarchial Z-Order Evaluation How can we present hundreds or thousands of gigabytes of scientific data to a user for analysis and interpretation? • The Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute is responsible for helping scientists visualize massive amounts of data. • Sources ...2010-02-26
8 Musuvathy, Suraj Ravi; Cohen, ElaineTracing ridges on B-Spline surfacesWon Best Paper Award at SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, San Francisco, 20092010-02-26
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