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1 Firmage, Edwin B.Allegiance and stewardship: holy war, just war, and the Mormon tradition in the nuclear ageThe present escalation in nuclear weapons technology between the United States and the Soviet Union has progressed beyond the point where any increase in such weaponry necessarily results in increased national security. It has become, in fact, the ultimate act of idolatry, a reliance upon technology...Nuclear weapons; Salvation; Peacemakers1983
2 Flynn, John J.Antitrust allegoryJustice SPENCER delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a treble damage action under the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., the only antitrust case of any kind filed in the federal courts in the past two years.1 We take note of the fact that the Attorney General announced a year ago that ni...John Sherman Widget Co.; Adam Smith Widgets, Inc.; Sherman Act1987
3 Flynn, John J.Antitrust and the newspapers a comment on S. 1312The American newspaper industry, often called "The Fourth Estate," apparently believes it has fallen on hard times. The aristocrats of the Fourth Estate, the daily newspapers, came to the Ninetieth Congress seeking a boon: relaxation of the rigors of antitrust policy as applied to mergers and joint ...Publishers; Circulation; Revenues1968
4 Flynn, John J.Antitrust jurisprudence: a symposium on the economic, political and social goals of antitrust policyFelix S. Cohen has observed that [a]n ethics, like a metaphysics, is no more certain and no less dangerous because it is unconsciously held. There are few judges, psychoanalysts, or economists today who do not begin a consideration of their typical problems with some formula designed to cause all m...Efficiency; Analysis ; Assumptions1977
5 Flynn, John J.Antitrust policy and health care reformAmong the economic and political challenges facing the United States today, none is more significant - yet difficult to resolve - than the complex puzzle of how to reform the delivery of health care services. A consensus appears to have been reached that reform should extend health care coverage to ...1994
6 Firmage, Edwin B.Arms control in the 70's... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4.) The vision of a time of peace-a time in which man's genius and his physical resources would be devoted entirel...1971
7 Francis, LeslieArtificial and transplanted organs: movable parts and the unmoving lawIn the seventeenth century, John Locke asked whether we would end up with the same person if we replaced bodily parts one by one. He concluded t h a t the person would remain the same, despite continued replacement of material parts, because the identity of a human being consists of continued partic...Organ replacement; Artificial organs; Liability1984
8 Mallat, ChibliAventures à BeyrouthThis little book, published in limited edition in 1997, was written in 1995 by Chibli Mallat and illustrated by Tamer Mallat, then age 5.1995
9 Firmage, Edwin B.Book review: Luard, The International Regulation of Frontier DisputesThe international system, like its municipal counterparts, has developed procedures and techniques for dispute resolution. These include traditional political or diplomatic procedures such as inquiry or fact-finding, conciliation, negotiation, and mediation. Other procedures are of a juridical natur...Territorial conflicts; European boundaries; Political and diplomatic resolutions1972-09
10 Firmage, Edwin B.Church in politics?I BELIEVE that the Church has a right and in fact an obligation to speak out on issues which affect either the spiritual or the moral well-being of our Heavenly Father's children. As a constitutional lawyer, I do not believe that the religion clauses of the First Amendment were intended to elimin...First Amendment1981
11 Mallat, ChibliCommercial Law in the Middle East: Between Classical Transactions and Modern BusinessA brief presentation of commercial law decisions across the Arab world is sufficient to show the dominance of western principles in the field, and the direct translation of western terminology and rules for local transactions.2 The decisions have been regrouped in categories which will be familiar t...2000-01
12 Firmage, Edwin B.Common humanity, magnificent diversityLoss forces us inward toward fundamentals. All great spiritual traditions teach, in the words of Meister Eckhart, that spirituality is about subtraction, not addition, less and less not more and more. It is in losing life that we find it.Death; Dying1995
13 Flynn, John J.Constitutional difficulties of Utah's executive branch and the need for reformUtah's constitution of 1896 has been aptly described as a "horse and buggy" constitution. Like most of her sister states, Utah adopted a constitution designed to accommodate a society accustomed to the nineteenth century pace of a horse and buggy at the very time that the industrial revolution was l...Utah, Constitution; Executive branch1966
