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1 1976 Statistical Abstract of Utah1976-01The Bureau of Economic and Business Research presents the seventh edition of the Statistical Abstract of Utah, 1976, the Bicentennial Edition. The basic goal of this document is to bring together under one cover the data most often requested in a readily available format. During an average year, g...
2 Statistical Abstract of Utah 19731973-02The Bureau of Economic and Business Research presents the sixth edition of the Statistical Abstract of Utah, 1973. The basic goal of this document is to bring together under one cover the data most often requested in a readily available format. During an average year, government agencies, business f...
3 Employment and population analysis and projections Salt Lake Metropolitan Area, Utah and the United States1962-09Thomas A. McLean and Mrs. Connie P. Faulkner, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered very valuable assistance in the preparation of this report. The Utah Department of Employment Security was most cooperative and helpful in making available the necessary basic data for this stud...
4 Employment and population analysis and projections Ogden Metropolitan Area, Utah and the United States1963-07Thomas A. McLean and M r s . Connie P„ F a u l k n e r , graduate s t u d e n t s , and David L . Sutton, a senior student, in the Department of Economics, r e n d e r e d very valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a t i o n of this r e p o r t. The Utah Department of Employment Se...
5 Employment, population, income and automobiles in Salt Lake, Ogden, Provo Metropolitan Area and State of Utah1966-12William C a r l i s l e and Michael A. Stoddard, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered v e r y valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a tion of t h i s r e p o r t . Gregory M. Nielson, graduate student in Mathematics, a s s i s t e d in computer programming, and Iver...
6 Employment and population analysis and projections Provo metropolitan area, Utah and the United States1964-09This is the third and final report analyzing and projecting the employment profile and estimating the future population of Utah's three Metropolitan Areas Salt Lake, Ogden, and Provo--as part of a transportation study of each area by the Utah State Highway Department and local government agencies ...
7 1984 baseline projections executive summary1984-09
8 An analysis of land use in the Salt Lake, Ogden and Utah Valley Area transportation studies 1960 1970, and 19951972-12In early 1971, the Center for Business and Economic Research contracted with the Utah State Department of Highways to develop and apply a methodology for forecasting employment, population, dwelling units and various land use categories for the Salt Lake Area Transportation Study (SLATS), the Ogden ...
9 Barriers to industrial development in Utah's portion of the four corners region1970-06-01Utah's portion of the Four Corners area is composed of the 21 counties which are south and/or east of Salt Lake County. The Utah Four Corners area covers 65,000 square miles which is approximately 80 percent of the state. The are a has a population of 274,500 dispersed throughout the region in a ver...
10 Methodology for forecasting and allocating population, employment and land use along the Wasatch Front1970-09The report which follows presents a methodology for forecasting population, employment and land use patterns along the Wasatch Front. The methodology combines and mathematical model with a mapping analysis. Both are flexible and can be applied to transportation areas, counties, census tracts and tra...
11 The changing composition of the State budget1976-04An issue of vital concern to all taxpayers and administrators of government is the distribution of state revenues from the various accounts to the departments of state government. A detailed account of the growth and changing patterns of state expenditures from 1969 to 1975 is presented in this issu...
12 An industrial development information system for Utah1969-12
13 1986 baseline projections1986-06
14 Multi-county regions in Utah1970-03The publication of this report was made possible through the financial assistance of the Four Corners Regional Commission with coordination by the State Planning Coordinator's Office, State of Utah. The statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other data in this report are solely thos...
15 Central Utah planning region manpower survey: a rural area report June, 19671967-06
16 Immigrants transform Utah: entering a new era of diversity2004-05Utah is generally perceived as an extremely homogeneous state whose population can trace its ancestry mostly to northern Europe. Listings for surnames like Hansen, Jensen, and Christensen do fill many pages in local telephone directories throughout the state. According to census counts, the minority...
17 Utah's demographic transformation: a view into the future2008Utah, along with the rest of the nation, is in the midst of an extraordinary demographic transformation which has far from run its course. The confluence of four major trends continues to dramatically reshape the size and composition of the national and state populations. These trends include the ar...
18 Utah input-output study: projections of income, employment, output and revenue1970-01This paper includes with moderate revisions, the August, 1967, report [3]* on the Utah Input-Output study. Since this earlier publication, the Input-Output tables have been used in projecting 1975 output, income, employment and revenues. These results are reported and discussed in this paper; also d...
19 Estimates and projections of low income population in Utah 1970-19851977This i s one in a series of projections and estimates of "target populations" defined by the Utah Department of Social Services for planning, management, and budgeting purposes. The fourteen target populations are:
20 Revised Utah population estimates for the 1990s2001-05Every 10 years, the U.S. Bureau of the Census conducts a population count. In the intervening years the Utah Population Es timates Committee (UPEC) annually prepares total resident population estimates for each of the 29 counties in the state. These estimates are based on methods that ut i l i z e s...
21 Economic, demographic and fiscal impacts of closing Hill Air Force Base: a statewide and regional analysis2004-04The upcoming round of Defense Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC) is threatening the existence of Hill Air Force Base (Hill AFB). The Department of Defense is aggressively approaching this round of BRAC in its attempt to eliminate 20% to 25% of current capacity. The purpose of this study is to asses...
22 Utah coal-market potential and economic impact1968-09Coal is one of Utah's most interesting natural resources. This mineral has had a major impact on Utah, its industry, and its people. As clearly shown by this study, the future of coal i s dependent upon finding new uses in power generation, gasification and liquefaction. Of these three possible sour...
23 Demographic patterns and characteristics of UtahThe historical emphasis on numbers rather than on the quality and make-up of the population, though scarcely justifiable, is understandable. Concentration on a single magnitude certainly simplifies the projection of a population. To illustrate, the world population is now approximately 3.5 billion. ...
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