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1 Mallat, ChibliLegal Developments and Constitutional Structures in IraqIn order to practice business under the rule of law, you need to have one, and the Iraqi theatre is most unusual in this respect. This is because post-dictatorship Iraq offers lawyers equally immense hopes and immense disappointments.2008-09-19
2 Firmage, Edwin B.Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weaponsTHE NEED : On March 13, 1969, the United States Senate by a vote of 83 to 15 consented to the ratification of a treaty described as "the most important international agreement brought before the U. S. Senate since the North Atlantic Pact" and "the most important international agreement limiting nucl...Arms control; Diffusion of arms; Atomic negotiations1969-10
3 Flynn, John J.University and human values: introspectionIt is reported that Socrates, the patron saint of law professors and many other teachers, was convicted and sentenced to death by the people of Athens on a three-count indictment: for refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state, for introducing other and new divinities, and for "corrupti...1984
4 Mallat, ChibliThe Syrian-Israeli Boundaries in International Law: The Significance of the Armistice Demarcation Line of 1949Zero-sum equations have been the name of the game in the Middle East since the early Zionist settlements in the late 19th century. The classic Zionist motto, One dunum here, one dunum there has come to exemplify this logic for all the parties concerned, and the zero-sum logic continues to regulat...2000-07-13
5 Firmage, Edwin B.Fact-finding in the resolution of international disputes: from the Hague Peace Conference to the United NationsHere is the law, as Zeus established it for human beings; as for fish, and wild animals, and the flying birds, they feed on each other, since there is no idea of justice among them; but to men he gave justice, and she in the end is proved the best thing they have. The enduring quest of the peacema...Politics; Mediation; International politics1971
6 Mallat, ChibliJaafar al-Sadr : A Confluence Prime Minister for IraqIn Iraq and the wider Middle East, Jaafar needs no introduction. His father, Mohammad Baqer al-Sadr, was the most remarkable Islamic thinker of the 20th century. He was executed without trial by Saddam Hussein, together with Jaafar?s aunt Bint al-Huda, on 8 April 1980. His cousin and brother-in-law ...2010-08-19
7 Mallat, chibliIs Israel a Democracy? It's conditionalThis is a serious discussion to be undertaken on a world level on the type of system that Israel is, as serious indeed as the legal investigation carried out in the mid-1960s on the legal nature of the apartheid regime in South Africa. In the early 1960s, Yale Law Journal published a long, two-pa...2009-12-10
8 Firmage, Edwin B.Arms control in the 70's... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4.) The vision of a time of peace-a time in which man's genius and his physical resources would be devoted entirel...1971
9 Mallat, ChibliThe Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the staring abyss and what must be done about itThe STL, the UN and Lebanon must all contribute to avert an explosive situation in the country2010-10-07
10 Guiora, AmosTeaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Operationalizing the Law of Armed Conflict in New WarfareGone are the days of soldiers facing each other across large battlefields, tanks shelling tanks, and fighter jets engaging in dogfights. War, or armed conflict, to use a more precise legal term, now takes place everywhere in cities, refugee camps and other historically non-military areas and invol...2010-05-13
11 Mallat, ChibliObama's just war speech: Three questions for 'the Middle East in the United States'Congo, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Sin Kiang and Honduras, are hot spots that have turned or are likely to turn violent. But the Middle East is different in two ways. It is the longest continuously war-ridden area in modern history. And at least since September 11, it has become a domestic American issue...2009-12-24
12 Chibli Wajdi Mallat 1960-March 2221 : Lebanon's Cedar Revolution : an essay on non-violence and justiceScanned book.2007
13 Firmage, Edwin B.War power of Congress and revision of the war powers resolutionThe United States Congress enacted the War Powers Resolution to restore its constitutionally mandated control over the war- making process. By forcing the President to seek congressional approval for military activity in volatile situations, Congress hoped to avoid the abuse of the war power by the ...Control; Delegation; Self-defense1991
14 S.J. Quinney College of LawQNews An Informal Faculty Newsletter December 2007Faculty newsletter.2007-12
15 Mallat, ChibliMadhat al-Mahmood, Chief Justice of Iraq: Portrait of the Judge as HeroIraqi judges have offered to their country in the past five years a dedication unmatched elsewhere on the planet. Nothing short of heroism. At the heart of all the work, and the dedication, is the leadership of Mahmood. Iraqis know, by and large, about this dedication, and call upon the court for re...2010-09-02
16 Mallat, ChibliIraqi Refugees: Mobilizing for Lana and the Rights of Abused WomenIRAP helps escapees navigate maze of interviews, document reviews, security and medical procedures2010-10-21
17 Firmage, Edwin B.Rogue presidents and the war power of congressSince World War II we have engaged in overt and covert war and acts of war, often initiated by the president without the authorization of Congress. By presidential directive we have conducted full-scale war; initiated coups; mined harbors; encouraged political assassination; aided insurrection and s...War power; Presidents; Congress1988
18 Mallat, ChibliA Federal Israel-Palestine: Ending 100 Years of Civil War in the Holy Land?What if we substitute a federal Israel-Palestine for the two-state solution deadlock?2010-09-17
19 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and meansSince the advent of the atomic era, the United States has decided to wage war by covert means, intervening secretly in the election, selection and direction of governments in other countries. Our weapons are subversive propaganda, including "black" propaganda and disinformation; undermining the econ...Prados, John; Cockburn, Leslie; Treverton, Gregory; Covert wars; Central Intelligence Agency; CIA1988
20 Controlling Greenhouse Gases from Highway VehiclesEnergy Conference2011
21 Firmage, Edwin B.Allegiance and stewardship: holy war, just war, and the Mormon tradition in the nuclear ageThe present escalation in nuclear weapons technology between the United States and the Soviet Union has progressed beyond the point where any increase in such weaponry necessarily results in increased national security. It has become, in fact, the ultimate act of idolatry, a reliance upon technology...Nuclear weapons; Salvation; Peacemakers1983
22 Francis, LesliePoverty, age discrimination, and health careIn Euripides' play Alcestis, Alcestis' middle-aged husband, Admetus, is told by the gods that it is his turn to die next. Admetus bargains a reprieve, promising in exchange to find another soul to take his place. His friends all turn him down. So do his father and mother. Admetus rebukes his father...Alcesti, Section, Objective1985
23 Firmage, Edwin B.International law and the response of the United States to "Internal WarWith the spectre of nuclear weapons acting as a restraint upon the nations in terms of the levels and types of violence they will employ to achieve national goals, warfare since 1945 has undergone radical change. There has been no massive, overt aggression by one major power against another, altho...Warfare; International relations; Politics1967
24 Chodosh, Hiram; Mallat, ChibliPakistan and Lebanon: The Same StruggleIn the absence of democracy (meaning regular change at the top by means of free and fair elections), political violence is a certainty.2008-01-04
25 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and means in conflictA great danger of our time is our intense preoccupation with the ends we seek, so much so that we have overlooked the effect, usually and perhaps always the determinative effect, that our choice of means will have made upon the nature of those ends. This problem is made more difficult in that our vi...Weapons proliferation; Arms race; Atomic weapons1988
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