76 - 100 of 479
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76 Changing brand perception: Changing university students' attitude toward a company and enabling a talented recruiting pool2015-04Textir_htoa
77 The changing composition of the State budget1976-04Textir_eua
78 The changing dynamics of the Wasatch Front apartment market2022Textir_kcg
79 Characteristics of salespeople that drive top sales pepformance in techonolgy companies2022Textir_htoa
80 Characteristics of Utah's migrants: a 2021 update2023Textir_kcg
81 Checking the Wrong Box: Limitations of the Eeoc's Effectiveness for Supporting Organizational diversity and Inclusion in the 2020S2020Textir_htoa
82 Clicks to conversion: the value of product information and price incentives2010-01-01Textir_uspace
83 Collateral, two-dimensional moral hazard, and competition2012-12Textir_etd
84 The color of justice: an analysis of racial discrimination in the American pretrial period2024Textir_htoa
85 The coming boom in Utah's school age and college age populations: state and county scenarios2002-09Textir_eua
86 Connection between price elasticity and Beta: The case of the oil industryTextir_htoa
87 Consumer purchasing & behavior: A consideration of the combined influence of culture & conformity on consumer decisions2014-12Textir_htoa
88 Contemporary projections of Utah's population portend relatively small increases in higher education enrollmentsTextir_eua
89 Coordinating humanitarian operations2014-05Textir_htoa
90 The counteractive effect of taboo: how taboo associations can fuel rather than suppress indulgence in desirable activities2018Textir_etd
91 The Covid-19 State sales tax windfall2023Textir_kcg
92 Crime and punishment: an examination of justice in judge - advisor systems2011-05Textir_etd
93 Critical issues in Utah's future: volume II1977-02Textir_eua
94 Current and future financial wellbeing of old age Russian pensioners2015-03Textir_htoa
95 Data compendium Utah strategic energy framework2023Textir_kcg
96 Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Salt Lake County: sub-county analysis2006-12Textir_eua
97 Demographic impacts of zero migration in Utah - a projection scenario2023Textir_kcg
98 Demographic inputs for Utah's long-term baseline and scenario planning projections2023Textir_kcg
99 Demographic patterns and characteristics of UtahTextir_eua
100 Demographic trends affecting public education in Utah2000-11Textir_eua
76 - 100 of 479