76 - 100 of 859
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76 The Determinants and consequences of improved sanitation toilets in Rural India2019Textir_etd
77 Determinants of copper demand: an end-use informed model2019Textir_etd
78 Determinants of FDI inflows by industry to asean (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam)2010Textir_etd
79 Developing emergency preparedness indices for local governments2010Textir_etd
80 Development and the environment in China: a multilevel analysis 2004-20132018Textir_etd
81 Development banks in economic development: two Latin American experiences: (nacional financiera and the banco nacional de desenvolvimento economico E social)2013-08Textir_etd
82 Development of a flash flood potential index using physiographic data sets within a geographic information system2010Textir_etd
83 The development of a lab-based paradigm to explore principles of adherence engineering in the context of hand hygiene2017Textir_etd
84 Diet and disease at Clyde's Cavern, Utah : as revealed Via Paleoscatology1972Textir_etd
85 Direct and indirect minority stress experiences of parents with gay, lesbian, or bisexual children2017Textir_etd
86 Directors' and participants' perceptions of a program promoting the economic self-sufficiency of women with refugee status2011-08Textir_etd
87 Disaggregating the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on academic performance in a Veteran sample2018Textir_etd
88 Disentangling diffusion: an analysis of municipal tax rate patterns2015Textir_etd
89 Dispositional mindfulness and stress resilience: self-regulatory capacity, affective stability, and presleep arousal in daily life2016Textir_etd
90 The Diwaniyya: guestroom sociability and bureaucratic brokerage in Kuwait2014-08Textir_etd
91 Do different types of negative events lead to distinct adaptive functioning threats?2015Textir_etd
92 Does choice moderate the effects of received social support on cardiovascular reactivity?2013-12Textir_etd
93 Does language guide behavior in children with autism?2013Textir_etd
94 Domestic labor and wellbeing: the Evlatlık institution in turkey2016Textir_etd
95 Dominicans, decompression, and doping: three essays on the economics of sports2011-08Textir_etd
96 Drill baby drill: an analysis of how energy development displaced ranching's dominance over the BLM'S subgovernment policymaking environment2010Textir_etd
97 Dyadic examination of posttraumatic stress symptoms, relationship satisfaction, and potential mediators in military couples2014-08Textir_etd
98 Dynamical systems analysis of gender-related interest development in online coursework2017Textir_etd
99 Economic and Political forces shaping the smoot-hawley tariff act of 19301972Textir_etd
100 The economic consequences of intimate partner violence over the life cycle2018Textir_etd
76 - 100 of 859