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1 Firmage, Edwin B.Book review: Luard, The International Regulation of Frontier DisputesThe international system, like its municipal counterparts, has developed procedures and techniques for dispute resolution. These include traditional political or diplomatic procedures such as inquiry or fact-finding, conciliation, negotiation, and mediation. Other procedures are of a juridical natur...Territorial conflicts; European boundaries; Political and diplomatic resolutions1972-09
2 Guiora, Amos N.The Gate Keepers: Geopolitics and the Limits of PowerThe Gate Keepers: Geopolitics and the Limits of Power2013-03
3 Guiora, AmosTeaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Operationalizing the Law of Armed Conflict in New WarfareGone are the days of soldiers facing each other across large battlefields, tanks shelling tanks, and fighter jets engaging in dogfights. War, or armed conflict, to use a more precise legal term, now takes place everywhere in cities, refugee camps and other historically non-military areas and invol...2010-05-13
4 Flynn, John J.Which past is prolog? the future of private antitrust enforcementFor the past four decades, and despite doubts voiced 100 years ago by the principal draftsmen of the Sherman Act,' the primary enforcement of the federal antitrust laws has occurred through private litigation.21990
5 Ruple, John; Keiter, RobertPolicty Analysis of Water Availability and Use Issues for Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands DevelopmentABSTRACT Oil shale and oil sands resources located within the intermountain west represent a vast, and as of yet, commercially untapped source of energy. Development will require water, and demand for scarce water resources stands at the front of a long list of barriers to commercialization. Wat...2012-03
6 Flynn, John J.Legal reasoning and the jurisprudence of vertical restraints: the limitations of neoclassical economic analysis in the resolution of antitrust disputesThe question of how antitrust policy "ought" to treat vertical distribution restraints in the 1980s under section 1 of the Sherman Act(1) embodies the difficulties entailed when any field of law becomes captive to a single paradigm. (2) Inherently political assumptions concerning the proper scope ...1987
7 Flynn, John J.Reagan administration's antitrust policy, "original intent" and the legislative history of the Sherman ActUntil the advent of the Reagan Administration there was an general consensus in the courts and in most of academia with regard to the values underlying and the goals of Federal antitrust policy. In Appalachian Coals, Inc. v. United States,' the Supreme Court summarized the goals of the Sherman Act ...1988
8 Firmage, Edwin B.Vladivostok and beyond: SALT I and the propects for SALT IIThe tortuously constricted boundaries within which the Vladivostok agreement can be considered as an advance toward the goal of arms reduction and stability remind us once again that technology unconstrained by law inexorably limits that arena within which we enjoy the capacity to control our own f...Arms control; SALT I; SALT II; Atomic negotiations1975
9 Reitze, Arnold W.Federal Control of Carbon Dioxide Emissions: What are the Options?The U.S. Supreme Court in Massachusetts v. EPA held that carbon dioxide is a pollutant under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and remanded the case to EPA. The Agency must decide whether CO2 emissions contribute to climate change. If the Agency responds affirmatively, it must meet other requirements of t...2009-08-01
10 Francis, LeslieSome animals are more equal than othersIt is a welcome development when academic Philosophy; starts to concern itself with practical issues, in such a way as to influence people's lives. Recently this has happened with one moral issue in particular-but unfortunately it is the wrong issue, and people's actions have been influenced in the ...Animal liberation; Rights1978
11 Flynn, John J.Antitrust and the newspapers a comment on S. 1312The American newspaper industry, often called "The Fourth Estate," apparently believes it has fallen on hard times. The aristocrats of the Fourth Estate, the daily newspapers, came to the Ninetieth Congress seeking a boon: relaxation of the rigors of antitrust policy as applied to mergers and joint ...Publishers; Circulation; Revenues1968
12 Firmage, Edwin B.Law and the Indochina War: a retrospective viewThis century, from the Hague Conferences through the Vietnam War, has seen a profound change in attitudes toward the role of law as a constraint upon foreign policy. The Hague Conferences represented at once an attempt, however feeble, by men of mixed motives to emplace fledgling prophylactic lega...Foreign affairs; Dispute resolution; International disputes; Arbitration1974
13 McCormack, WayneModels of War and Crime in Confronting Organized ViolenceIs it crime or is it war? American politicos immediately beat the drums of a war on terrorism after 9/11 despite some cautionary notes sounded by professionals in the military, law, and international affairs. But the only other option promoted in the popular debates has been that of domestic crim...2010-02-23
