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1 Recreation in Utah a profile of the demand for outdoor recreation by out-of-state travelers to Utah1967-12A recurring problem when planning for economic and industrial development is the lack of sufficient basic data on which sound planning decisions can be based. One of the industry areas in which this lack of basic data has been conspicuous is the area of the out-of-state visitors' demand for Utah's o...
2 Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Salt Lake County: sub-county analysis2006-12Salt Lake County; Projections; Estimates; Aging population; Baby boom; Utah; Salt Lake Aging Services; Kennecott LandThis paper is an examination of the shifting geographic distribution of the population within Salt Lake County over time as well as an analysis of the spatial distribution of its demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. It builds on the county-level analysis included in a separate section of t...
3 Multi-county regions in Utah1970-03The publication of this report was made possible through the financial assistance of the Four Corners Regional Commission with coordination by the State Planning Coordinator's Office, State of Utah. The statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other data in this report are solely thos...
4 Population characteristics of the Salt Lake Metropolitan Area1964-01This study could not have been undertaken without the assistance of many. An expression of gratitude is due Dr. Osmond L. Harline, Director of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, and Dr. Clyde N. Randall, Dean of the College of Business, of the University of Utah, who responded to the orig...
5 Salt Lake County's distinctive demographics: implications for the aging population2006-12Salt Lake County; Projections; Estimates; Aging population; Baby boom; Utah; Salt Lake Aging Services; Kennecott LandSalt Lake County is the economic, political, and cultural center of Utah. The county is currently home to nearly 40 percent of Utah residents and generates about half of all jobs in the state. It remains the most populous county, with a million of the state's 2.6 million residents,1 and its daytime ...
6 Baseline scenario 19981998-02
7 Utah coal-market potential and economic impact1968-09Coal is one of Utah's most interesting natural resources. This mineral has had a major impact on Utah, its industry, and its people. As clearly shown by this study, the future of coal i s dependent upon finding new uses in power generation, gasification and liquefaction. Of these three possible sour...
8 Critical issues in Utah's future: volume II1977-02
9 Recreation in Utah a profile of the demand for outdoor recreation by Utah residents1966-01Are recurring problem in planning for economic and industrial development is the lack of sufficient basic data upon which sound planning decisions may be made. One of the industry areas in which the lack of basic data for planning is conspicuous by its scarcity is outdoor recreation. Yet the outdoor...
10 Salt Lake City census 2010 atlas2013-02Demographics; Salt Lake City; Utah; CensusThis volume presents and analyzes results from the 2010 Census of Population and Housing. This mandatory enumeration is conducted by the federal government and is used to determine reapportionment and redistricting. This is the most complete record of population, households, and housing units that i...
11 Salt Lake City census 2000 atlas2011-03Demographics; Salt Lake City; Utah; CensusThis volume presents the basic demographic characteristics of residents of Salt Lake City as recorded in the 2000 Census of Population and Housing. Every ten years these federal governm ent counts of people are the basis of congressional apportionment and political redistricting. Data in this volume...
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