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1 Flynn, John J.ResponseSpeculation proceeding upon no set path and minimizing a logical thread of analysis may often be far more productive of insights into our never-ending search for knowledge than the most logical and analytical pursuit of "truth." The latter process is often premised upon unchallenged and unchallenge...Truth; Society ; Values1975
2 Francis, LeslieEvanescence of living willsOrdinary wills dispose of property after death. Living wills direct medical treatment at the end of life, before death has come but when competence is lost. The analogy explicit in naming living wills after ordinary wills emphasizes that both speak after their maker no longer can express voice, abou...Power of attorney; Competence; Autonomy1988
3 Firmage, Edwin B.Judicial campaign against polygamy and the enduring legal questionsFor lay people the chief virtue of our Constitution is not in its distribution of power or in its guarantees of participation in governmental processes but in the protections it affords individual liberties, not least of which is freedom of conscience. Yet ratification of the Bill of Rights did not...Polygamists; Edmunds Act; Cohabitation1987
4 Firmage, Edwin B.Speech and campaign reform: congress, the courts and communityInvestigation following Watergate revealed the integrity of our political system to be threatened by corporate and other special interest money to a degree unmatched since the turn of the century, when the exploits of political boss Mark Hanna and the financial power of the corporations gave birt...Public financing; Contributions; Corporate1980
5 Flynn, John J.Tribute: Daniel J. Dykstra: the Utah Years 1949-1965It is with humility and trepidation that I rise to recount Dan Dykstra's years as a teacher, leader, and friend of the University of Utah, its College of Law, his Utah colleagues, and his Utah students. Humility because there are those with us today who are better able to recall those years like his...Memorial service; Essay; Law, faculty2000
6 Firmage, Edwin B.Seeing the stranger as enemy: coming outIn March 1996 the Utah state legislature banned gay / straight student support groups in all Utah public high schools. This act, along with the rhetoric of several legislators attacking gay and lesbian students, precipitated a rally of some 2,000 people at Salt Lake City's Wallace F. Bennett federal...Utah; Legislature; Gay/straight alliance; Public high school; Protest marches1997
7 Francis, LeslieLegal truth and moral realismThis January, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in appeals from two controversial "right to die" cases; decisions in the cases are expected by the end of the term.1 The Ninth Circuit case held that Washington's ban on assisted suicide, including physician-assisted suicide, violate...Suicide; Dying; Ethics1997
8 Firmage, Edwin B.Utah Supreme Court and the rule of law: Phillips and the Bill of Rights in UtahThe Utah Supreme Court in State v. Phillips denied the applicability of the freedom of speech provisions of the fist amendment (and by dicta any other provision of the Bill of Rights) as a protection of individual rights against state governments by way of the due process clause of the fourteenth am...Utah Law; Utah Supreme Court; Free speech1975
9 Flynn, John J.Orphan Drug Act: an unconstitutional exercise of the patent powerIn 1983, Congress adopted the Orphan Drug Act (the "Act") pursuant to its power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce to stimulate research and development of drugs useful in treating relatively rare diseases.1 The cost of drug research and complying with the complex requirements for securing ...Health Care; Drugs; Medicine; Medical treatment1992
10 Firmage, Edwin B.Free exercise of religion in nineteenth century America: the Mormon casesThe Mormon cases present a fascinating study of diversity and conformity in the United States in the nineteenth century. From their beginning the Mormons were a gathered people. Almost immedi- ately, from their origins in New York, the Mormons challenged the legal systems in the nation and the state...Law; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Nineteenth century; Polygamy; Theocracy1989
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