14 Flynn, John J.Social, political and economic consequences of corporate sizeCongress has often expressed its concern for fostering the long term values of small business as the cornerstone of a viable political, social and economic system guaranteeing fundamental human freedom, maximizing economic opportunity and well-being, and providing political stability in the world's...Small business; Freedom; Congress1976
15 Francis, LeslieArtificial and transplanted organs: movable parts and the unmoving lawIn the seventeenth century, John Locke asked whether we would end up with the same person if we replaced bodily parts one by one. He concluded t h a t the person would remain the same, despite continued replacement of material parts, because the identity of a human being consists of continued partic...Organ replacement; Artificial organs; Liability1984
16 Flynn, John J.Function and dysfunction of per se rules in vertical market restraintsIn 1963, the Supreme Court held it did not know enough about the "economic and business stuff" out of which nonprice vertical market restraints "emerge" to determine whether they should be measured by a "rule of reason" test or one of "per se illegality.'" Seventeen years later, after one flip2 and ...1980
17 Firmage, Edwin B.Ernst Freund: pioneer of administrative lawErnst Freund was born in New York City on January 30, 1864, during a visit of his family to the United States from their native Germany. Much of his education took place in Germany, a fact that significantly influenced his views on administrative law. He studied successively at Dresden, Frankfort, B...Memoriam; Biography1962
18 Keiter, Robert; Ruple, John; Tanana, Heather; Kline, MichelleLand and Resource Management Issues Relevant to Deploying In-Situ Thermal TechnologiesAbstract: Utah is home to oil shale resources containing roughly 1.3 trillion barrels of oil equivalent and our nations richest oil sands resources. If economically feasible and environmentally responsible means of tapping these resources can be developed, these resources could provide a safe and st...2011-01
19 Hogue, Michael T.; Keiter, Robert B.; Ruple, John; Uchitel, KirstenAnalysis of Environmental, Legal, Socioeconomic and Policy Issues Critical to the Development of Commercial Oil Shale Leasing on the Public Lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the Mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005This report seeks to identify and evaluate the critical legal and economic policy issues in order to inform federal, state, tribal, and other decision makers, as well as affected citizens, of the likely challenges and tradeoffs inherent in implementing a commercial oilshale leasing program on the pu...2010-01
20 Flynn, John J.Distributive justice: some institutional implication of Rawls' Theory of JusticeDistributive justice combines Philosophy;, economics, and jurisprudence in an attempt to establish the fundamental theory by which wealth and resources are allocated among the members of a society. The need for a rationally based distributive system to allocate resources in an organized society aris...Justice, theory; Philosophy;, Law; Jurisprudence; Economics1975
21 Firmage, Edwin B.Speech and campaign reform: congress, the courts and communityInvestigation following Watergate revealed the integrity of our political system to be threatened by corporate and other special interest money to a degree unmatched since the turn of the century, when the exploits of political boss Mark Hanna and the financial power of the corporations gave birt...Public financing; Contributions; Corporate1980
22 Firmage, Edwin B.Utah Supreme Court and the rule of law: Phillips and the Bill of Rights in UtahThe Utah Supreme Court in State v. Phillips denied the applicability of the freedom of speech provisions of the fist amendment (and by dicta any other provision of the Bill of Rights) as a protection of individual rights against state governments by way of the due process clause of the fourteenth am...Utah Law; Utah Supreme Court; Free speech1975
23 Reitze, Arnold W.BiofuelsSnake Oil for the Twenty-First CenturyCongress should slash its subsidies for corn-based ethanol and focus its efforts on research and development efforts to advance the technologies needed to reduce our need for foreign petroleum. We should be working to lower the costs of cellulosic ethanol production as well as working on promisi...2008-12-01
24 Flynn, John J.Criminal sanctions under state and federal antitrust lawsPerhaps the most violently debated issue in the law of antitrust remedies is whether criminal sanctions should be imposed. Some have made impassioned pleas for a crusade against criminal sanctions as abettors of "communism";1 others have complained that private business interests in the United Sta...Antimonopoly; Antisocial; Interests1967
25 Francis, LeslieDecisionmaking at the end of life: patients with Alzheimer's and other dementiasPatients with dementia present difficult issues for health-care decisionmaking. This article addresses the moral and legal issues posed by end of life decisionmaking for such patients. In general, the ethical goals of care are to assure that patients' choices are respected and that patients' best i...Incompetence; Precedent economy2002
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