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1 Caylor, Natalie"Everything I really want to do": aging in place during the covid-19 pandemicAging in place allows older adults to live in one's own home and community safely, independently and comfortably. The majority of older adults hope to age in place for as long as possible, and a number of supportive factors are necessary to make aging in place successful. Literature suggests these f...successful aging; home- and community-based care and services; caregiving; technology; mental health2022
2 de Andrade, Debora Brito"Nadie Me Entiende" [No one understand me]: impacts of cultural and language barriers on social isolation and loneliness in Spanish-speaking older adultsCultural and language barriers during the older stages of life can lead to an increased risk for social isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, Spanish-speaking adults are more likely to have poor access to care in Utah and in the rest of the United States, which decreases the likelihood of detection...Spanish-speaking; language; Mental health2021
3 Fuchs, MadelineA case study on perceptions of homeless abatements in Salt Lake CountyHomelessness impacts 12,442 Utahns every year. Several of these people live in encampments, these areas are particularly problematic because they often become places of heightened health, sanitation, and safety concerns. In order to mitigate these issues, several municipalities within Salt Lake Coun...2023
4 Gomez-Alvarez, LorhenA crisis on the border: an unexpected crisis or an expected outcome?Increased immigration from the Northern Triangles countries has strained the current asylum structures. Overhauling detention and long wait times have plagued the system after the initial arrival of a large group of unaccompanied minors and then subsequently the arrival of large migrant caravans. Th...2019
5 Stewart, PatrickA Real-World Investigation of the Attentional Capture ParadigmAttention directs awareness toward important objects, like food or predators, and filters out unimportant objects, like familiar scenery. Two modes of visual attention have been identified: goal-directed and stimulus-driven (Simons, 2000). Goal-directed attention refers to a deliberate search for ob...2017
6 Miller, MatthewThe Affordable Care Act and the Future of us Healthcare: Consumer Driven Care and Value Driven CareHealthcare in the United States has drastically changed over the last two hundred years. Today, the United States has the most technologically advanced medical care in the world. But, as a result, costs have soared and currently account for 17% of the GDP, which is significantly higher than in other...2017
7 Gonzalez, Marcos DavidAn Analysis of the Court of Arbitration system: Status & Power Through the Lens of LaugtherLaughter is a nonverbal communication that demonstrates status and power across contexts such as hospital wards, fraternities, and even the United States Supreme Court. While it may be humorous in nature, the implications of laughter as a symbol that gathers perceived status, a mediator of social hi...2020
8 Jabini, Mohammad EmadAn Examination of Switchover CostsThis thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b...2018
9 Nilson, Jens C.An examination of the bioethical and legal dilemmas surrounding genetic editing through narrative and story tellingExamining complex topics and issues through narrative and storytelling is a staple of the fiction genre. By presenting abstract problems and ethical dilemmas in a relatable context, and giving examples attached to real characters, the reader becomes emotionally and mentally invested in the issues fa...2022
10 Franco, XimenaAn in-depth analysis of the court system's response to a child's psychological well-being in domestic violence custody hearingsIn a child custody hearing where domestic violence is present in the household, court appointed evaluators are tasked to investigate the nature of the alleged domestic abuse, the offender and victims, and the threat of ongoing violence after the separation. Prior research illuminates how the court t...domestic violence; child custody; psychological intervention; courts2023
11 Lee, KaulAnger Co-Rumination Among Same-Sex Adolescent PeersCo-rumination refers to an extensive discussion of problems, speculation about problems, and focus on negative emotions engaged in by two or more people. Research on emotion coping suggests that co-rumination, or dwelling on problems, leads to problematic emotional adjustment. Girls have been found ...2019
12 Kozlowski, ZoeAssessing the Contraceptive Needs of Homeless Women in Salt Lake City, UtahBackground: Homeless women across the US have reduced access to contraception and reproductive healthcare. They are at especially high risk for sexual trauma, contracting HIV or other sexually transmitted infections, and suffering from mental and physical conditions and substance use disorders. The ...2018
13 Cordova, Lauren A.Associations Between Race, Education Level, Socioeconomic Status and Contraceptive Disontinucation after 1 year of Free Contraceptives in Salt Lake countyUnplanned pregnancies make up nearly half of all pregnancies. This prompted the HER Salt Lake Project to offer free contraceptives to women in Salt Lake County, Utah. Discontinuation or switching of free contraceptives is linked to race, education level, socioeconomic status, and the choice of contr...2020