14 Francis, LeslieConsumer expectations and access to health careAmericans-some of them at least-enjoy a remarkable range of expectations about their health care. They have come to rely on free choice of physicians, on autonomy and the doctrine of informed consent to care, on the belief that they can get the best care money can buy, on the assumption that resourc...Consumer expectations1992
15 Flynn, John J.Criminal sanctions under state and federal antitrust lawsPerhaps the most violently debated issue in the law of antitrust remedies is whether criminal sanctions should be imposed. Some have made impassioned pleas for a crusade against criminal sanctions as abettors of "communism";1 others have complained that private business interests in the United Sta...Antimonopoly; Antisocial; Interests1967
16 Francis, LeslieDecisionmaking at the end of life: patients with Alzheimer's and other dementiasPatients with dementia present difficult issues for health-care decisionmaking. This article addresses the moral and legal issues posed by end of life decisionmaking for such patients. In general, the ethical goals of care are to assure that patients' choices are respected and that patients' best i...Incompetence; Precedent economy2002
17 Mallat, ChibliDemocracy As Unwavering Principle: World Wars and Failed PromisesContribution to the Global Progressive Forum, Brussels 27-29 November 2003 Session on Cultural Understanding chaired by Raimon Obiols MEP2003-11
18 Firmage, Edwin B.Discipleship in the nuclear eraNUCLEAR WEAPONRY HAS PRESENTED THE greatest challenge and threat to humanity and to Christian belief in world history. Some of these problems are deep but are not unique to the nuclear era: Under what conditions-if indeed any at all-may one human being justifiably take another's life? Other problems...1987
19 Flynn, John J.Distributive justice: some institutional implication of Rawls' Theory of JusticeDistributive justice combines Philosophy;, economics, and jurisprudence in an attempt to establish the fundamental theory by which wealth and resources are allocated among the members of a society. The need for a rationally based distributive system to allocate resources in an organized society aris...Justice, theory; Philosophy;, Law; Jurisprudence; Economics1975
20 Flynn, John J.District of Columbia juvenile delinquency proceddings; apprehension to dispositionWhile all agencies connected with the dentention and treatment of juveniles in the District of Columbia issue annual reports which are available to the public, indications are that a widespread unawareness exists in both bar and judiciary as to the nature, purpose and efffectiveness of the socio-leg...District of Columbia; Juvenile detention (U.S)1960
21 Francis, LeslieElderly immigrants: what should they expect of the social safety net?The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) terminated federal benefits to many immigrants. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) only partially restored these benefits to select immigrants who lawfully resided in the United States before August 22, 1996. Pr...1997
22 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and meansSince the advent of the atomic era, the United States has decided to wage war by covert means, intervening secretly in the election, selection and direction of governments in other countries. Our weapons are subversive propaganda, including "black" propaganda and disinformation; undermining the econ...Prados, John; Cockburn, Leslie; Treverton, Gregory; Covert wars; Central Intelligence Agency; CIA1988
23 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and means in conflictA great danger of our time is our intense preoccupation with the ends we seek, so much so that we have overlooked the effect, usually and perhaps always the determinative effect, that our choice of means will have made upon the nature of those ends. This problem is made more difficult in that our vi...Weapons proliferation; Arms race; Atomic weapons1988
24 Firmage, Edwin B.Ernst Freund: pioneer of administrative lawErnst Freund was born in New York City on January 30, 1864, during a visit of his family to the United States from their native Germany. Much of his education took place in Germany, a fact that significantly influenced his views on administrative law. He studied successively at Dresden, Frankfort, B...Memoriam; Biography1962
25 Francis, LeslieEvanescence of living willsOrdinary wills dispose of property after death. Living wills direct medical treatment at the end of life, before death has come but when competence is lost. The analogy explicit in naming living wills after ordinary wills emphasizes that both speak after their maker no longer can express voice, abou...Power of attorney; Competence; Autonomy1988
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