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1 Hawkes, KristenBinumarien color categoriesThis paper has two aims. The first is to describe an ethnographically new system of color classification, Binumarien, a non-Austronesian or Papuan language of the Eastern Central Highlands of New Guinea2. In this connection we are particularly interested in relating our data to the Berlin and Kay (1...Binumarien; Binumariens1975
2 McDaniel, SusanMedical culture and health politics: the Ontario debateThe 1986 doctors' strike in Ontario brought into stark relief many of the issues that have been latent in Canadian health politics for several decades. In this paper, an analysis from a sociological perspective is offered of the issues involved in the 1986 doctors' strike. Issues are discussed i...1988
3 Francis, John G.Public lands institutions and their discontentsThe history of the federal lands has been marked by recurring debates over the nature of the land tenure system in the West. The fundamental and enduring nature of these debates has been quite apparent recently, for serious attention has been paid to the following specific proposals. Should the owne...Federal lands; United States1986
4 McDaniel, SusanHealth care in an aging Canada: constraint or choice?It is often presumed that population aging will result in increased demand for health care, with older Canadians seen as a "burden" to the working population. Yet, such a presumption of direct correlation (with implied causality) belies the complex questions of societal choices in expenditures: fac...Age factors; Canada; Health care costs1994
5 McDaniel, SusanWomen, work and health: some challenges to health promotionWith greater proportions of women spending more of their working' lives outside the home, the worksite may be an excellent place for health education and promotion among women. Building' opportunities into the work day for information and counselling sessions, education about worksite health hazard...Housewives; Working women; Health risk1987
6 Wiessner, Pauline W.On emergency decisions, egalitarianism, and group selectionBoehm (CA 37:763-93) puts forward an important thesis-that with the evolution of egalitarian societies, privileged routes to reproductive advantage are blocked and the power of individua selection severely compromised. With competition so constrained, altruistic behavior can more readily spread i...Boehm's mode; Evolution of altruistic behavior1998-06
7 Wang, Yu; Sun, Bindong; Yu, ZhouEqualization or polarization? The effect of the Internet on National Urban Hierarchies across the World, 2000-2018As Internet adoption and diffusion continues worldwide, little is known about its effects on the restructuring of national urban hierarchies across the world. We create a panel data of city population with uniform definitions within each of the 133 countries from 2000 to 2018, using the Pareto index...Internet; urban hierarchy; nonlinear link; channel; transnational; urban growth2018
8 Wiessner, Pauline W.On network analysis: the potential for understanding (and misunderstanding) !Kung HxaroSchweizer's social network analysis (CA 38: 739-52) of gift giving among the !Kung San (Ju/'hoansi) demonstrates most elegantly how individual strategies, guided by basic cultural rules, coalesce to form a regional system. Complex connections in the network that defied description with simpler anayt...Density of kinship; Nonsymmetry; Ethnohistorica1998-08
9 Fogel, Alan DaleExpressing affection and love to young childrenFew people would seriously contest the proposition that children need love. The belief that children thrive on love is not universal, but in our western culture it has become the foundation for the work of educators and parents (Kagan, 1978). Yet, for all of our certainty about the principle, the p...Expressing affection1980
10 Wen, MingRacial and ethnic differences in general health status and limiting health conditions among American children: parental reports in the 1999 National Survey of America's FamiliesObjectives: This research investigates the association between race/ethnicity and child health and examines the role of family structure, family SES, and healthcare factors in this association. Five major racial/ethnic groups in the United States are studied. Two child health outcomes including pare...Socioeconomic status; Health care; Children; Race; Ethnicity2006-09-01
11 Francis, LeslieEminent domain compensation in the Western states: a critique of the fair market value modelBoth the United States Constitution and the constitutions of the states of the intermountain west and the Pacific Coast prohibit the state from taking property without paying just compensation. Thus, there are two basic issues in any eminent domain case. First, has governmental interference with pro...Eminent domain; Compensation; Governmental interference; Fair Market Value2006-06-16
12 Waitzman, Norman J.Connecting the dots and merging meaning: using mixed methods to study primary care delivery transformationObjective: To demonstrate the value of mixed methods in the study of practice transformation and illustrate procedures for connecting methods and for merging findings to enhance the meaning derived.. Data Source/Study Setting: An integrated network of university-owned, primary care practices at the ...2013-01-01
13 Holzner, Claudio A.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Maloney, Thomas N.; Abebe, Berhanie; Lund, Matthew; Schaub, KristenEconomic impact of the Mexico-Utah relationshipThis study began during the Summer of 2005 and set out to examine the complexity of the globalized relation between Utah and Mexico, concentrating on broadly defined "economic linkages." It was designed to build upon earlier similar studies done in Arizona and in Texas on those states' relations wit...Economics, Utah; Migration; Immigration; Mexico; Undocumented immigrants2006-03-10
14 Zimmer, ZacharyUrban versus rural mortality among older adults in ChinaUrban versus rural place of residence has proven to be a critical health determinant over time and across countries. Several studies have demonstrated an urban advantage in mortality in China. This variation by place of residence could be a function of differences in characteristics of individuals, ...Urban mortality; Rural mortality; China2006
15 McElreath, RichardEconomic man in cross-cultural perspective: behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societiesSince "Selfishness examined . . ." (Caporael et al. 1989) appeared in these pages, more than 15 years ago, many additional experiments have strongly confirmed the doubts expressed by Caporael and her collaborators concerning the adequacy of self-interest as a behavioral foundation for the social sci...Economic outcomes; Selfishness; Fairness; Reciprocity2005
16 Hawkes, KristenAssignment of relationship terms in BinumarienKinship systems have a perennial fascination. From Morgan's day to the present, a long succession of authors have produced their diagrams and algebraic explanations . . . Kinship terminology and its diagramatic arrangements provide, ready made, a delightful series of mathematical abstractions and it...Binumarien; Binumariens1977
17 Drews, Frank; Strayer, David LeeDevelopment and evaluation of a high-fidelity simulator training program for snowplow operatorsThe safe operation of a snowplow requires a high level of expertise. Drivers often operate in very stressful situations, maneuvering 30 tons of equipment in tight quarters in blizzard conditions. Drivers often work long shifts, negotiate their vehicle in heavy traffic, on slippery roads with very li...Snowplow operators; Simulators; Accidents2004
18 Zimmer, ZacharyFamily size and support of older adults in urban and rural China: current effects and future implicationsChina will experience rapid growth in the proportion and number of older people in its population in the near future as a consequence of an extraordinarily rapid decline in fertility over the past several decades. Total fertility rates were as high as 7.5 in the early 1950s, but have fallen to below...Urban China; Rural China; Support; Older adults; One-child policy2003
19 Wei, YehuaRestructuring industrial districts, scaling up regional development: a study of the Wenzhou Model, ChinaThe Wenzhou Municipality in Zhejiang Province is spearheading China's marketization and development of private enterprises. Its successful development trajectory, centered on family-owned small businesses embedded in thick local institutions, resembles Marshallian industrial districts (MIDs). Howeve...China; Marshallian industrial district, regional lock-in; Wenzhou Model, China2007-09-24
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