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1 Collingridge, BrooklynSubstance use disorder treatment limitations for women veterans experiencing homelessnessThe risk of developing substance use disorder (SUD) is particularly high among women Veterans experiencing homelessness. Access to high-quality tailored healthcare in Veterans' primary care centers-known as Patient-Aligned Care Teams (PACTs)-is needed in order to address the unique combination of ge...2024
2 O'Brien, CullenIntimate ideological space: an analysis of personalized online environmentsThis thesis examines the ideological significance of "personalized online environments." POEs are environments on the internet that are engineered to adhere to individuals' preferences. Most influential theories of ideology - those of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Stuart Hall and othe...2021
3 Meadows, TylaWhen anger fades: changes in sadness and fear after narrating angry eventsHumans relate to each other through shared stories of past experiences. Telling stories about emotionally charged memories gives the narrator an avenue through which to process the event and the emotions they felt as it happened. Previous research suggests that this narrative experience may lead to ...2021
4 Morse, Rachel A.Oh my amplitude! : the role of subjective motivation on the amplitude of the error-related negativityMaking mistakes is part of our human experience. When individuals commit errors, they can learn from their mistakes and minimize future errors in different scenarios. We can measure error monitoring in the brain with EEG. The error-related negativity (ERN) is an event-related potential observed when...2021
5 Mann, KyraMicroplastic water pollution spanning the wildland to urban gradient of red Butte Creek, Salt Lake City, UtahAnthropogenic activities contribute to the presence and abundance of microplastics in aquatic habitats. Microplastic pollution poses risks to the health of humans, wildlife, and ecosystems, acting as vectors that carry harmful toxins and disease. However, there is relatively little research on the e...2021
6 Liu, JulianneThe mobilization of Asian Americans for environmental justiceLargely excluded from conceptions of racial injustice in the United States, Asian Americans also experience marginalization in the Environmental Justice (EJ) movement. This invisibility is reinforced by EJ literature, which contains comparatively little research on Asian Americans compared to other ...2021
7 Jordan, Benjamin WaltzFrom sewer to soil: planetary boundaries, metabolic rift and Salt Lake City's wastewater treatmentSalt Lake City's water resource recovery facility (WRRF) is undergoing a multi-year upgrade in order to reduce nitrogen-induced eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles all converge at WRRFs where they can, in part, be managed. In this paper, I perform a general...2021
8 Howard, KathrynReligious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS context religious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS contextIn recent years, there has been more discussion around the trauma and trauma responses that come from being a queer individual (one who identifies with members of the LGBTQIA+ community) inside a high-demand religion that does not affirm existence or behaviors of LGBTQ+ individuals. Emerging literat...2023
9 Grandy, HaileyExamining the associations between maternal intrusiveness and detachment and cognitive and language skills in 18-month-old childrenSensitive parenting refers to the degree to which a parent responds to a child's needs punctually and appropriately. In contrast, insensitive parenting occurs when a parent is less attuned to their child's needs and often comes in two distinct forms: detachment and intrusiveness. Detachment occurs w...2023
10 Child, SkyleeImaining an ultimate approach to the healthcare system in the 21st century2023
11 Brown, Jackson AyersThe effects and general applicability of British influence in post-colonial EswatiniIn the building of new states in Sub-Saharan Africa following the long period of British colonialism, successful democracies have been few and far between. Eswatini, the main focus of this research, began as a democracy following its independence in 1968, but soon slid into authoritarianism. Today, ...2023
12 Sencion, MaglayGardens on food security and health of resettled refugees in the Salt Lake City AreaThere are several nutritional challenges that refugees and immigrants face during and after migration. Often, they arrive in their new countries with nutrition deficiencies due to cultural and language barriers, poor housing, and low socioeconomic conditions. Following their arrival, recently resett...2023
13 Rashid, InakhshmiCommunication between young adults and family members with type 2 diabetesWith a staggering 537 million adults living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) as of 2021, T2D has become one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the world. Lowering this prevalence is possible as T2D is preventable through healthy lifestyle habits, even amongst people with an increased risk due to ...2023
14 Garg, GauriPhysical activity and nutrition correlation with white matter hyperintensities on brain MRIOBJECTIVE Our aim is to identify a correlation between the level of physical activity or nutritional intake and white matter hyperintensity (WMH) on MRI of the brain. BACKGROUND White matter hyperintensities are a radiographic marker of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD). Individual's levels of ph...2023
15 Fuchs, MadelineA case study on perceptions of homeless abatements in Salt Lake CountyHomelessness impacts 12,442 Utahns every year. Several of these people live in encampments, these areas are particularly problematic because they often become places of heightened health, sanitation, and safety concerns. In order to mitigate these issues, several municipalities within Salt Lake Coun...2023
16 Bunker, KerriganUnderstanding the current State of food-based mutual aid in Salt Lake City for community resilienceSalt Lake City experienced a growth in food-related mutual aid networks throughout the pandemic that sought to provide food to those without. But now we are approaching the end of the third year of a world with COVID-19, the current state of mutual aid initiatives varies. The current study seeks to ...2023
17 Case, JuliaOn the bicycle and humility: making sanctuary at the nexus of capitalism and climate changeThe Anthropocene, or perhaps better referred to as the Capitalocene, has been marked by human activity that is intense both in depth and breadth. Human interactions with the greater ecology of the planet have, since the Industrial Revolution, been markedly onesided, with a misguided perception of hu...2021
18 Anderson, AshleyIntracranial electrocorticographic correlates of intrinsic brain neetworksAnalyzing patterns of intracranial electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings can provide insight into how temporal and spatial components of brain activity are related on a trial-by-trial basis. Research on fMRI resting state networks has clarified the role of the default mode network (DMN) in intern...2021
19 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, Utah2023
20 Mason, IndigoEvaluating, implementing, and supporting sexual health programming for young adults at The University of UtahSex, sexuality, and reproduction are intimately tied to what it means to be human. The field of sexual and reproductive health explores the nuances and connections between intimacy, pregnancy, and birth with economic, social, and political power. Even though the field has made remarkable strides, st...2021
21 Woolford, DallinCreating false memories using real-world objects: an attempt to expand upon a classic studyThis study aimed to investigate the relationship between different types of stimulus presentation and their effects on both memory confidence and memory accuracy through researching the phenomenon known as false memories. Investigating ways to raise memory confidence and to still retain accurate mem...2023
22 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, UtahFish Lake's location in central Utah at 8,848 feet above sea level offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of wildfires on high-elevation forested ecosystems in the Colorado Plateau region. A ~60,000-year lake sediment record from Fish lake provides evidence of multiple disturbances througho...2023
23 Singer, EmilyEffect of Covid-19 pandemic on oral health among uninsured populationsIntroduction: It is extremely important to maintain optimal oral health. Accessibility to dental care is vital for uninsured low-income individuals. There is a deficit of research that examines oral healthcare seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic among uninsured low-income individuals. Objective: Th...2023
24 Gambassi, Jack L.Framing social justice through the capabilities lens: examining post-conviction labor market barriersThis thesis relates two bodies of existing research: (1) the use of capabilities as the basis for a theory of justice and (2) labor market reentry barriers created by conviction history. The capabilities approach is an alternative analytical framework to understanding social justice than alternative...2023
25 Franco, XimenaAn in-depth analysis of the court system's response to a child's psychological well-being in domestic violence custody hearingsIn a child custody hearing where domestic violence is present in the household, court appointed evaluators are tasked to investigate the nature of the alleged domestic abuse, the offender and victims, and the threat of ongoing violence after the separation. Prior research illuminates how the court t...domestic violence; child custody; psychological intervention; courts2023
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