14 Hynes, WilliamAudience Tailoring: Implications for Narrative IdentityIn the present study, I examined the extent and effect of audience tailoring in a sample of college-going emerging adults (n = 106). Participants reported four narratives for the researcher, and then edited them for mothers and friends, producing eight edited narratives each (n = 848 narratives) in ...2017
15 Venugopal, NikilaBaldwin in Conversation: Love and Black Lives MatterWith rising tensions surrounding racial inequality in the United States, and the national prominence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, it is hardly surprising that the works of James Baldwin have had a revival in popular culture and literature. Throughout his writings, Baldwin has advocated for Bl...2018
16 Otrusinik, JanBank Profitability, Mergers and Acquisitions: An Empirical Analysis for the US EconomyMergers and acquisitions (M&A) are popular strategies deployed by financial institutions to expand their balance sheets and consequently their market share. Economic and regulatory forces over the prior 30 years have been instrumental in driving M&A activity within the financial sector, yet limited ...2020
17 Allen, Ashley K.Borderline Personality Disorder During Pregnancy, Physiology, and Correlations Between Borderline Symptoms and Newborn NeurobehaviorPrior research has shown prenatal stress and parental mental illness impair developmental well-being for infants. However, literature examining borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms during pregnancy and infant neurobehavioral outcomes for women with BPD are largely lacking. The purpose of t...2018
18 Cockrell, JacquelineCampus interpersonal violence: understanding of University PolicyInterpersonal violence on university campuses and within university communities has always existed, but recently these issues are becoming more prevalent in the public eye. How universities handle these issues, the policies they put in place, and the efforts to reduce these incidents are ever-changi...2023
19 Camara, BarbaraCan More Sensitive Caregiving Buffer the Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Problem Behavior?In 2012, CDC researchers found that 11.5% of women delivering a live birth that year had postpartum depressive symptoms (Ko, Rockhill, Tong, Morrow, & Farr, 2017). Children who have been exposed to maternal depressive symptoms in their first year of life tend to show elevated deficits in a variety o...2019
20 Adams, TaylorChange in trait impressions of the self and othersThis study examined how trait judgments of the self and others change over time. The research question that was addressed was "Do the changes in trait impressions of the self parallel the changes in trait impressions of others?" One hundred and twenty-five college students rated the frequency of cha...2018
21 Burton, KaitlynThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Views on Homosexuality and How it Relates to Labeling TheoryThis piece serves as an investigation and critique into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their views of same-sex marriage, as well as the treatment of those experiencing same-sex attraction within the church. This will be done in part by using official church doctrine that has bee...2019
22 Geskes, Kelli KristinaCircumplex Based Interpersonal Processes Contribute to Link Between Self-Regulation and Social OutcomesA variety of individual differences in aspects of self-regulation (e.g., grit, self-control, conscientiousness) predict important life outcomes, such as wellbeing, vocational success, and physical health. Most conceptual models of these associations emphasize intrapersonal processes (e.g., inhibitio...2020
23 Rashid, InakhshmiCommunication between young adults and family members with type 2 diabetesWith a staggering 537 million adults living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) as of 2021, T2D has become one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the world. Lowering this prevalence is possible as T2D is preventable through healthy lifestyle habits, even amongst people with an increased risk due to ...2023
24 Meredith, SarahThe Community and School Factors Effecting Student Achievement in Utah Public School DistrictsIn 2017, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) published a report titled "What Drives Student Achievement Across States?" finding that, "educational attainment of adults has the largest and most consistent impact on k-12 student achievement." This was analysis on three measure of studen...2020
25 Seshan, ThulasiComparative Indigenous Water Law in the Western United States and AustraliaIn 2010 the United Nations declared that water was a human right. Yet indigenous peoples around the world still do not have full access to water- to their human right. This paper attempts to understand what water rights indigenous people do have, and how those can be expanded to meet international h...2018
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