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1 Nicoll, KathleenThe climate and environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating science, history, and archaeologyThis article, which is part of a larger project, examines cases in which high-resolution archaeological, textual, and environmental data can be integrated with longer-term, low-resolution data to afford greater precision in identifying some of the causal relationships underlying societal change.2014-01-01
2 Codding, Brian F.External impacts on internal dynamics: Effects of paleoclimatic and demographic variability on acorn exploitation along the Central California coastResearch into human-environment interaction in California prehistory often focuses on either the internal dynamics of adaptive decisions or the external impacts of environmental change. While both processes were surely driving prehistoric variability, integrating these approaches is not altogether s...Acorn exploitation; Prehistoric land use; Behavioral ecology2016
3 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.; Jewell, PaulBonneville basin analogues for large lake processes & chronologies of geomorphic development on MarsPleistocene Lake Bonneville was a large (~50,000 sq km) terrestrial closed lake system in Utah, USA that developed during the Last Glacial Maximum (~20 ka BP), and persisted at highstand until a catastrophic outburst flood event ~17.4 ka cal BP and warming climate significantly lowered its volume [1...2009
4 Wei, Y. H. DennisUrbanization, land use, and sustainable development in ChinaChina's economic reforms and unprecedented growth have generated many fascinating issues for scholarly research. An understanding of urbanization and land use change in China is required for appropriate strategies and policies to facilitate future sustainable development. This paper reviews the lite...2014-01-01
5 Forster, Richard R.QuickSCAT derived snow accumulation estimates in the dry snow, percolation and wet snow zones of the Greenland ice sheet2011
6 Codding, Brian F.Socioecological dynamics structuring the spread of farming in the North American Basin-Plateau RegionThe spread of agriculture is a major driver of social and environmental change throughout 25 the Holocene, yet experimental and ethnographic data indicate that farming is less profitable than foraging, so why would individuals choose to adopt agriculture leading to its expansion? Ideal distribution ...Ideal free distribution model; population ecology; behavioral ecology; maize agriculture; Ancestral Puebloan; Fremont Complex2021
7 Forster, Richard R.Explaining the presence of perennial liquid water bodies in the firn of the Greenland Ice SheetRecent observations have shown that the firn layer on the Greenland Ice Sheet features subsurface bodies of liquid water at the end of the winter season. Using a model with basic firn hydrology, thermodynamics, and compaction in one dimension, we find that a combination of moderate to strong surface...2014-01-01
8 Forster, Richard R.Summer melt regulates winter glacier flow speeds throughout AlaskaPredicting how climate change will affect glacier and ice sheet flow speeds remains a large hurdle toward accurate sea level rise forecasting. Increases in surface melt rates are known to accelerate glacier flow in summer, whereas in winter, flow speeds are believed to be relatively invariant. Here ...2013-01-01
9 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartLabor productivity and energy use in a three sector model: an application to EgyptThis paper presents a model of a developing economy with three sectors| industry, agriculture, and energy. Industry and energy are assumed to be demand- constrained, but agriculture supply-constrained. The model highlights (a) structural transformation, through labor transfer from agriculture to in...2010
10 Rogers, Alan R.Pleistocene population X-plosion?In two recent papers, Kaessmann et al. presented DNA sequence data from the X chromosome (Xq13.3) of 30 chimpanzees and 69 humans (Kaessmann et al. 1999a; Kaessmann et al. 1999b). These data bear on two longstanding questions involving late Pleistocene demographic history: (1) whether the long-term...2000
11 Francis, John G.Resourceful responses: the adaptive research university and the drive to marketA major challenge for contemporary public research universities is the need to affirm to the public and to the political community that the quality of higher education found at these largely autonomous institutions is of such import that it should be sustained by both public and private support. Thi...State Universities; Higher Education; Public institutions1999
12 Forster, Richard R.Prevalence of pure versus mixed snow cover pixels across spatial resolutions in alpine environmentsRemote sensing of snow-covered area (SCA) can be binary (indicating the presence/absence of snow cover at each pixel) or fractional (indicating the fraction of each pixel covered by snow). Fractional SCA mapping provides more information than binary SCA, but is more difficult to implement and may no...2014-01-01
13 Zick, Cathleen D.Does daylight savings time encourage physical activity?Background: Extending Daylight Savings Time (DST) has been identified as a policy intervention that may encourage physical activity. However, there has been little research on the question of if DST encourages adults to be more physically active. Methods: Data from residents of Arizona, Colorado, Ne...2014-01-01
14 Codding, BrianCodding, Brian: Living outside the box: An updated perspective on diet breadth and sexual division of labor in the Prearchaic Great Basin [Author's Manuscript]A tremendous amount has been learned about the Prearchaic (before 9000 BP) Great Basin since we advocated a perspective of sexual division of labor based on Human Behavioral Ecology a decade ago. Many investigators have taken our advice and a few have challenged our assumptions and inferences. One o...2014-01-01
15 Codding, Brian F.Explaining prehistoric variation in the abundance of large prey: a zooarchaeological analysis of deer and rabbit hunting along the Pecho Coast of Central CaliforniaThree main hypotheses are commonly employed to explain diachronic variation in the relative abun dance of remains of large terrestrial herbivores: (1) large prey populations decline as a function of anthro pogenic overexploitation; (2 ) large prey tends to increase as a result of increasing social p...Foraging; Resource depression; Prestige hunting; Paleoclimatic variability; Human behavioral ecology; Zooarchaeology; Central California2009-11-14
16 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Introduction: origins and settlement of the indigenous populations of the Aleutian ArchipelagoThe series of papers in this special issue of Human Biology use an interdisciplinary approach to address regional questions and to integrate disparate Aleutian data into a broad, synthetic effort. The contributors leverage decades of data on Aleut origins, biogeography, and behavior through integrat...2010
17 Broughton, JohnHomestead cave IchthyofaunaBiological evidence on the climatic and hydrographic history of the intermountain region would be much richer, if we had more than the present dribble of paleontological data on the fishes (Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 25). In this passage from their landmark synthesis of historical fish biogeograph...Homestead Cave; Ichthyofauna; Lake Bonneville2000
18 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Marriage and divorce in Utah and the United States: convergence or continued divergence?The social context for marriage and divorce in the United States has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Since the 1950s, Americans have been waiting longer to marry. Women's median age at first marriage rose from 20 in the 1960s to 25 in 2000; for men, the increase was from 22 to 27 (Clar...2006
19 Li, MinqiChinas grain production: a decade of consecutive growth or stagnation?Some progressive writers have argued that while China's agricultural privatization achieved short-term gains, it did so by undermining longterm production facilities such as the infrastructure and public services built in the socialist era.1 Environmental scholars have questioned the sustainability ...2014-01-01
20 Forster, Richard R.Effects of bedrock lithology and subglacial till on the motion of Ruth Glacier, Alaska, deduced from five pulses from 1973 to 2012A pulse is a type of unstable glacier flow intermediate between normal flow and surging. Using Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ imagery and feature-tracking software, a time series of mostly annual velocity maps from 1973 to 2012 was produced that reveals five pulses of Ruth Glacier, Alaska. Peaks in ice ve...2014-01-01
21 Francis, LeslieJustice through trust: disability and the Outlier problem in Social Contract TheoryThe article focuses on the flaws of the social contract theory. It explores how hostile the social contract as a bargaining process has been thought to distance disabled people from contract-based justice. It analyzes the argument that the history of social contract theory exclude the people with di...Consensus, social sciences; Discrimination; Social contract; Social ethics; Sociology of disability2005-10
22 Broughton, JohnTerminal Pleistocene fish remains from Homestead Cave, Utah, and implications for fish biogeography in the Bonneville BasinEleven fish species were identified from Homestead Cave, Utah. The remains, concentrated in the lowest stratum of the deposit, were accumulated by owls between approximately 11,200 and 10,100 14C yr B.P. and likely represent fish associated with the final die-off of the Lake Bonneville fauna. Fou...Fish assemblage; Quaternary; Lake Bonneville2000
23 Wiessner, Pauline W.Vines of complexity - egalitarian structures and the institutionalization of inequality among the EngaThe initial stages of the institutionalization of hierarchical social inequalities remain poorly understood. Recent models have added important perspectives to "adaptationist" approaches by centering on the agency of "aggrandizers" who alter egalitarian institutions to suit their own ends through de...Egalitarian structures; Political evolution; Social d2002-04
24 Forster, Richard R.Initial in situ measurements of perennial meltwater storage in the Greenland firn aquiferA perennial storage of water in a firn aquifer was discovered in southeast Greenland in 2011. We present the first in situ measurements of the aquifer, including densities and temperatures. Water was present at depths between ~12 and 37m and amounted to 18.7 ± 0.9 kg in the extracted core. The wate...2014-01-01
25 Maloney, Thomas N.Higher places in the industrial machinery?: tight labor markets and occupational advancement by black males in the 1910sThe economic history of African American workers since 1940 has been marked by alternating episodes of progress and stagnation. Sharp gains in relative incomes during the 1940s were followed by little change in this measure in the 1950s. Renewed progress from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s was follo...Black people; Job opportunities; Labor market2005
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